Karima El Kihel, Hasnae Saadi, Rachid Aharrouch, Abdelmoumen El Antari, Nabil Hachem, Mohamed Madani and Mohammed El Bouziani
The authors investigate the magnetic properties of a mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 Blume-Capel model on square and cubic lattices with two different single-ion anisotropies.
The authors investigate the magnetic properties of a mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 Blume-Capel model on square and cubic lattices with two different single-ion anisotropies.
To study the critical behavior of a mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 system, the authors have used a real space renormalization group approximation and specifically the Migdal-Kadanoff technique. The authors give the phase diagrams for two different cases: (1) on the (Δ/|J|, 1/|J|) plane with ΔA = ΔB = Δ, and (2) on the (ΔA/|J|, 1/|J|) and (ΔB/|J|, 1/|J|) planes for selected values of ΔB/|J| and ΔA/|J|, respectively.
The phase diagrams obtained show that the system exhibits both second- and first-order phase transitions as well as tricritical points for some values of the anisotropies. Moreover, using the variation of the free energy and its derivative at low temperatures, the authors have seen the appearance of first-order transitions at very low temperatures.
Few investigations of mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 systems with crystal field have been realized. For this reason, the authors use the renormalization group approach to complete the work done on these systems. In absence of an exact solution, this contributes to the synthesis of the approximation results on mixed spins models.
Christina Constantinidis, Typhaine Lebègue, Manal El Abboubi and Noura Salman
Studies on women’s entrepreneurship in Morocco are scarce, despite the potential of women for the country’s economy. This research takes place in a socio-cultural environment…
Studies on women’s entrepreneurship in Morocco are scarce, despite the potential of women for the country’s economy. This research takes place in a socio-cultural environment searching for a compromise between tradition and modernity. Families occupy a prominent place in Morocco, directly influencing women’s activities. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of family in Moroccan women’s entrepreneurial success.
The qualitative research is based on 60 interviews with women entrepreneurs in Morocco, including women business owners, women professionals and also women co-operators who have not been documented until now, due to data accessibility. It is diversified in terms of personal, family and professional characteristics. The analysis uses an intersectionality framework taking gender and social class into consideration.
The results highlight three categories of women entrepreneur: the “elite”, the “self-made women” and the “co-operators”. Each category is characterised by specific familial and professional realities, underpinned by differentiated dynamics in terms of gender and social class.
Practical implications
The study, from a practical point of view, contributes to a better understanding of the differentiated realities encountered in terms of women’s entrepreneurship, in the Moroccan context.
Studies in developing countries tend to consider women entrepreneurs as a homogeneous group. This research highlights the fact that family support, women entrepreneurs’ practices and their role in entrepreneurial success depend on the background situations in terms of gender and social class. It also contributes to the entrepreneurial success field, revealing different definitions and perceptions of success among women entrepreneurs.