Matthew H. Sauber, Hugh B. McSurely and V.M. Rao Tummala
This paper aims to show the process of designing and measuring learning competencies in program development.
This paper aims to show the process of designing and measuring learning competencies in program development.
The paper includes cross‐sectoral comparisons to draw on programmatic and pedagogical strategies, more commonly utilized in vocational education, and transfer the application of these strategies into curriculum development in higher education. Using a case study approach, the paper details the process of identifying and measuring learning competencies in developing specialization and graduate certificate program in supply chain management.
The development of competencies used an interdisciplinary framework to infuse interaction among stakeholders – faculty, students, and practitioners. The process focused on competencies at the program level as opposed to certain course or class level. The result produced more realistic competencies addressing student learning. The competency approach presented challenges in collecting and analyzing assessment data and opportunities to continuously improve the program. Data on student self‐assessment of learning competency as well as course work (exercises and assignments) were collected, analyzed, and reviewed. They resulted in changes in textbooks, class exercises and assignments, and faculty lectures.
The paper focuses on the virtues of embedding learning competency development and measurement in the design of educational programs. This is an issue of ongoing relevance to education in general, and of growing relevance to higher education in particular. As psychometric methodology advances, quality assurance and continuous improvement in education place greater emphasis on learning outcomes. As such, the identification and measurement of competencies become issues of increasing importance in educational systems around the world.