Editors' Introduction In this article Hugh Murray questions many of the assumptions underlying popular theories of how advertising works, and criticises the lack of empirical…
Editors' Introduction In this article Hugh Murray questions many of the assumptions underlying popular theories of how advertising works, and criticises the lack of empirical research findings to validate them. On the basis of relationships shown by empirical research to exist between consumer purchasing behaviour of repeat‐purchase items, and consumer knowledge of attitudes towards alternative brands, he puts forward a model of how advertising works which differs from conventional theories. If this theory were accepted it would lead to a different approach to advertising strategies in this area, and the article spells out these implications.
Silexine Paints has appointed Mr. Hugh Murray as sales manager, Silexine Scotland.
Editors' Note In this short article the authors briefly review and comment on the most commonapproaches used by companies or proposed by specialists for setting the budgets to…
Editors' Note In this short article the authors briefly review and comment on the most common approaches used by companies or proposed by specialists for setting the budgets to be spent on advertising in an organisation.
This paper has the purpose of presenting intelligent authentication, authorization, and administration (I3A), a new concept that enables trust and information security between…
This paper has the purpose of presenting intelligent authentication, authorization, and administration (I3A), a new concept that enables trust and information security between involved sides by agreement, rather than by over‐exercised enforcement.
To understand the needs and motivators for the concept, the areas of technology, policies, law, and human mindsets are discussed. The I3A is introduced by discussing two examples of possible solutions that would use the concept in e‐commerce.
In essence, I3A offers an open platform for enabling I3A of cryptographic keys, certificates, and privileges and integrating the use of such with secured applications on a wide variety of devices and environments. The paper argues that for the first time I3A creates a true public key infrastructure (TPKI) and leverages the benefits and the potential of existing and future PKI under one common unconstrained umbrella.
Focuses on a TPKI.
It is more interesting to speculate on the reasons given for the changes made on 1st June last in the sale and availability of vitamin supplements in the Welfare Foods Service…
It is more interesting to speculate on the reasons given for the changes made on 1st June last in the sale and availability of vitamin supplements in the Welfare Foods Service than in the action taken. After the date given tokens for free supply of vitamin supplements are invalid and supplies will be sold at prices which cover their cost to the Government, only for the use of expectant and nursing mothers, children under five years and one month and handicapped children. No changes are being made in the arrangements for obtaining liquid milk at the special welfare price of fourpence a pint or National Dried Milk at two shillings and fourpence a tin.
This register of current research in social economics has been compiled by the International Institute of Social Economics. The register does not claim to be comprehensive but is…
This register of current research in social economics has been compiled by the International Institute of Social Economics. The register does not claim to be comprehensive but is merely an aid for research workers and institutions interested in social economics. The register will be updated and made more comprehensive in the future but this is largely dependent on the inflow of information from researchers in social economics. In order to facilitate this process a standardised form is to be found on the last page of this register. Completed forms, with attached sheets as necessary, should be returned to the compiler: Dr Barrie O. Pettman, Director, International Institute of Social Economics, Enholmes Hall, Patrington, Hull, N. Humberside, England, HU12 OPR. Any other comments on the register will also be welcome.
THE writer well remembers the interest and enthusiasm with which he received, on its publication, a copy of the first of a series of class lists, issued many years ago by the…
THE writer well remembers the interest and enthusiasm with which he received, on its publication, a copy of the first of a series of class lists, issued many years ago by the Public Library of Clerkenwell, under the librarianship of Mr. James Duff Brown. They were admirably compiled and contained several novel features, which made them a type destined to be extensively imitated elsewhere. Now comes from Islington, under the same capable editorship, a catalogue more fundamentally novel, so far at least as Public Library catalogues are concerned, than the class lists above referred to, and destined without question to be far more widely followed, as its advantages and value become generally appreciated. This is—to quote the secondary title—“A classified list of the best books on all subjects in the central, north, and west libraries,” i.e. a select catalogue.
Martha E. Williams and Daniel E. Burgard
Outlines new database products appearing in the Gale Directory of Databases, a two‐volume work published twice a year. Provides figures for the distribution and percentage of new…
Outlines new database products appearing in the Gale Directory of Databases, a two‐volume work published twice a year. Provides figures for the distribution and percentage of new and newly implemented social science, humanities, and news and general databases, together with a list of the databases including name, vendor and medium. Briefly discusses these by each medium.
THE POPULARITY of Hamewith and its author was quite phenomenal in the north‐east of Scotland. It is a significant mark of the affection in which the author was held by the…
THE POPULARITY of Hamewith and its author was quite phenomenal in the north‐east of Scotland. It is a significant mark of the affection in which the author was held by the community at large that he was soon popularly known as ‘Hamewith’ himself, in the same way as a farmer in that airt comes to be known by the name of his place. Hamewith was first published by Wyllie & Son, Aberdeen, in 1900. By 1909 a new and more elaborate edition was called for, with an introductiion by Andrew Lang, then Scotland's leading littérateur, and published by Constable in London. By 1912, when he was entertained to an official public dinner in Aberdeen, Charles Murray, who had emigrated to South Africa in 1888 at the age of 24, was then Secretary for Public Works in the Union of South Africa. It is important to note that Murray spent practically the whole of his working life (1888–1924) in South Africa, and wrote practically all his verse in exile. He is by no means the only Scottish writer to have seen his native land more clearly from a distance. One thinks, for example, of Stevenson in Samoa, Grassic Gibbon in Welwyn Garden City, and George Douglas Brown in London.
Hugh Scanlon's apparent climb‐down over the IR Act and the counter‐inflation measures form a deliberate part of the impending engineering workers' pay claim strategy, reports Ian…