Senior production managers are placed in a network of relationships which both influence and are influenced by the responsibilities of their jobs. The results are reported of a…
Senior production managers are placed in a network of relationships which both influence and are influenced by the responsibilities of their jobs. The results are reported of a study of the difficulties of the relationship demands imposed by the job requirements of 16 senior production managers. In addition, similarities and differences among their jobs are identified and discussed. Results indicate that work relationships perceived as similar and highly demanding include, among others: bargaining and negotiating with external contacts, supervising the quality of their subordinates' work, and needing to create a good impression on people outside their firm. Differences among their jobs were most evident in the following areas: the level of importance assigned to supervising the quantity of their subordinates' work, the manner in which the respondents earned their authority, and the extent to which the participants depended on their bosses to determine the scope of their job boundaries. Consideration of these demands and how they affect the job context may help to identify the particular skills necessary for a specific senior production management position.
Asbjorn Osland, Howard Feldman, George Campbell and William Barnes
John Caldwell, president of Kio-Tek (KT), presents his company's business plan to a group of 30 venture capitalists at the November 2001 annual meeting of the Portland Venture…
John Caldwell, president of Kio-Tek (KT), presents his company's business plan to a group of 30 venture capitalists at the November 2001 annual meeting of the Portland Venture Group. John's presentation is included in the case as an exhibit. The case begins with a brief overview of the meeting and John's presentation. The body of the case describes the question and answer period immediately following John's presentation.
Included in the case is a set of exhibits that John has handed out to the audience as supplemental information. These exhibits provide additional information on marketing, management, and financial issues facing the company and John refers to them throughout the question and answer period. The VC's ask John a variety of questions in an effort to determine whether KT is an attractive investment opportunity
Martha S. Feldman, Luciana D’Adderio, Katharina Dittrich and Paula Jarzabkowski
Evangelia Baralou and Dionysios D. Dionysiou
In this paper, the authors extend their understanding of the internal dynamics of routines in contexts characterized by increased levels of virtuality. In particular, the authors…
In this paper, the authors extend their understanding of the internal dynamics of routines in contexts characterized by increased levels of virtuality. In particular, the authors focus on the role of routine artifacts in the internal dynamics of routines to answer the question: How does extensive reliance on information and communication technologies (ICTs) due to physical distance influence the internal dynamics of the new product development (NPD) routine (i.e. interactions between performative, ostensive and artifacts of routines) enacted by a virtual team?
This paper is based on an 18-month ethnographic study of the NPD routine performed by a virtual team. The authors relied predominantly on qualitative, ethnographic data collection and analysis methods, using semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation, and the collection of archival data and company documents (formal procedures, guidelines, application designs etc). Qualitative research offers a valuable means to investigate dynamic processes in organizations due to its sensitivity to the organizational context and potential to focus on activities as they unfold.
The findings highlight the central role of routine artifacts (ICTs) in the routine dynamics of the NPD routine performed by virtual team. In particular, the authors show that the use of the particular types of ICTs enabled team members to confidently and meaningfully relate to the overall routine activity and coordinate their actions in a context characterized by physical distance and extensive reliance on communication and collaboration technologies.
The paper sheds light into role of routine artifacts in the routine dynamics in a context characterized by a high degree of virtuality. This work contributes to the literature on routine dynamics by theorizing about the processes through which routine artifacts (ICTs) afforded routine participants the ability to act confidently and meaningfully to the present and dynamically coordinate their actions with their fellow routine participants.
Paul Spee, Joanna Kho, Anna Jenkins and Paula Jarzabkowski
This study addresses an important yet underdeveloped topic in routine dynamics research: how do routines form? Given the salience of routine formation in new ventures, this study…
This study addresses an important yet underdeveloped topic in routine dynamics research: how do routines form? Given the salience of routine formation in new ventures, this study is based on a single, longitudinal case study, following MatchMe, a technology-enabled startup. Building on findings from MatchMe, this study posits routine formation as a layered process. Rather than replacing established routines, routine formation was sequential. New routines were formed in addition to routines that continued to run in parallel. Routine formation was guided by organizational goals and monitoring their attainment. Multiple routines are formed to explore and create possibilities by shifting espoused ideals to attain organizational goals. This study advances routine dynamics in three distinct ways. First, it elaborates on a predominantly binary view of routine formation. Second, it extends work focused on the active creation of patterns. Third, it extends the response and outcomes of routine change, providing avenues for future research to explore strategic consequences of routines for outcomes typically associated with firm performance.
Sunny Mosangzi Xu and Paul R. Carlile
This paper revisits the foundational concepts of agency and action in routine dynamics to provide guidance for intentional and directional change in a world in flux from a routine…
This paper revisits the foundational concepts of agency and action in routine dynamics to provide guidance for intentional and directional change in a world in flux from a routine dynamics perspective. First, the authors put forward a relational-temporal triad of agency as a ratio of the past, present, and future to outline what gives shape to individual action. Second, the authors combine with this a relational-temporal triad of routine as a ratio of patterning, performing, and projecting to outline what gives shape to social action. Based on this, the authors reconceptualize the dynamic of routines as an enfolding inside-out and outside-in process that expresses the relational constraints between the intentionality of individual action and the directionality of social action. In managing a world in flux toward desirable futures, routines – as temporal structures for carrying out organizational work – need to be able to carry some degree of continuity to bring about change in fulfilling a desired and identified direction. The authors identify in-tension-less, in-tension-al, and in-tension-ful as three different degrees of intentionality in individual action and continuing, renewing, and transforming as the spectrum of a continuum of directionality in social action for routine change. Using time to bring in a fully relational understanding of agency and action in routine dynamics, the authors render the complexities of structure-agency and continuity-change dualities clearer and reveal their otherwise latent properties. This more complete picture of routine dynamics would allow for more intentional organizational routine change forward when facing significant environmental and social challenges in a world of flux.
Joanna Kho, Andreas Paul Spee and Nicole Gillespie
This chapter advances understanding of how professional expertise is enacted and created to accomplish routines in the context of technology-mediated work. Information and…
This chapter advances understanding of how professional expertise is enacted and created to accomplish routines in the context of technology-mediated work. Information and communication technologies broaden the participation of professionals with various specialist skills and expertise to accomplish work together, which is particularly salient in health care. Broadening participation, however, creates jurisdictional conflict among professionals. Thus, a key challenge of interprofessional work is the need to mutually adapt established professional routines and overcome jurisdictional conflict to perform interdependent routine tasks. The authors examine how professionals adapt established routines by analyzing the new interactions and interdependent actions required to accomplish technology-mediated geriatric consultation routines. The findings of this study show that professionals create new patterns of actions that are shaped by relational forms of professional expertise, namely selective and blending expertise. The findings and theoretical insights contribute to the literature on routine dynamics by highlighting the importance of relational expertise, and showing how it can transform and destabilize otherwise established professional routines.
Our understanding of what we call “normal” in organizations has been shaken multiple times in recent years. As change is perceived as an inherent feature of routine dynamics, it…
Our understanding of what we call “normal” in organizations has been shaken multiple times in recent years. As change is perceived as an inherent feature of routine dynamics, it is relevant to understand how change becomes established as a new normal. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore how change in routines takes hold as normality forms. To answer this question, the author studies the change in routines in an in-depth process case study of a higher education organization during the COVID-19 pandemic transforming its teaching model. The author’s findings show that normality formation is a dynamic process. While normality can be described as a snapshot of the current state of what is considered normal at one point in time, normality transforms in sequential waves making the overall process of normality formation pulsate. In drawing out six patterning mechanisms, the author introduces a pulsating normality as the transformative evolution of what is considered normal. This study speaks to routine dynamics literature, contributing to a better understanding of how a variation in performance becomes patterned as a sustained part of a routine.
Waldemar Kremser and Daniel Geiger
This paper addresses the issue of granularity. The authors argue that in routine dynamics research granularity can be usefully defined by the number of actors, the variety of…
This paper addresses the issue of granularity. The authors argue that in routine dynamics research granularity can be usefully defined by the number of actors, the variety of places/contexts, and the amount of time it takes to successfully accomplish an action. This is an important but often overlooked aspect of studying routines. It is important because different granularities imply different challenges and opportunities for performing and patterning. The authors propose a framework to distinguish between fine-, medium-, and coarse-grained actions, illustrate how different granularities have been used in existing routine dynamics studies, and discuss the implications for understanding routine dynamics. The authors conclude that granularity is a key construct that needs to be taken seriously and suggest a four-step procedure to help researchers establish and report on the granularity of actions in their research process.
Lisa Balzarin and Francesco Zirpoli
The literature on routine dynamics widely explores how organizational routines endogenously change over time, emphasizing the benefits of such property. Until now, there has been…
The literature on routine dynamics widely explores how organizational routines endogenously change over time, emphasizing the benefits of such property. Until now, there has been relatively little research attention devoted to the potential challenges associated with routine changes. This is a problem in a world in flux, where adaptation is more of a continuous rather than intermittent need. The authors suggest that when routines change, the links they create between agents that enable coordination are destabilized, ultimately hindering organizational change. This work draws on a case study in the automotive industry, a sector in which organizations are encountering significant changes in both their business environment and dominant technological design. The authors show that when new systems of organizational routines emerge to fill new spaces of action the established connections decay and generate relational and temporal voids, that is, missing connections among agents and across time. As these voids form, the change process of organizations is made more complex, no matter the emergence of new routines and agents’ willingness to change. The findings offer a fresh perspective on the impact of organizational routines in a “world in flux” by delving into the costly “side effect” of routine dynamics.