Himanshu Patel, Gunamani M. Deheri and Rakesh M. Patel
The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the effect of roughness and magnetic fluid lubricant on the performance of the squeeze film formed when the upper plate with a…
The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the effect of roughness and magnetic fluid lubricant on the performance of the squeeze film formed when the upper plate with a porous facing approaches an impermeable and flat lower plate by considering the rotation of the plates.
The roughness of the bearing surface is modeled by a stochastic random variable with non‐zero mean, variance and skewness. The associated Reynolds' equation is stochastically averaged with respect to the random roughness parameter. Results for bearing performance characteristics such as load‐carrying capacity and response time for various values of mean, standard deviation and measure of symmetry are numerically computed. The results are presented graphically as well as in tabular form.
It is observed that the bearing suffers owing to the transverse surface roughness. However, negatively skewed roughness may enhance the performance of the bearing system for suitable values of variance. It is also seen that rotation decreases the load‐carrying capacity but it has marginal influence in the presence of the magnetic fluid. Further, the performance of the bearing system registers a steady improvement with the increasing values of the magnetization parameter. In addition, the response time follows the trends of the load‐carrying capacity.
The originality of the paper lies in the fact that the roughness must be accounted for while designing the bearing system, even though a suitable rotation ratio parameter is chosen in the presence of a strong magnetic fluid. Of course, the best performance of the bearing system is registered in the case of negatively skewed roughness.
Himanshu Patel and Richard Cardinali
The past two decades have witnessed the development of a new stream ofresearch in the field of virtual reality. Its primary use was thought tobe entertainment, but as research…
The past two decades have witnessed the development of a new stream of research in the field of virtual reality. Its primary use was thought to be entertainment, but as research continued the applications to more practical areas, we see how all forms of businesses can and are benefiting from virtual reality research. Briefly discusses the research being conducted on behalf of various industries, and how that research will benefit and is benefiting those industries.
Abhinava S. Singh, Mayur Shah and Priyanka Pathak
The learning outcomes include to identify and discuss important personality characteristics of an entrepreneur, to explore the business planning pitfalls that torment many new…
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes include to identify and discuss important personality characteristics of an entrepreneur, to explore the business planning pitfalls that torment many new ventures and to understand key concepts of business model thinking.
Case overview/synopsis
The case is about Fetakart, a one-year old venture, which offered custom designed and printed t-shirts in Gujarat, India. The venture was launched by Himanshu Dhadnekar in 2018. Himanshu was a young first-generation entrepreneur who displayed entrepreneurial characteristics since his school days. Later, he was involved with a few failed startups, worked as an employee in different companies and curated new ventures. Fetakart was born out of another venture, MotivPrints, which sold a large variety of custom designed and high-quality printed products such as visiting cards, office essentials, apparels, packaging and marketing material. At MotivPrints, Himanshu discovered the market for customized t-shirts in India but with very little knowledge of the business model or capabilities of leading players such as Bewakoof.com. The venture started struggling and faced several problems including high cost demands by manufacturers and lack of funding. Where did Fetakart go wrong? Was Fetakart born out of impulse? Did Himanshu have a viable business model for Fetakart?
Complexity academic level
The case can be discussed in the class of entrepreneurship at master’s level. It can also be used in entrepreneurship specialization course and strategic management elective(s) in the second year of post-graduation. The case can be particularly useful for young entrepreneurs associated as incubatees with a business incubator and for an executive development program related to new ventures.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.
Kedar Bhatt and Abhinava S. Singh
After studying this case, the students/participants would be able to: discuss important personality traits of an entrepreneur; understand specific challenges faced by a venture as…
Learning outcomes
After studying this case, the students/participants would be able to: discuss important personality traits of an entrepreneur; understand specific challenges faced by a venture as it moves toward higher growth stage; discuss the importance of strategic planning and managerial style as the ventures move from establishment stage to growth stage.
Case overview/synopsis
The case is about MotivPrints, a two years old venture, offering custom designing and commercial printing to businesses in Gujarat, India. MotivPrints was established by Himanshu Dhadnekar in 2016 and had 85 SME clients and 35 vendors by 2019. Himanshu, a young entrepreneur had been involved in entrepreneurial activities since his school days and was also involved in a couple of business ventures during his MBA. However, he had been flip-flopping as an employee and entrepreneur, as then. At MotivPrints, he handled key responsibilities of developing client networks, generating business, marketing and managing relationship with vendors. With limited support of a team of freelancer associates, no permanent staff for assistance and lack of funds made it imperative for Himanshu to plan for scaling up his venture for survival and growth. Could he envision MotivPrints as a larger entity? If yes, what changes, mandated by growth, were needed to be made in both – the entrepreneur and the organization?
Complexity academic level
The case can be discussed in the class of entrepreneurship at the master’s level. It can also be used in the entrepreneurship specialization course in the second year of post-graduation. The case can be also be used for young entrepreneurs in an executive development program focusing on new ventures.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS: 3 Entrepreneurship.
Himanshu Joshi and Deepak Chawla
The study investigates the influence of perceived security (PS) on behavioral intention (BI) via the trust attitude process and explores the moderating effects of gender. PS in…
The study investigates the influence of perceived security (PS) on behavioral intention (BI) via the trust attitude process and explores the moderating effects of gender. PS in mobile wallets enhances user trust (TR), attitude (ATT) and intention (INT). Using a multiple and serial mediation model, both TR and ATT were found to mediate the relationship between PS and BI.
Drawing on the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theory, the proposed conceptual model comprises PS, TR, ATT and BI. An online survey was conducted with a cross-sectional sample of 744 mobile wallet users in India. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the hypothesized relationships and test the mediation effects.
Results show that the stimulus, PS, has a positive and significant influence on TR and ATT, which eventually has a positive influence on BI. The research model explains 64.4 percent of the variance in BI. Further, both TR and ATT independently and parallelly mediate the relationship PS and BI. Lastly, gender is found to moderate the relationship between TR and BI and ATT and BI.
Practical implications
The research showed the importance of PS, TR and ATT towards mobile wallet adoption INTs. Further, the findings support the idea that developing TR and ATT is essential for shaping INTs. This suggests that mobile wallet service providers should invest in methods that not just enhance user TR but also reinforce a positive ATT towards the platform. To demonstrate TR, mobile wallet providers must ensure the confidentiality and privacy of user data, keep customer interests in mind and fulfill commitments. Lastly, for strengthening customer TR, excellent customer support is extremely important.
While prior researchers have majorly used technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) models to explain adoption INTs, this study examines the relationship between PS, TR, ATT and BI through the lens of the SOR framework.
Himanshu Joshi and Deepak Chawla
The purpose of this study is to segment mobile wallet users using a finite mixture partial least squares (FIMIX-PLS) approach and evaluate the unobserved heterogeneity across…
The purpose of this study is to segment mobile wallet users using a finite mixture partial least squares (FIMIX-PLS) approach and evaluate the unobserved heterogeneity across segments.
Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using a convenience sample of 744 responses was used to analyze the measurement, structural model and hypotheses testing. To examine unobserved heterogeneity and identify user segments, FIMIX-PLS technique was employed. To generate more precise recommendations, importance-performance map analysis (IPMA) was performed with attitude as the target variable.
A structural equation model revealed that except perceived ease of use (PEOU) all other dimensions, namely perceived usefulness (PU), lifestyle compatibility (LC), facilitating conditions (FC), trust and security significantly influences attitude which, in turn, determines intention. The FIMIX-PLS technique resulted in four segments – The Rationalist, Early Adopters, Late Adopters and The Innovators.
Practical implications
The paper provides segment specific and between segment differences to derive implications. Identification of relevant predictors and segments will help academicians, marketing researchers and practitioners in gaining further understanding of the mobile wallet adoption. The findings of the paper can guide mobile wallet providers to frame appropriate strategies and offerings pertaining to the obtained segments.
The paper builds upon Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to propose an integrated model to explain adoption behaviors associated with mobile wallet. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is one of the first empirical attempts using FIMIX-PLS technique to assess precursors of adoption and substantiates the perceived value-attitude-intention linkage to identify heterogeneity among mobile wallet users.
Deepak Chawla and Himanshu Joshi
The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the factors that influence a consumer’s attitude and intention to use mobile wallets using a sample representative of Indian…
The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the factors that influence a consumer’s attitude and intention to use mobile wallets using a sample representative of Indian users.
A multidisciplinary model is proposed, building on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) and other relevant research on factors, which influence technology adoption. A synthesis of review of literature on factors influencing technology adoption besides two focus group discussions (FGD) was used as a design a pilot instrument. A nationwide primary survey was conducted using the questionnaire. Convenience sampling was used to select the respondents. In total, 744 respondents participated in the survey, and 17 hypotheses were formulated and PLS-SEM was used to estimate and test the hypothesized model.
The results show that factors like perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), trust, security, facilitating conditions and lifestyle compatibility have a significant impact on the consumer attitude and intention to use mobile wallets. Of the proposed 17 hypotheses, 15 were accepted. Ease of use significantly influenced usefulness and trust, whereas PU significantly influenced trust, attitude and intention. Security and trust were found to be play an important role in determining trust.
Research limitations/implications
This study examines the perception of students and working professional from large Indian cities. A larger representative sample encompassing balanced representation from urban and rural India could enhance the scope and widen the application of the results across larger target groups. This study analyzes data at a specific point in time. Considering the rapidly changing rate of adoption of mobile wallets, a longitudinal study could, therefore, be conducted. Furthermore, the possibility of including other antecedents like relative advantage, perceived benefits, personal innovativeness among other factors, which have not been addressed here can be explored. Also, additional research can help examine the role of demographics in adoption of mobile wallets including its moderating effect.
Practical implications
As security and trust emerged as important constructs for acceptance of mobile wallets, there is a need for developing an integrated robust, reliable and secure infrastructure. A joint think tank involving key stakeholders (financial institutions, mobile wallet providers, government, security experts, etc.) should propose guidelines to ensure safe and secure transactions. The findings have managerial implications, which can guide companies offering mobile wallets to enhance usage and adoption of such services.
Mobile wallets have provided newer digital payment avenues to consumers while offering companies and marketers greater opportunities to market their products and services, online. However, not much is reported about the adoption of mobile wallets in India. The study is perhaps the first in India to examine the adoption of mobile wallets using a larger sample in comparison to earlier studies. The study proposes and validates additional constructs, which were not present in the original model.
Gaurav Nagpal, Namita Ruparel, Himanshu Seth and Victor Saha
After reading and discussing the case, the participant would be able to: comprehend the ethics in marketing strategies that were displayed by an entrepreneur in the challenging…
Learning outcomes
After reading and discussing the case, the participant would be able to: comprehend the ethics in marketing strategies that were displayed by an entrepreneur in the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic; appreciate how the marketing was executed in a socially responsible manner through digital means when there was a conflict between the business and the social interest; and understand how the innovative services or products can be developed that turn the trouble into an opportunity. The case shall also enlighten the students on how to create suitable marketing messages in digital times. The purpose of this paper is to let the students appreciate how they can carry out marketing efforts for a business while keeping customer needs and aspirations at the core, how the marketing campaigns can be designed and executed in a socially responsible manner and how the product portfolio can be suitably altered to make it more valued to the customer. After reading and discussing this case, the students will also be able to appreciate that it is important to identify and address the customer’s pain which may be stated or unstated by the customer. The case intends to teach students how to identify and reap the opportunities that get created from time to time and to make them appreciate that businesses can contribute significantly towards societal gains by committing minimal resources.
Case overview/synopsis
The mainstream marketing discipline focuses on excessive consumerism as opposed to the concept of “socially responsible marketing” which advocates that business initiatives should be supported by ethical considerations. The coworking industry was one of the worst affected industries by the pandemic since their customers started working from their homes during and post the lockdowns, leading to a loss in revenues. The protagonist in the case had a strong belief that the business interests would be secondary to the overall interest of society, and therefore, he advised the customers on how they could work productively, safely and stress-free from their homes. As the lockdown was un-eased, the marketing campaigns were launched and executed in a very ethical manner, while designing innovative service offerings were designed.
Complexity academic level
The case is relevant for the students pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies in the field of business and management.
Supplementary material
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 8: Marketing.
Latika Sharma, Mridul Trivedi, Himanshu Bagdi and Hemantkumar P. Bulsara
The present research investigates the role of product availability, environmental concern, and social media concerning the intention to purchase green food products by utilising…
The present research investigates the role of product availability, environmental concern, and social media concerning the intention to purchase green food products by utilising the extended theory of planned behaviour framework in a developing economy.
A self-administered questionnaire collected information from 412 adults and educated consumers from Vadodara city in India. The questionnaire items were used to collect data from previous studies and further validated using confirmatory factor analysis. The data were further analysed using partial least square-structural equation modelling.
The study findings indicated that attitude and perceived behavioural control impact the purchase intention regarding green food products, while subjective norms were found not supportive. At the same time, product availability influences perceived behavioural control and increases the volitional control amongst consumers. Moreover, social media positively impacts the theory of planned behaviour’s key constructs.
Research limitations/implications
The outcomes of the present study provide marketing managers with enhanced insight into the relationship between consumers' perception and green food product consumption in the context of social media influence. The findings could help green food producers evaluate the extent of consumers' intentions to buy their products in developing countries.
To the best of the researchers’ knowledge, the present research is amongst the pioneers in India that focuses on the variables of the theory of planned behaviour, which led to knowing the role of green food availability and social media influence in green food products. At the same time, the focus on purchase intention concerning green food products adds to the study’s uniqueness.
Pragyan Monalisa Sahoo and Himanshu Sekhar Rout
This paper aims to analyze the status of infrastructure, workforce and basic amenities at public health-care facilities in rural India and draw a comparison with its urban…
This paper aims to analyze the status of infrastructure, workforce and basic amenities at public health-care facilities in rural India and draw a comparison with its urban counterparts.
Rural Health Statistics data and National Sample Survey Office Report for the period 2019–10 were used to analyze lower-level public health facilities, namely, subcenters, primary health centers and community health centers (CHCs). Selected tracer indicators under World Health Organization’s (WHO) Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) mechanism such as health center density, core health workforce density and basic amenities were used to carry out the analysis. The extent of facility coverage was measured using the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) guidelines and the proportion of facilities satisfying the Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) was measured to assess the service provision quality in rural public health-care facilities.
Results indicated that the density of public health centers is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Almost all public health-care facilities lack basic amenities in rural areas. Working positions for health specialists in CHCs barely meet the total requirement. Almost all of the public health facilities functioning in rural areas do not meet the IPHS norms.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the present paper is the first initiative to assess the status of rural public health-care facilities on the national level using WHO’s SARA indicators as well as NRHM and IPHS guidelines. The study is significant in terms of policy input for achieving universal health coverage in India.