“Local food” is attracting considerable policy and public interest, but evidence is lacking about the emerging contours of the local food sector. This paper offers a preliminary…
“Local food” is attracting considerable policy and public interest, but evidence is lacking about the emerging contours of the local food sector. This paper offers a preliminary assessment of the local food sector in the county of Gloucestershire. Based on interviews with farmers and retailers, it investigates the scope of local food production in the county, assesses the nature of the local food chain and considers the potential of local food production and marketing for adding value for the various actors in the chain, from producer to retailer. Questions are raised in the conclusion about the coherence and sustainability of the local food sector in the county given the differences in the ways in which producers and retailers construct “local” and some unintended consequences of the efforts to promote local food.
Investigates the effect of adaptors’ race and cultural adaptation on attraction when American salespersons adapt to Thai buyers. Suggests that the results support the hypohtesis…
Investigates the effect of adaptors’ race and cultural adaptation on attraction when American salespersons adapt to Thai buyers. Suggests that the results support the hypohtesis that the race of foreigners, despite the fact that they were born and raised in the same country moderates the effect of adaptation on attraction. Highlights that when Americans do adapt their behaviour, adaptation by those who are more racially different from the Thai perceivers is more effective than those who are less racially different. Provides some managerial implications.
The following are portions of a paper, bearing the title as above, which was read before the Royal Society of Arts on April 18th, 1945, by Sir Edward V. Appleton, LL.D., F.R.S.…
The following are portions of a paper, bearing the title as above, which was read before the Royal Society of Arts on April 18th, 1945, by Sir Edward V. Appleton, LL.D., F.R.S., the Secretary of the Department; Sir Henry Dale, P.R.S., presiding.
Darrin Kass and Christian Grandzol
This study examined the leadership development of MBA students enrolled in an Organizational Behavior course. Students enrolled in either an in-class section or a section that…
This study examined the leadership development of MBA students enrolled in an Organizational Behavior course. Students enrolled in either an in-class section or a section that included an intensive, outdoor training component called Leadership on the Edge. Results from Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices Inventory (2003) showed that students in the outdoor training section demonstrated greater improvements in leadership practices over the course of the semester. Reflective comments from students in the outdoor section indicated it was a transformative personal experience that is unlikely to be emulated in a classroom. Implications for leadership educators are discussed.
This article critiques the major works of Jeremy Bentham as they apply to three areas: public policy, social reform and administrative theory. The article concludes that jeremy…
This article critiques the major works of Jeremy Bentham as they apply to three areas: public policy, social reform and administrative theory. The article concludes that jeremy Bentham’s contributions to all three areas has been significant, but that in the area of administrative theory he has not received the recognition he deserves. The article points out that Jeremy Bentham developed a complete theory of administration more than a century before such figures as Henri Fayol and Luther Gulick.
In translations give the original title when quoted in the book (it not being usually worth while to make a search), as :
Claire Sinnema, Alan J. Daly, Joelle Rodway, Darren Hannah, Rachel Cann and Yi-Hwa Liou
To provide a list of non‐fictional books, as published, for the use of Librarians and Book‐buyers generally, arranged so as to serve as a continuous catalogue of new books ; an…
To provide a list of non‐fictional books, as published, for the use of Librarians and Book‐buyers generally, arranged so as to serve as a continuous catalogue of new books ; an aid to exact classification and annotation ; and a select list of new books proposed to be purchased. Novels, school books, ordinary reprints and strictly official publications will not be included in the meantime.