Looks at the launch of a healthy eating campaign in Holyhead School,Birmingham. The project aimed to encourage pupils to choose healthieroptions which were available at lunch‐time.
Looks at the launch of a healthy eating campaign in Holyhead School, Birmingham. The project aimed to encourage pupils to choose healthier options which were available at lunch‐time.
Supports the view that enabling pupils to set achievable goals foreating a better diet and taking more exercise can help them towards ahealthier lifestyle. Describes the…
Supports the view that enabling pupils to set achievable goals for eating a better diet and taking more exercise can help them towards a healthier lifestyle. Describes the introduction of an award winning Lifestyles Campaign into two Birmingham schools, key features being pupil participation and student ownership of the initiative. Students were encouraged to set realistic, practical and achievable targets and to participate in group activities. Outlines the methodology used and asserts that the outcome of the campaign supported the hypothesis that the approach taken by the programme motivated pupils to become more physically active. Suggests that successful setting and reaching of targets may be included in each student′s record of achievement, thus reinforcing the importance of lifestyle and commitment to promoting health.
Jonathan Glazzard and Anthea Rose
The detrimental effects of increased workloads and high-stakes accountability that impact on teachers’ job satisfaction and wellbeing have been well documented in the…
The detrimental effects of increased workloads and high-stakes accountability that impact on teachers’ job satisfaction and wellbeing have been well documented in the international literature (Holloway et al., 2017; Perryman et al., 2011). This chapter will explore the factors which influence staff mental health and wellbeing in schools. The authors unpack issues of burnout, job satisfaction and teacher attrition. The authors consider the concept of teacher resilience by situating resilience within a socio-ecological framework. Specifically, the authors draw on Greenfield’s (2015) model of teacher resilience. The authors draw on our own research to explore the relationship between staff wellbeing and student wellbeing (Glazzard & Rose, 2020). In addition, the authors consider the specific issues related to the wellbeing of school leaders.
In the Court of Appeal last summer, when Van Den Berghs and Jurgens Limited (belonging to the Unilever giant organization) sought a reversal of the decision of the trial judge…
In the Court of Appeal last summer, when Van Den Berghs and Jurgens Limited (belonging to the Unilever giant organization) sought a reversal of the decision of the trial judge that their television advertisements of Stork margarine did not contravene Reg. 9, Margarine Regulations, 1967—an action which their Lordships described as fierce but friendly—there were some piercing criticisms by the Court on the phrasing of the Regulations, which was described as “ridiculous”, “illogical” and as “absurdities”. They also remarked upon the fact that from 1971 to 1975, after the Regulations became operative, and seven years from the date they were made, no complaint from enforcement authorities and officers or the organizations normally consulted during the making of such regulations were made, until the Butter Information Council, protecting the interests of the dairy trade and dairy producers, suggested the long‐standing advertisements of Reg. 9. An example of how the interests of descriptions and uses of the word “butter” infringements of Reg. 9. An example af how the interests of enforcement, consumer protection, &c, are not identical with trade interests, who see in legislation, accepted by the first, as injuring sections of the trade. (There is no evidence that the Butter Information Council was one of the organizations consulted by the MAFF before making the Regulations.) The Independant Broadcasting Authority on receiving the Council's complaint and obtaining legal advice, banned plaintiffs' advertisements and suggested they seek a declaration that the said advertisements did not infringe the Regulations. This they did and were refused such a declaration by the trial judge in the Chancery Division, whereupon they went to the Court of Appeal, and it was here, in the course of a very thorough and searching examination of the question and, in particular, the Margarine Regulations, that His Appellate Lordship made use of the critical phrases we have quoted.
The recommendations of this Committee published on May 30th of this year cover a very wide sphere. The report describes the present arrangements for the inspection of meat in…
The recommendations of this Committee published on May 30th of this year cover a very wide sphere. The report describes the present arrangements for the inspection of meat in Britain and the qualification and training of the meat inspectors. The difficulties associated with the storage and sale of meat in stalls, markets and mobile shops, and the problems of transport of meat and offal by road and rail are reviewed. The recommended standard for meat inspection known as Memorandum 62/Foods issued by the Ministry of Health in 1922 has been the subject, too, of much revision. The report is a comprehensive document, and the Committee took evidence from many authoritative bodies. It is surprising to note, however, the lack of representation on this Committee of sanitary inspectors, who, at present are, and have been for many years, responsible for at least 80 per cent of the meat inspection in England. Members of the local authorities and the meat trades will remember the Ministry of Health memorandum in 1940 which drew attention to the fact that, under the scheme of control, animals, meat and offal were Crown property until sold, and were not, therefore, subject to the provisions of the Food and Drugs Act relating to the seizure of unsound food. The Committee have considered this anomaly and recommend that the question of the meat inspector's statutory power to examine and, if necessary, to reject the meat should be considered. An even stronger recommendation than this would seem desirable. It is unfortunate that, whilst the meat inspector cannot seize Crown property, he has only to wait until it is in the hand of the unfortunate private owner or butcher, probably the next day, and he is then fully empowered to seize it. The Committee reviewed the qualification and training of meat inspectors, and having received very diverse evidence from the veterinary and medical profession and the Sanitary Inspectors‘ Association, they did not view with favour the scheme of the present meat inspectors acting as detention officers under the supervision of veterinary surgeons. This would mean relegating the present qualified meat inspector to the position of detention officer. He would be permitted to pass sound meat but would have to call in a veterinary surgeon or medical officer to confirm his findings in respect of meat which he wished to reject as unfit for human consumption. This restriction of responsibility was rightly deemed unwise. If an officer is fit to pass meat he is obviously fit to reject it, and the Committee decided that the professional training of the veterinary surgeon could be utilised to the best advantage in a supervisory capacity over a large abattoir or group of smaller abattoirs. This follows the present mode whereby the Ministry of Food veterinary surgeons pay periodical visits to abattoirs and slaughterhouses for liaison purposes, with a view to obtaining a uniform standard throughout the country. It is interesting to note that the Committee assumes that the duties of meat inspection will continue to remain the responsibility of local authorities; this is a wise recommendation appreciative of the difficulties of an officer of the Ministry of Food attempting to act in both a judicial and executive capacity. Another recommendation of far‐reaching importance was that there are men available in the butchery trade who, by reason of their practical experience, would make suitable candidates for training in meat inspection. It was considered unnecessary for such persons to qualify as sanitary inspectors, but a course of theoretical and practical training should be provided for these candidates to allow them to qualify as meat inspectors. The necessary amendment to the Food and Drugs Act is recommended to enable them to examine and seize meat. At the same time the Committee state that the holding of the Meat and Food Certificate of the Royal Sanitary Institute should be obligatory for sanitary inspectors carrying out meat inspection duties. This has been the consensus of opinion among that body for many years. The question of the registration of retail butchers’ shops was investigated, and the Committee felt that this was desirable, and that the suitability of the premises should be considered before granting registration. This should be a pre‐requisite for the opening of new businesses, and should be revocable; there should be a right of appeal to the courts against the decision of the local authority to refuse to grant or to cancel a registration. This would, for all practical purposes, bring all butchers' shops and meat storage premises under the scope of Section 14 of the Food and Drugs Act, which at present is only applicable to retail butchers if sausages or other kinds of meat products are manufactured on the premises. Members of the meat trade in general, and officers of the local authority will heartily agree with the Committee in their statement that it is not practicable to protect meat and open‐packed meat products against contamination when they are sold from stalls in the open air. The Committee state that the sale of meat and open‐packed meat products in the open air should be brought to an end, and suggest that registration should be granted to existing stalls on a temporary basis only. The question of mobile shops is also the subject of some attention, and the report states that mobile shops should be registered by the local authority of the area from which they operate; registration should be conditional upon approval by the local authority of the construction and equipment of these shops, and of the accommodation for the storage of meat. In relation to compulsory meat inspection, the Committee did not seem aware of the distribution made from pig clubs and individual pig owners, who periodically fatten and kill pigs. Under the present scheme a pig from such a source, slaughtered at an abattoir and found to be infected with tuberculosis, cannot be detained. The owner may, despite the carcase being diseased, take it away with him and, in some cases perhaps in ignorance of the risks involved, may quietly distribute the surplus amongst his friends. In all such cases it would have seemed advisable to insist on compulsory inspection and subsequent detention, where the interests of the individuals concerned would suffer by its consumption. The present system of centralised slaughtering, carried out for the past ten years, has many advantages. A rural authority prior to this time often had 20–30 slaughterhouses in its area; these would kill one to two animals a day, and adequate inspection of all carcases over such an area was often impossible. At present the majority of authorities in possession of a public abattoir and killing over 20,000 carcases a year, employ a full‐time meat inspector with the Royal Sanitary Institute certificate for the inspection of meat and other foods. It is to be hoped that the Ministry of Food will make a declaration of policy in so far as abattoirs are concerned. In the past they have refused to allow toll charges to be raised, some of which were fixed in 1925: as an alternative they agree to meet a loss beyond that incurred in the pre‐war years. This does not give an incentive for economical running, and the majority of authorities would prefer a proportionate rise in charges to meat the increase in labour and materials. Also, if the policy of centralised slaughtering is to continue, many abattoirs must be enlarged and provision made for adequate facilities. The Committee were convinced of the value of laboratory tests as a supplement to visual inspection of carcases, and recommended that laboratory accommodation and facilities should be provided at all new slaughterhouses, and wherever practicable at existing ones, to enable inspectors to carry out routine laboratory tests covering the examination of smears and tissues. This decision, too, appears to be inextricably linked with the question as to whether or not the present system of slaughtering is to continue. Local authorities and owners of large private slaughterhouses can hardly be expected to incur considerable expenditure in this sphere, merely to have their premises taken from them by subsequent legislation, or to be informed later that the abattoir and slaughterhouse is not going to be used to its capacity and a diversion made elsewhere.
Sonika Sahu, Piyush D. Ukey, Narendra Kumar, Ravi Pratap Singh and Mohd. Zahid Ansari
This study aims to generate different three-dimensional (3D) foam models using computer tomography (CT) scan and solid continuum techniques. The generated foam models were used to…
This study aims to generate different three-dimensional (3D) foam models using computer tomography (CT) scan and solid continuum techniques. The generated foam models were used to study deformation mechanism and the elastic-plastic behaviour with the existing experimental foam behaviour.
CT scan model was generated by combing 2D images of foam in MIMICS software. Afterwards, it was imported in ABAQUS/CAE software. However, solid continuum model was generated in ABAQUS/CAE software by using crushable foam properties. Then, the generated foam models were sets boundary conditions for a compression test.
CT scans capture the actual morphology of foam sample which may directly an image based finite element foam model. The sectional views of both the models were used to observe deformation mechanism on compression. The real compressive behaviour of foam was visualised in CT-Scan foam model. It was observed that CT-scan model was the more accurate modelling method than crushable foam model.
The internal structure of foam is very complex and difficult to analyse. Therefore, CT-scanning may be the accurate method for capturing the macro-level detailing of foam structure. A CT-scan foam model can be used for multiple times for mechanical analysis using a simulation software, which may reduce the manufacturing and the experimental cost and time.
The Forster crack detector for steel nuts has spinning differential stray flux probes. It tests hopper fed nuts with diameters ranging from 10 to 27mm at a rate of 3 per sec…
The Forster crack detector for steel nuts has spinning differential stray flux probes. It tests hopper fed nuts with diameters ranging from 10 to 27mm at a rate of 3 per sec. Pseudo rejection or acceptance of nuts is practically eliminated.
The revelations that have been made concerning the insanitary conditions under which large quantities of important food products are prepared in the United States for consumption…
The revelations that have been made concerning the insanitary conditions under which large quantities of important food products are prepared in the United States for consumption in this country have attracted, for the time being, the attention that the subject deserves.
ICI Mond Division have recently launched an easily dispersible organic thixotrope called “Thixomen”, which is said to be suitable for use in both paints and printing inks…
ICI Mond Division have recently launched an easily dispersible organic thixotrope called “Thixomen”, which is said to be suitable for use in both paints and printing inks. “Thixomen” is a derivative of castor oil and can be used in either aromatic or aliphatic solvents or mixtures of the two.
Vitamin A Vitamin A is essential for healthy mucous membranes which line all the body's internal tracts, such as the digestive, urinary and respiratory systems. Vitamin A is…
Vitamin A Vitamin A is essential for healthy mucous membranes which line all the body's internal tracts, such as the digestive, urinary and respiratory systems. Vitamin A is required for vision in dim light and it is essential in order that the delicate linings of the eye lids and the coverings of the eye ball stay healthy. Vitamin A also appears to be needed for a healthy outer skin.