The delivery of effective postgraduate education for doctors in trusts is becoming vital to secure the individual services of trusts. Increasingly, training requirements are…
The delivery of effective postgraduate education for doctors in trusts is becoming vital to secure the individual services of trusts. Increasingly, training requirements are impacting on the location of clinical services that NHS trusts provide. Failure to understand the benefits and drawbacks of providing postgraduate education could affect the long‐term strategic direction of trusts. The paper seeks to identify the case for investment, the need to address key deliverables to secure effective postgraduate education and the need for clinicians and managers to evaluate the effectiveness of such training for their organisations.
The role of consultant obstetricians is under considerable debate. This has particularly focused on the role of consultants in intrapartum care. The article explores the role of…
The role of consultant obstetricians is under considerable debate. This has particularly focused on the role of consultants in intrapartum care. The article explores the role of the consultant in delivery suite from the view point of a consultant, a clinical director, a training programme director and a chief executive. These viewpoints determine a range of common themes which mean the duties of consultants over their career lifecycle need to be addressed; the need to expand consultant posts; and the tensions which inevitably occur. The authors believe these need to be addressed because of the need to ensure consultant roles in delivery suite are developed as a key part of seeing quality improvement.
According to John Grant’s New Marketing Manifesto, contemporary consumers “act their shoe size not their age” by resolutely refusing to grow up. They are not alone. Managers too…
According to John Grant’s New Marketing Manifesto, contemporary consumers “act their shoe size not their age” by resolutely refusing to grow up. They are not alone. Managers too are adopting a kiddy imperative, as the profusion of primers predicated on children’s literature – and storytelling generally – bears witness. Winnie the Pooh, the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and Hans Christian Andersen are the marketing gurus du jour, or so it seems. This paper adds to the juvenile agenda by examining the Harry Potter books, all four of which are replete with references to market‐place phenomena, and contending that scholarly sustenance can be drawn from J.K. Rowling’s remarkable, if ambivalent, marketing imagination.
That the health of the body is very closely connected with the nature and quantity of the food we take is a statement in the nature of a self‐evident proposition. When we desist…
That the health of the body is very closely connected with the nature and quantity of the food we take is a statement in the nature of a self‐evident proposition. When we desist from eating food, starvation sets in after a longer or shorter period, according to the individual; when we eat too much or drink too much, distressing symptoms as inevitably supervene. Moreover, the quantity of food or drink consumed is not the only factor. The quality also is a matter of supreme importance, as in cases of malnutrition, while the various forms of blood disease, more or less loosely classed together as anæmia, appear to be associated to some extent with the question of nourishment. Without going so far as extreme partisans do who would seek to prove that all diseases are ultimately due to the consumption of unsuitable food, as witness, for instance, the views of the more advanced vegetarians and fruitarians, who attribute cancer and other maladies to the eating of meat, it is obvious that a very close connection exists between the health of the body and the nature of our food supply.