Hoong Keat Lim and Sai Hoi Chiu
With global attention on the increasing disruptions in primary maritime chokepoints, such as the Suez Canal Blockage incident that happened in March 2021, it has come to our…
With global attention on the increasing disruptions in primary maritime chokepoints, such as the Suez Canal Blockage incident that happened in March 2021, it has come to our realization that disruptions in maritime chokepoints may be detrimental to all maritime stakeholders. This research project aims to study and verify the factors of disruptions and their implications on maritime chokepoints from the industrial players’ perspective. Information contained in this report should interest maritime professionals from fleet ownership and management, and commercial freight owners of the tramp and liner shipping.
This research project uses questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews to collect primary data targeted at professionals and industrial players from the maritime industry. Qualitative and quantitative assessments are applied in data analysis. Secondary information via credible industry and news reports, research papers and other related literature and materials are gathered to support and add on to the analysis in the discussion section.
Our literature review has categorized maritime chokepoint disruptions into (1) chokepoint risk, (2) maritime security and (3) ship loss risk. The information and data from primary research not only complemented our research and affirmed that chokepoint risk as the primary concern for our interviewed maritime professionals, but at the same time covered the research gap for the lack of information in those new emerging chokepoint disruption factors, for example increased vessel size, cyber-security and the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings from the primary and secondary research reflected the implications of chokepoint disruptions as economic losses from operations and market loss. Although primary research reflected slight effectiveness in combating emergencies faced by maritime chokepoint disruptions through proactive strategies, they still serve the merit in raising awareness for the maritime industry. Nevertheless, the findings highlighted the importance of having reactive strategies to engage in volatility faced during such disruptive events.
This empirical research study provides fresh insights into the new emerging factors of maritime chokepoint disruptions and their implications via the perspective from the industrial players in the maritime industry.