Why have entrepreneurs been so much in the news? What attempts have made to cope with the entrepreneurial revolution?
THE recent spate of mergers and acquisitions is encouraging to proponents of bigness as the answer to Britain's economic problems. 1968, already tagged the “year of the merger”…
THE recent spate of mergers and acquisitions is encouraging to proponents of bigness as the answer to Britain's economic problems. 1968, already tagged the “year of the merger”, may some day be considered the beginning of the merger decade.
Entrepreneurs have always existed but it is only recently that they have come to the forefront of business. A profound shift from a managerial to an entrepreneurial economy is…
Entrepreneurs have always existed but it is only recently that they have come to the forefront of business. A profound shift from a managerial to an entrepreneurial economy is occurring in the business world. In 30 years' time it is unlikely that the structures of large corporations as we now know them will still exist. The reasons behind the sudden predominance of entrepreneurs are examined and the ways in which the corporate marketing department can minimise the conflict between themselves and the entrepreneur (and even put it to good use) are discussed.
Susanne Femers, Joachim Klewes and Klaus Lintemeier
The paper structures the life cycle of issues, thus allowing a systematic discussion of their practical aspects. It is designed to help public relations professionals handle…
The paper structures the life cycle of issues, thus allowing a systematic discussion of their practical aspects. It is designed to help public relations professionals handle issues by providing them with parameters that can be influenced systematically. The authors differentiate between four different phases in the life cycle of an issue: emergence, dissemination, establishment and erosion. These phases reflect the different degrees to which an issue penetrates society. An issue emerges when a ‘crystallisation’ and certain interpretation of a specific social reality comes out. Dissemination comes up when protagonists pick up the issue and disseminate it. The issue is established when it becomes known to a large part of society. And it undergoes erosion when public interest in the issue stagnates. In each of the four phases intermediary groups and media are involved in different ways and to different degrees. The issue's factual structure, ie the degree of complexity, is also different in each phase. Public relations professionals can systematically influence the different parameters in each phase of the issue: by doing this they gain improved control of the issues.