The purpose of this study is to develop and validate empirically a research model that depicts the relationships between the identified key value proposition attributes of mobile…
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate empirically a research model that depicts the relationships between the identified key value proposition attributes of mobile value‐added services and the core factors of brand equity.
Survey data collected from 497 mobile value‐added service consumers were examined using structural equation modeling to validate the research model.
The results indicate that the mobile service attributes of personalization, identifiability, and perceived enjoyment have significant positive influences on the key brand equity factors, including brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand awareness, and brand associations. Additionally, the results confirm the significance of all four of the brand equity factors in interpreting consumer purchase intention in the context of mobile value‐added service consumption.
Practical implications
The research results provide insights into how mobile value‐added services may be better designed and delivered to enhance brand equity and, in turn, profits.
While the market potential of mobile value‐added services and the importance of brand equity have both been widely recognized, the development and empirical validation of a model that specifically depicts the determinants of mobile value‐added service consumption from a brand‐equity perspective has not yet been undertaken. Consequently, this study investigates the relationships among key m‐commerce attributes, core brand‐equity components, and consumer behaviors. The research results have extended the application and advanced the understanding of previous mobile‐commerce and brand‐equity theories in the context of mobile value‐added service consumption.
Gurjeet Kaur Sahi, Harjit Singh Sekhon and Tahira Khanam Quareshi
India’s retail sector is going through a significant transitional period with the internet as a new distribution channel becoming more common. Given the barriers to adoption, the…
India’s retail sector is going through a significant transitional period with the internet as a new distribution channel becoming more common. Given the barriers to adoption, the purpose of this paper is to understand the role played by trusting beliefs when engaging with an online retailer. In the Indian market, online vending is expected to increase at a rate of 35 per cent per annum, and by understanding trusting beliefs retailers will be able to develop their market share by developing appropriate and/or innovative strategies.
The work is based on a sample of more than 200 internet customers in India. In understanding the data and the relationships that emerged from the modelling, the authors used a range of tools to analyse the data, including CFA and structural equation modelling. The authors also used descriptive statistics to provide a holistic overview of response profiles.
The study reveals that trusting beliefs are negatively influenced by an uncertainty avoidance culture and positively influenced by a firm’s image and a customer’s price awareness. Moreover, purchase intentions (PIs) are significantly enhanced by trusting beliefs in an online environment. Hence, it leads us to conclude that PIs can be augmented by facilitating and ensuring good quality service by placing special emphasis on timeliness, accuracy and conditions of the order, security and privacy paradigms, aftersales services, etc.
Research limitations/implications
As can be seen, the internet is an emergent tool for retailers in India. By understanding trusting beliefs, retailers will be able to better understand customers’ behaviour and thus design management strategies accordingly. Although this is likely to take more than a decade, as internet retailing becomes embedded it may have a detrimental effect on the historical channel to market, thus altering the country’s retail landscape which is currently dominated by small retailers.
Practical implications
The work’s findings are insightful for those seeking to maximize the opportunities presented by the internet as a channel to market. The works shows how the channel is influenced and thus how it can be managed. In making the contribution the authors provide guidance in terms of operational activity to engage with potential customers.
This paper examines trusting beliefs when using the internet as a channel to market and in doing so it makes a new contribution because it establishes links with culture and other factors. For the research venue the authors use a developing market and therefore the findings are applicable to markets with similar characteristics.
Jeffrey Boon Hui Yap and Hui Min Toh
Knowledge management (KM) is crucial to ensure construction organisations effectively take advantage of existing expertise, engendering faster and more effective decision-making…
Knowledge management (KM) is crucial to ensure construction organisations effectively take advantage of existing expertise, engendering faster and more effective decision-making. Most importantly, it helps organisations to learn from past experiences. Despite its increasing academic attention, the implementation of KM is still relatively slow across the construction industry. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gain a renewed understanding of the extent of KM practices in construction.
Quantitative approach using a questionnaire survey was used to prioritise the 15 critical factors and 9 enables of knowledge creation. Finally, an exploratory factor analysis is used to determine the principal elements of successful KM implementation in construction.
KM in a construction organisation is significantly influenced by knowledge sharing, collaboration, learning from mistakes, employee training and knowledge strategy. On the other hand, knowledge is created mostly through project mistakes, individual constant self-improvement, challenging barrier, review session and brainstorming discussion. With factor analysis technique, three underlying factors impacting KM practices are capacity and capability improvement, long-term commitment and innovation and synergetic working culture.
Research limitations/implications
Questionnaire survey was used as the single data collection instrument. The findings of the current study shed light on the salient issues affecting KM practices in construction but may not generalise to organisations operating in other industries.
Practical implications
These findings can support first-order KM implementation decision-making and enable the exploitation of existing knowledge assets towards achieving sustainable development and competitive advantage.
Effective KM practices are about finding the best ways to deliver the right knowledge to the right person at the right time, enabling informed decision-making and improving operational efficiencies. The contribution of this study is built upon the examination of the underlying factors of KM implementation; the findings provide insights into the core aspects of KM practices, facilitating managers in prioritising KM strategies that are really going to make a difference.
The purpose of this paper is to provide the historical background of genealogical records and analyze the value of Chinese genealogical research through the study of names and…
The purpose of this paper is to provide the historical background of genealogical records and analyze the value of Chinese genealogical research through the study of names and genealogical resources.
The paper examines the historical evolution and value of Chinese genealogical records, with the focus on researching the Islamic Chinese names used by the people living in Guilin. The highlight of this paper includes the analysis and evolution of the Islamic Chinese names commonly adopted by the local people in Guilin. It concludes with the recommendations on emphasizing and making the best use of genealogical records to enhance the research value of Chinese overseas studies.
The paper covers the history of Islam and describes how the religion was introduced into China, as well as Muslims' ethnicity and identity. It also places focus on the importance of building a research collection in Asian history and Chinese genealogy.
Research limitations/implications
This research study has a strong subject focus on Chinese genealogy, Asian history, and Islamic Chinese surnames. It is a narrow field that few researchers have delved into.
Practical implications
The results of this study will assist students, researchers, and the general public in tracing the origin of their surnames and developing their interest in the social and historical value of Chinese local history and genealogies.
Social implications
The study of Chinese surnames is, by itself, a particular field for researching the social and political implications of contemporary Chinese society during the time the family members lived.
Very little research has been done in the area of Chinese local history and genealogy. The paper would be of value to researchers such as historians, sociologists, ethnologists and archaeologists, as well as students and anyone interested in researching a surname origin, its history and evolution.
Hui-Min Lai, Shin-Yuan Hung and David C. Yen
Seekers who visit professional virtual communities (PVCs) are usually motivated by knowledge-seeking, which is a complex cognitive process. How do seekers search for knowledge…
Seekers who visit professional virtual communities (PVCs) are usually motivated by knowledge-seeking, which is a complex cognitive process. How do seekers search for knowledge, and how is their search linked to prior knowledge or PVC situation factors? From the cognitive process and interactional psychology perspectives, this study investigated the three-way interactions between seekers’ expertise, task complexity, and perceptions of PVC features (i.e. knowledge quality and system quality) on knowledge-seeking strategies and resultant outcomes.
A field experiment was conducted with 119 seekers in a PVC using a 2 × 2 factorial design of seekers’ expertise (i.e. expert versus novice) and task complexity (i.e. low versus high).
The study reveals three significant insights: (1) For a high-complexity task, experts adopt an ask-directed searching strategy compared to novices, whereas novices adopt a browsing strategy; (2) For a high-complexity task, experts who perceive a high system quality are more likely than novices to adopt an ask-directed searching strategy; and (3) Task completion time and task quality are associated with the adoption of ask-directed searching strategies, whereas knowledge seekers’ satisfaction is more associated with the adoption of browsing strategy.
We draw on the perspectives of cognitive process and interactional psychology to explore potential two- and three-way interactions of seekers’ expertise, task complexity, and PVC features on the adoption of knowledge-seeking strategies in a PVC context. Our findings provide deep insights into seekers’ behavior in a PVC, given the popularity of the search for knowledge in PVCs.
Dana-Nicoleta Lascu, Zafar U. Ahmed, Irfan Ahmed and Tan Hui Min
Previous research has posited country image to operate at two levels: the country’s macro image, based on general politico-economic descriptors of the country, and the country’s…
Previous research has posited country image to operate at two levels: the country’s macro image, based on general politico-economic descriptors of the country, and the country’s micro image, based on perceptions of products from the country. The purpose of this paper is to further explore this premise in a practical study, using a psychometric assessment of macro and micro country images by ascertaining the nature of differences in macro and micro images of leading exporters, the USA and China, for consumers in Malaysia, a top import destination of US and Chinese goods; the images of Malaysian goods were similarly assessed.
The study used a systematic sample, with questionnaires distributed to adult respondents using a street intercept. Interviewers asked every other passer-by to fill out a questionnaire, and stood in close proximity to address any questions from respondents. The study hypothesized that there is a significant difference between country macro and micro image, respectively for the USA, China and Malaysia, and that there is significant relationship between country macro image and country micro image in each country, respectively, USA, China and Malaysia.
The study found support for the reliability of existing country micro and macro image measures, and further refined them for increased validity. The study compared between the countries and found significant differences on both macro and micro dimensions of country image. The US scored highest on technological research, high quality products, standards of living, labor costs, welfare system, industrialization, civilian government, development, literacy, free-market system and democracy, followed by China on technological research, industrialization, development and free-market system, with Malaysia scoring higher on product quality, labor costs, welfare system, civilian government is civilian/non-military, literacy, free-market system and democracy.
Research limitations/implications
A broader study of countries that share geopolitical and cultural similarities might offer additional insights into country macro and micro image.
Practical implications
The study cautions marketers to assess the acceptance of their products in the context of their country’s macro and micro image perceptions in target markets, and steer those perceptions in a manner that would be beneficial to their marketing efforts.
The conceptualization of the macro and micro aspects of country image has been one of the less studied dimensions of country image. This study is the first to address these dimensions from an emerging-market perspective, suggesting that, at the macro level, country perceptions regarding technology, economy, and politics contribute to an overall impression of the country, which would then influence the desirability of its products originating there. For the micro country image, products from countries perceived as innovative, excelling in product design, and producing prestigious products, are likely to be perceived as desirable.
K.U. Menon and K.T. Goh
SARS was Singapore's worst experience of an infectious outbreak in its brief history as an independent nation. The key instruments in managing public fear and panic were…
SARS was Singapore's worst experience of an infectious outbreak in its brief history as an independent nation. The key instruments in managing public fear and panic were transparency and trust. The highest levels of government were mobilised and every conceivable channel and medium utilised to educate the domestic populace and reassure the international community. Maintaining transparency and nurturing trust did not come easy. There was concern over public morale and resilience, the absence of an international level playing field and the difficulty in differentiating Singapore from countries which managed SARS badly. Achieving trust of the domestic populace was the more difficult task and the government and political leaders had to be seen doing and initiating a range of tangible actions and activities to reassure the public. Singapore also came in for much criticism from other countries for its ‘draconian’ measures to contain the disease through home quarantine orders and other stern measures on social discipline. Risk communications is an established methodology and lessons can be drawn from the experience of many countries in managing outbreaks touching on public health. While Singapore may be unique for its particular circumstances, its experience highlighted the critical importance of ensuring transparency and public trust in confronting the disease. This paper is based on a presentation to the plenary session at the first World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Consultation on Outbreak Communications held in Singapore from 21–23rd September, 2004.
Lunchao Mou, Li Cheng and Geoffrey Wall
This study assessed the antecedents and consequences of tourists’ authenticity experience in a new ancient town in China. Based on Chinese cultural background and case study, this…
This study assessed the antecedents and consequences of tourists’ authenticity experience in a new ancient town in China. Based on Chinese cultural background and case study, this paper aims to explore this kind of tourism place making and establishes an empirical model to examine and verify the impact of tourists’ perception, authentic experience and behavioral tendency on such place making, and proposes targeted improvement measures.
Based on a Chinese cultural background and case study, this paper explored a certain kind of tourism place making and established an empirical model to examine and verify the impact of tourists’ perceptions, authentic experiences and behavioral tendencies on such place making; the goals were to try to create a new scale to measure the authenticity of the “new ancient town” in the Chinese context and to propose targeted measures for improvement.
Research shows that Chinese visitors acquire experiences that they perceive to be authentic when visiting a contrived attraction such as a new ancient town. The dimensions of cultural, functional, product, value and unique authenticity were identified as distinct dimensions of tourists’ authenticity experiences in a new ancient town. Although these dimensions have been mentioned at times in the context of traditional Western assessments of authenticity, they do not replicate exactly any category of Western objective authenticity, existential authenticity, constructive authenticity or postmodern authenticity. They instead constitute an authentic experiential dimension in a typical oriental context, which is comprehensively explicated by combining the image of a national cultural theme and the elements of functional construction created by tourist places in a new ancient town.
Research limitations/implications
This study explored the path relationship among perception of place making – authenticity experience – behavioral intention, but it did not analyze relationships among the dimensions of perception of place making or among the authenticity experience variables. Furthermore, advantage was not taken of the availability of socioeconomic information to look for differences among interviewees with different attributes. In addition, there is a profound cultural and complex theoretical connotation to authenticity in the Chinese context, and the study of a single case is insufficient to fully elucidate meaning in this emerging discourse.
Practical implications
By verifying the path of tourists’ authenticity experiences through the perception of place making, the understanding of the effects of different elements of place making on tourists’ experiences is refined. For space producers, different elements of place making promote tourists’ authenticity experiences to different degrees. Strengthening the construction of the physical environment, marketing and scenes can promote tourists’ authenticity experiences: planning and design, marketing and scene enhancements promote tourists’ functional authenticity experiences; planning and design, the physical environment and marketing enhance tourists’ product authenticity experiences; planning and design, marketing, the physical environment and scene enhancement can improve tourists’ perceptions of value; unique authenticity experiences can be created in the marketing and scenes in new ancient towns.
Social implications
Certain aspects of the space production in new ancient towns can be used to strengthen tourists’ perceptions of value. First, the scene system at scenic spots can be strengthened, catering to tourists’ visual, olfactory and other senses so that they are available in all kinds of weather. Second, the local cultural characteristics of the material environment can be strengthened and the installation of inappropriate cultural symbols can be avoided. Thus, a physical environment that is of local ethnic cultural significance can be created so that both local residents and tourists can perceive the value of the place. Third, the rational layout of the new ancient towns should be established and maintained through the ongoing involvement of professional planning and design teams. Local cultural attributes that are of national significance should be included in the layout and design of the physical environment. Fourth, daily marketing and management actions influence how tourists influence scene value. Therefore, managers of scenic places need to make prudent decisions about and integrate local folk and ethnic characteristics into their marketing, which can promote the sustainable development of tourism effectively (Saarinen, 2018).
First, this study constructed and validated the model and path relationship of the “perception of place making, authentic experience, and behavioral intention,” and it confirmed that the perception of place making had an important impact on tourists’ authentic experiences. Second, the exploratory factor analysis extracted five dimensions of the tourist authenticity experience (i.e. cultural, functional, unique, product and value authenticity) based on China’s context of ming shi, which enriched the connotations of the authenticity experience. Third, this study effectively linked the perception of place making with the real experience and behavioral intention of tourists and expanded the theoretical research boundary of place making to a certain extent.
本文以中国文化背景和案例研究为基础, 对“新古镇”旅游的地方营造进行了探讨, 并建立了实证模型。利用SPSS 23.0和Smart PLS 3.0进行数据分析, 检验和验证游客在类似场所的地方营造感知、真实体验和行为意向的路径关系。
以现代技术手段再造(创造)遗产旅游目的地已经成为一个全球性的现象。本文基于中国的文化背景和案例, 考察和验证了游客对地方营造的感知、真实性体验和行为意向的影响, 尝试创造一种新的尺度来衡量在中国语境下“新古镇”的真实性内涵, 并以此提出了针对性的改善措施。
研究表明, 中国游客在参观新古镇等人造景点时, 会获得他们认为真实的体验。文化真实、功能真实、产品真实、价值真实和独特真实是新古镇游客真实性体验的不同维度。它们构成了一个典型东方语境下的真实性内涵, 全面阐述了一个民族文化主题形象与新古镇旅游地方营造功能建设要素的结合。
本研究探讨了地方营造知觉-真实性体验-行为意向之间的路径关系, 但未分析地方营造感知各维度之间及真实性体验变量之间的关系。此外, 没有利用社会经济信息的可用性来寻找不同属性受访者之间的差异。此外, 在中国语境中, 真实性有着深刻的文化内涵和复杂的理论内涵, 仅对单个案例的研究不足以充分阐明这一新兴话题的意义
对于空间生产者来说, 加强物理环境、营销和场景的建设可以促进游客的真实体验:规划设计、营销和场景的增强可以促进游客的功能真实体验;规划设计、物质环境、营销提升游客的产品真实性体验;规划设计、营销、实体环境和场景提升可以提升游客的价值感知;在新古镇的营销和场景中应创造独特的真实性体验。
新古镇地方营造的某些方面可以提升游客的价值感知。首先, 通过迎合游客的视觉、嗅觉和其他感官, 加强景区的场景系统。其次, 可以创造一个具有当地民族文化意义的物质环境, 使当地居民和游客都能感受到这个地方的价值。第三, 通过专业规划设计团队的持续参与, 建立和维护新古镇的合理布局。第四, 日常营销和管理行为影响游客的价值体验。
首先, 本研究构建并验证了“地方营造感知、真实体验与行为意向”的模型和路径关系, 证实了地方营造感知对游客真实体验的重要影响。其次, 基于中国语境, EFA提取了旅游真实性体验的五个维度(文化真实、功能真实、独特真实、产品真实和价值真实), 丰富了真实性体验的内涵。第三, 本研究将游客的地方营造感知、真实体验和行为意向进行了有效地连接。
Basándose en un contexto cultural chino y en un estudio de caso, este artículo exploró la creación de lugares turísticos en la “nueva ciudad antigua” y estableció un modelo empírico. Se utilizaron SPSS 23.0 y Smart PLS 3.0 para el análisis de datos, con el fin de examinar y verificar la relación entre las percepciones de la creación de lugares, las experiencias auténticas y las intenciones de comportamiento de los turistas en dichos lugares.
La recreación moderna de lugares como atracciones turísticas patrimoniales es un fenómeno mundial. Partiendo de un contexto cultural chino y de un estudio de caso, este artículo examina y verifica el impacto de las percepciones de los turistas, las experiencias auténticas y las tendencias de comportamiento en dicha creación de lugares; los objetivos eran intentar crear una nueva escala para medir la autenticidad de la “nueva ciudad antigua” en el contexto chino y proponer medidas específicas de mejora.
La investigación muestra que los visitantes chinos adquieren experiencias que perciben como auténticas cuando visitan una atracción artificial como una nueva ciudad antigua. Las dimensiones de autenticidad cultural, funcional, de producto, de valor y única se identificaron como dimensiones distintas de las experiencias de autenticidad de los turistas en una nueva ciudad antigua. Éstas constituyen una auténtica dimensión experiencial en un contexto típicamente oriental, que se explica de forma exhaustiva combinando la imagen de un tema cultural nacional con los elementos de construcción funcional creados por los lugares turísticos de una nueva ciudad antigua.
Limitaciones de la investigación/implicaciones
Este estudio exploró la relación entre la percepción de la creación de lugares, la experiencia de autenticidad y la intención de comportamiento, pero no analizó las relaciones entre las dimensiones de la percepción de la creación de lugares, ni entre las variables de la experiencia de autenticidad. Además, no se aprovechó la disponibilidad de información socioeconómica para buscar diferencias entre entrevistados con distintos atributos. Adicionalmente, en el contexto chino, la autenticidad tiene profundas connotaciones culturales y teóricas complejas, y el estudio de un solo caso no basta para dilucidar plenamente la importancia de este tema emergente.
Implicaciones prácticas
Para los productores de espacios, reforzar la construcción del entorno físico, el marketing y las escenas puede promover las experiencias de autenticidad de los turistas: la planificación y el diseño, el marketing y la mejora de las escenas promueve las experiencias de autenticidad funcional de los turistas; la planificación y el diseño, el entorno físico y el marketing mejoran las experiencias de autenticidad de los productos de los turistas; la planificación y el diseño, el marketing, el entorno físico y la mejora de las escenas pueden mejorar la percepción de valor de los turistas; se pueden crear experiencias de autenticidad únicas en el marketing y las escenas de las nuevas ciudades antiguas.
Implicaciones sociales
Ciertos aspectos de la creación de lugares en las nuevas ciudades antiguas pueden mejorar la percepción de valor de los turistas. En primer lugar, puede reforzarse el sistema escénico de los lugares de interés, atendiendo a los sentidos visuales, olfativos y de otro tipo de los turistas. En segundo lugar, se puede crear un entorno físico que tenga un significado cultural étnico local para que tanto los residentes locales como los turistas puedan percibir el valor del lugar. En tercer lugar, el trazado racional de las nuevas ciudades antiguas debe establecerse y mantenerse mediante la participación continua de equipos profesionales de planificación y diseño. En cuarto lugar, las acciones diarias de marketing y gestión influyen en la experiencia de valor del turista.
En primer lugar, este estudio construyó y validó el modelo y la relación entre la “percepción de la creación de lugares, la experiencia auténtica y la intención de comportamiento,” lo que confirmó la importante influencia de la percepción de la creación de lugares en la experiencia auténtica de los turistas. En segundo lugar, basándose en el contexto chino, el análisis factorial exploratorio extrajo cinco dimensiones de la experiencia de autenticidad turística (autenticidad cultural, funcional, única, del producto y del valor), que enriquecieron las connotaciones de la experiencia de autenticidad. En tercer lugar, este estudio vinculó eficazmente las percepciones de los turistas sobre la creación de lugares, con la experiencia real y con las intenciones de comportamiento de los turistas.
Amir Samadi, Reza Amini, Mehran Rostami, Pooneh Kardar and Michele Fedel
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using conductive polymers such as polyaniline (PANI) as corrosion inhibitors for metals.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using conductive polymers such as polyaniline (PANI) as corrosion inhibitors for metals.
In this study, the effect of the addition of praseodymium (Pr3+) cations on the corrosion inhibition performance of PANI for AZ31 magnesium alloy was appraised through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization tests.
The results of EIS and potentiodynamic polarization tests indicated the improvement of corrosion resistance of AZ31 during different immersion times.
Research limitations/implications
This anti-corrosion ability of PANI/Pr3+ composite applies as non-toxic environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor on the self-healing corrosion protection properties.
Practical implications
The conductive polymers are interested for many industries. The reported data can be used by the formulators working in the R&D departments.
Social implications
The anti-corrosion ability of PANI/Pr3+ composite present a novel and high effective route against metal corrosion besides application of toxic corrosion.
The application of titanium dioxide coating in the field of architectural heritage is a great challenge. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to study the synthesis, characterization and corrosion inhibition performance of Pr3+ cations doped PANI nano-fibers as an anti-corrosion additive for AZ31 magnesium alloy in 3.5 Wt.% NaCl solution.
This paper aims to present an adaptation of digital image correlation (DIC) to the electronics industry for reliability assessment of electronic packages. Two case studies are…
This paper aims to present an adaptation of digital image correlation (DIC) to the electronics industry for reliability assessment of electronic packages. Two case studies are presented: one for warpage measurement of a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) package under different temperature conditions and the other for the measurement of transient displacements on the surface of a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly under free-fall drop conditions, which is for explaining the typical camera setup requirement and comparing among different boundary conditions by fastening methods of PCB.
DIC warpage measurements on a small device, such as a MEMS package, require a special speckle pattern. A new method for the creation of speckle patterns was developed using carbon coating and aluminum evaporative deposition. To measure the transient response on the surface of a PCB during a free-fall impact event, three-dimensional (3D) DIC was integrated with synchronized stereo-high speed cameras. This approach enables the measurement of full-field displacement on the PCB surface during a free-fall impact event, contrary to the localized information that is obtained by the conventional strain gage and accelerometer method.
The authors suggest the proposed patterning method to the small-sized microelectronics packages for DIC measurements. More generally, the idea is to have a thin layer of the dark or bright color of the background and then apply the white or black colored pattern, respectively, so that the surface has high contrast. Also, to achieve a proper size of speckles, this paper does not want to expose the measuring objects to high temperatures or pressures during the sample preparation stage. Of course, it seems a complicated process to use aluminum evaporator, carbon coater and electroformed mesh. However, the authors intend to share one of the solutions to achieve a proper pattern on such small-sized electronic packages.
3D DIC technique can be successfully implemented for the measurement of micro-scale deformations in small packages (such as MEMS) and for the analysis of dynamic deformation of complex PCB.