Thomas Herzog, Georg Schnell, Carsten Tille and Hermann Seitz
The extension of the vacuum-assisted multipoint moulding (VAMM) technology to a broader field of geometries makes it necessary to extend it with attachments to the enhanced…
The extension of the vacuum-assisted multipoint moulding (VAMM) technology to a broader field of geometries makes it necessary to extend it with attachments to the enhanced vacuum-assisted multipoint moulding with additive attachments (EMMA) technology. Therefore, it is necessary to build additive manufactured attachments on a curved silicone surface by fused filament fabrication (FFF). The main challenge of FFF on a silicone-made build plate is the adhesion of the part on the build plate. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to find suitable and reliably manufacturable material and adhesion promoter combinations for the use of the FFF on silicone build plates.
The combinations of seven different filaments and four adhesion promoters were investigated with an experimental study. Therefore, four different specimen geometries were built with the different combinations and tested in a tensile test, and some of the specimens were analysed with a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM).
This study proves that the FFF on unheated silicone building plates is possible for several material combinations. As a filament material, polylactide can reliably be manufactured with all of the investigated adhesion promoters on the silicone build plate. Thereby, the highest adhesion strengths were achieved with an adhesive foil as an adhesion promoter, whereas the glue stick is the most appropriate solution. The investigations with the CLSM showed that there are large differences in the manifestation of the first layer depending on the adhesion promoter used.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate the manufacturing of FFF-made attachments on silicone build plates for the EMMA process. This paper provides measurement data on the build plate adhesion of the attachments on silicone-made build plates.
Arthur Bens, Hermann Seitz, Günter Bermes, Moritz Emons, Andreas Pansky, Barbara Roitzheim, Edda Tobiasch and Carsten Tille
To describe the development of a novel polyether(meth)acrylate‐based resin material class for stereolithography with alterable material characteristics.
To describe the development of a novel polyether(meth)acrylate‐based resin material class for stereolithography with alterable material characteristics.
A complete overview of details to composition parameters, the optimization and bandwidth of mechanical and processing parameters is given. Initial biological characterization experiments and future application fields are depicted. Process parameters are studied in a commercial 3D systems Viper stereolithography system, and a new method to determine these parameters is described herein.
Initial biological characterizations show the non‐toxic behavior in a biological environment, caused mainly by the (meth)acrylate‐based core components. These photolithographic resins combine an adjustable low Young's modulus with the advantages of a non‐toxic (meth)acrylate‐based process material. In contrast to the mostly rigid process materials used today in the rapid prototyping industry, these polymeric formulations are able to fulfill the extended need for a soft engineering material. A short overview of sample applications is given.
Practical implications
These polymeric formulations are able to meet the growing demand for a resin class for rapid manufacturing that covers a bandwidth from softer to stiffer materials.
This paper gives an overview about the novel developed material class for stereolithography and should be therefore of high interest to people with interest in novel rapid manufacturing materials and technology.
Christian Polzin, Sebastian Spath and Hermann Seitz
The purpose of this paper is to characterize and evaluate a new 3D‐printing process based on Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA).
The purpose of this paper is to characterize and evaluate a new 3D‐printing process based on Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA).
A benchmark part and standard parts were designed, printed by a 3D‐printer and characterized.
3D printed PMMA parts have a tensile strength of 2.91 MPa and a modulus of elasticity of 223 MPa. The mechanical properties can be improved by infiltrations with epoxy (tensile strength: 26.6 MPa, modulus of elasticity: 1,190 MPa). The surface quality of the parts can be improved by infiltration with wax for usage as lost models. The minimum feature size is 0.3 mm.
Research limitations/implications
The PMMA‐based 3D printing process can be used for manufacturing concept models, functional parts and lost models for investment casting.
This is the first paper investigating a PMMA‐based 3D printing process.
Yujie Quan, Philipp Drescher, Faming Zhang, Eberhard Burkel and Hermann Seitz
The purpose of this paper is to fabricate cellular Ti6Al4V with carbon nanotube (CNT)-like structures by selective electron beam melting and study the resultant mechanical…
The purpose of this paper is to fabricate cellular Ti6Al4V with carbon nanotube (CNT)-like structures by selective electron beam melting and study the resultant mechanical properties based on each respective geometry to provide fundamental information for optimizing molecular architectures and predicting the mechanical properties of cellular solids.
Cellular Ti6Al4V with CNT-like zigzag and armchair structures are fabricated by selected electron beam melting. The microstructures and mechanical properties of these samples are evaluated utilizing scanning electron microscopy, synchrotron radiation X-ray and compressive tests.
The mechanical properties of the cellular solids depend on the geometry of strut architectures. The armchair-structured Ti6Al4V samples exhibit Young’s modulus from 501.10 to 707.60 MPa and compressive strength from 8.73 to 13.45 MPa. The zigzag structured samples demonstrate Young’s modulus from 548.19 to 829.58 MPa and compressive strength from 9.32 to 16.21 MPa. The results suggest that the zigzag structure of the Ti6Al4V cellular solids can achieve improved mechanical properties and the mechanism for the enhanced mechanical properties in the zigzag structures was revealed.
The results provide an innovative example for modulating the mechanical properties of cellular titanium by adjusting the unit cell geometry. The Ti6Al4V cellular solids with single-walled CNT-like structures could be used as light-weight construction components or filters in industries. The Ti6Al4V with multiwalled CNT-like structures could be used as new scaffolds for biomedical applications.
This chapter puts practices of everyday violence at the center of its analysis of colonial order. It examines the micro-mechanisms and manifold forms of threatening and hurting…
This chapter puts practices of everyday violence at the center of its analysis of colonial order. It examines the micro-mechanisms and manifold forms of threatening and hurting people. While a quotidian part of colonial life, such practices – accepted and normal within the colonial moral economy – are not normally seen as state actions. However, they reveal the workings of a powerful state: one that was built in an improvised fashion by low-level state representatives.
Based on an analysis of everyday police work in German Southwest Africa, this chapter offers a theoretical reframing of the colonial state that aims to provincialize the modern European state. It shifts the perspective away from the legal and institutional aspirations and structures of the state, instead turning attention to less rationalized processes: the idiosyncratic, makeshift, affective procedures of low-ranking officials. On this plane, everyday violence played a key role in generating a new social order. Ultimately, it had constructive effects which were a fundamental and inherent part of the colonial state’s power.
Gene A. Brewer, Yujin Choi and Richard M. Walker
Governments and other organizations are confronted with more frequent and devastating crises and disasters as the environment within which they operate becomes more complex and…
Governments and other organizations are confronted with more frequent and devastating crises and disasters as the environment within which they operate becomes more complex and tumultuous (Hwang & Lichtenthal, 2000; Rosenthal & Kouzmin, 1997). Recent catastrophic events, such as the tsunami in Southeast Asia and Hurricane Katrina in the United States, have heightened interest in efforts to plan for and resolve these crises. However, despite the far-reaching disruptions caused by these crises, the literature on the topic of crisis impacts has hitherto been relatively scant, and most studies are not empirical (Pelling, Ozerdem, & Barakat, 2002).
WILL ROGERS, the great American humorist used to say, ‘All I know is what I read in the papers’. It would not be true to say that the daily press will tell us all that the…
WILL ROGERS, the great American humorist used to say, ‘All I know is what I read in the papers’. It would not be true to say that the daily press will tell us all that the Institute Meeting brings forth in science and technology, but news‐papermen have a flair for the significant. Accordingly, when the New York Times devoted a half‐column editorial to the luncheon speech of Admiral Luis de Florez, it was because this engineer, with so many war‐time training devices and methods to his credit, had once again evolved a valuable idea, a Synthetic Aircraft to serve in the development and testing of new aeroplanes. During the war the Navy developed and used Synthetic Aircraft for training men in gunnery, bombing, radio work, meteorology, the handling of rockets and torpedoes. Moreover, with the aid of complex electronic devices, computers, electric analysers, it was possible to subject young pilots, in almost uncanny fashion, to simulated emergency conditions, the cutting out of an engine, combat damage. The Navy spent S100,000,000 on its synthetic trainers and saved millions of hours of training time and billions of dollars. In pioneer days, to build a new plane cost a few thousand dollars and in the test flight only one man risked his life. Today the first flight hazards millions of dollars and the lives of several men. Admiral De Florez suggested that the building of synthetic aircraft to reproduce the flight characteristics of a new machine in operating form rather than to rely on calculations, however learned they might be. Let us quote his own words:
THE list given below is based on the selection presented in Dr. Joris Vorstius's Ergebnisse und Fortschritte der Bibliographie in Deutschland seit dem ersten Weltkrieg…
THE list given below is based on the selection presented in Dr. Joris Vorstius's Ergebnisse und Fortschritte der Bibliographie in Deutschland seit dem ersten Weltkrieg (Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, Beiheft 74. Leipzig: Harrassowitz 1948, pp.v.172). Up to recently Dr. Vorstius was Director of the Öffentliche Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek in Berlin, the former Prussian State Library, and he has been the editor of the Zentralblatt since 1947. In addition to this survey of bibliographical work done in Germany, he has recently published a study of subject cataloguing in several of the large German learned libraries (Die Sachkatalogisierung in den wisseuschaftlichen Allgemeinbibliotlieken Deutschlands. Leipzig: Harrassowitz 1948, pp.viii.58) and a revised edition of his sketch of library history (Grundzüge der Bibliotheksgeschichte. Vierte, erweiterte Auflage. Leipzig: Harrassowitz 1948, pp.vii.114). In his survey of German bibliography Dr. Vorstius has aimed at making his selection in such a manner as to give a representative cross‐section of the bibliographies devoted to all important fields of scholarship. Works are listed according to their significance irrespective of the form in which they were issued, as monographs, appendixes to books, or contributions to serials. As the book is not likely to come the way of many British librarians, it has been thought useful to give a tabulated survey of bibliographical work done in Germany during the war years covering the period when there was least cultural contact between Germany and England. While thus cutting off a good slice at the beginning of the period covered by Dr. Vorstius's book, I have been able to extend the time range to include the post‐war period. When Dr. Vorstius surveyed the field in 1947, German bibliographical activity had reached a nadir after declining steeply from the second half of the war onwards. For the whole of 1945 Dr. Vorstius lists one single bibliography, devoted to the literature on doves and pigeons. From this trough of the graph, a slightly ascending curve led to the compilation of the first three German post‐war bibliographies, all of them black lists of Nazi literature compiled for purge purposes. That was the only sign of any revival of bibliographic production Dr. Vorstius was able to record. Writing two years later I have been in a position to expand the post‐war component of the list considerably, at least, relatively speaking. Again, in a field where Germany could take a justified pride in her achievement, in the publication of the numerous current bibliographies, Dr. Vorstius's survey of the numerous Zentralblätter and Jahresberichte is a list of war casualties. All these publications had come to an end, most of them long before the end of the war. Dr. Vorstius's book only records the revival of two, the Deutsche National‐bibliographie and the Deutsche Literaturzeitung. Now the list is considerably longer. Considerations of space have prevented me from listing all the extinct current bibliographies with their dates of stoppage under their appropriate headings; I have limited myself to listing those which have been revived or started since the end of the war and those which were started (and in practically all cases came to a speedy end) during the war.
Ricardo Belinski, Adriana M.M. Peixe, Guilherme F. Frederico and Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes
Industry 4.0 has been one of the most topics of interest by researches and practitioners in recent years. Then, researches which bring new insights related to the subjects linked…
Industry 4.0 has been one of the most topics of interest by researches and practitioners in recent years. Then, researches which bring new insights related to the subjects linked to the Industry 4.0 become relevant to support Industry 4.0's initiatives as well as for the deployment of new research works. Considering “organizational learning” as one of the most crucial subjects in this new context, this article aims to identify dimensions present in the literature regarding the relation between organizational learning and Industry 4.0 seeking to clarify how learning can be understood into the context of the fourth industrial revolution. In addition, future research directions are presented as well.
This study is based on a systematic literature review that covers Industry 4.0 and organizational learning based on publications made from 2012, when the topic of Industry 4.0 was coined in Germany, using data basis Web of Science and Google Scholar. Also, NVivo software was used in order to identify keywords and the respective dimensions and constructs found out on this research.
Nine dimensions were identified between organizational learning and Industry 4.0. These include management, Industry 4.0, general industry, technology, sustainability, application, interaction between industry and the academia, education and training and competency and skills. These dimensions may be viewed in three main constructs which are essentially in order to understand and manage learning in Industry 4.0's programs. They are: learning development, Industry 4.0 structure and technology Adoption.
Research limitations/implications
Even though there are relatively few publications that have studied the relationship between organizational learning and Industry 4.0, this article makes a material contribution to both the theory in relation to Industry 4.0 and the theory of learning - for its unprecedented nature, introducing the dimensions comprising this relation as well as possible future research directions encouraging empirical researches.
Practical implications
This article identifies the thematic dimensions relative to Industry 4.0 and organizational learning. The understanding of this relation has a relevant contribution to professionals acting in the field of organizational learning and Industry 4.0 in the sense of affording an adequate deployment of these elements by organizations.
This article is unique for filling a gap in the academic literature in terms of understanding the relation between organizational learning and Industry 4.0. The article also provides future research directions on learning within the context of Industry 4.0.
A novel numerical formulation of the two‐phase macroscopic balance equations governing the flow field in incompressible porous media is presented. The numerical model makes use of…
A novel numerical formulation of the two‐phase macroscopic balance equations governing the flow field in incompressible porous media is presented. The numerical model makes use of the weighted average flux method and total variation diminishing flux limiting techniques, and results in a second‐order accurate scheme. A shock tube study was carried out to examine the interaction of a normal shock wave with a thin layer of porous, incompressible cellular ceramic foam. Particular attention was paid to the transmitted and reflected flow fields. The numerical model was used to simulate the experimental test cases, and their results compared with a view to validate the numerical model. A phenomenological model is proposed to explain the behaviour of the transmitted flow field.