Concepts about the learning organisation have become popular ideas for companies and organisations alike to promote the learning process within them. The practice has, however…
Concepts about the learning organisation have become popular ideas for companies and organisations alike to promote the learning process within them. The practice has, however, received a mixed reception somewhere between enthusiasm and scepticism. This is because the ideas themselves have been developed from different interpretations of the concept. There is, however, strong commitment from various individuals in organisations who make an attempt to explore and use the concepts of the learning organisation. This paper introduces and explores the concept and practice of gestalt therapy. The article explores the similarity between the concepts and practice of the learning organisation, and gestalt therapy, such as concepts of learning, holism, existential phenomenology, mental models, and team learning, with examples from his practice. The author concludes with his integrative model and believes that this contribution may further improve the understanding of the concepts of the learning organisation.