Gurjeet Kaur Sahi, Harjit Singh Sekhon and Tahira Khanam Quareshi
India’s retail sector is going through a significant transitional period with the internet as a new distribution channel becoming more common. Given the barriers to adoption, the…
India’s retail sector is going through a significant transitional period with the internet as a new distribution channel becoming more common. Given the barriers to adoption, the purpose of this paper is to understand the role played by trusting beliefs when engaging with an online retailer. In the Indian market, online vending is expected to increase at a rate of 35 per cent per annum, and by understanding trusting beliefs retailers will be able to develop their market share by developing appropriate and/or innovative strategies.
The work is based on a sample of more than 200 internet customers in India. In understanding the data and the relationships that emerged from the modelling, the authors used a range of tools to analyse the data, including CFA and structural equation modelling. The authors also used descriptive statistics to provide a holistic overview of response profiles.
The study reveals that trusting beliefs are negatively influenced by an uncertainty avoidance culture and positively influenced by a firm’s image and a customer’s price awareness. Moreover, purchase intentions (PIs) are significantly enhanced by trusting beliefs in an online environment. Hence, it leads us to conclude that PIs can be augmented by facilitating and ensuring good quality service by placing special emphasis on timeliness, accuracy and conditions of the order, security and privacy paradigms, aftersales services, etc.
Research limitations/implications
As can be seen, the internet is an emergent tool for retailers in India. By understanding trusting beliefs, retailers will be able to better understand customers’ behaviour and thus design management strategies accordingly. Although this is likely to take more than a decade, as internet retailing becomes embedded it may have a detrimental effect on the historical channel to market, thus altering the country’s retail landscape which is currently dominated by small retailers.
Practical implications
The work’s findings are insightful for those seeking to maximize the opportunities presented by the internet as a channel to market. The works shows how the channel is influenced and thus how it can be managed. In making the contribution the authors provide guidance in terms of operational activity to engage with potential customers.
This paper examines trusting beliefs when using the internet as a channel to market and in doing so it makes a new contribution because it establishes links with culture and other factors. For the research venue the authors use a developing market and therefore the findings are applicable to markets with similar characteristics.
Harjit Singh Sekhon, Dima Al-Eisawi, Sanjit Kumar Roy and Adrian Pritchard
The purpose of this paper is to develop and tests a service excellence model, thus providing a detailed understanding of the key antecedents of service excellence, from a…
The purpose of this paper is to develop and tests a service excellence model, thus providing a detailed understanding of the key antecedents of service excellence, from a customer ' s perspective. The model presented in this paper is rooted in cross-disciplinary literature and tested amongst customers of UK retail banking services.
Following a systematic approach to scale development, the paper draws on survey data from 260 consumers of retail banking products, with the data collected on national basis in the UK.
The theoretical framework was evaluated using a structural approach. Of the hypothesised antecedents, innovation has the greatest impact on service excellence while reputation the least, as far as customers are concerned.
Research limitations/implications
The research was limited to one research domain, i.e. UK retail banking, and thus it is reasonable to hypothesise that other aspects of service excellence will be more or less relevant for other types of financial services or in other geographic regions.
Practical implications
Given the challenges faced by the retail banking sector, there are implications for practitioners because the authors identified the key antecedents of service excellence. The antecedents can be used by practitioners to help demonstrate excellence on their part and they could differentiate what are homogenous services at a time when the retail banks are going through a period of recovery following the crisis within the sector.
This work complements the understanding of service excellence and provides insight for scholars and practitioners by modelling services for a specific service sector.
Harjit Singh Sekhon, Sanjit Kumar Roy and James Devlin
The purpose of this paper is to examine fairness within financial services. In making the contribution the authors examine fairness by four different channels to market and across…
The purpose of this paper is to examine fairness within financial services. In making the contribution the authors examine fairness by four different channels to market and across a range of financial services products. The product categories in the study are those with the highest density levels in the UK.
Underpinned by the development of new measures, this paper is based on telephone interviews and on-line surveys with UK customers of financial services. More than 1,000 customers participated in the survey during the middle of 2013. After reporting the measurement model, the authors use ANOVA to report the differences in the perception of the dimensions of fairness by channel to market.
The authors found there to be significant differences in perceptions using different channels to market. The research shows that where a face-to-face interaction takes place, such as branch contact, they are perceived to be fairer than when interactions are more remote. Given the dimensions of fairness, this reveals the importance of communications during explanations so that interactions are deemed to be fair.
Research limitations/implications
The focus of this research was the examination of fairness within the setting of the UK’s financial services sector. The authors are minded that if the research is replicated in other countries or contexts then different aspects of fairness might emerge.
Practical implications
Given the challenges faced by the financial services sector, there are implications for practitioners because they must be seen to be treating customers fairly. The research shows that remote contact such as the internet is not perceived as being as fair as face-to-face contact. The fair treatment of customers is likely to lead to positive brand benefits.
This study complements the understanding of fairness and provides insight for scholars and practitioners, within financial services.
Andrews Agya Yalley and Harjit Singh Sekhon
The purpose of this paper is to differentiate the production process within services from the dominant manufacturing-based production process, with the objective of delineating…
The purpose of this paper is to differentiate the production process within services from the dominant manufacturing-based production process, with the objective of delineating the production process in services and highlighting its implication for service productivity.
This study critically reviewed the extant literature on the production processes in manufacturing and services from a multidisciplinary perspective and proposed a framework for the service production process and its relationship with service productivity.
The production process for services differs from the dominant manufacturing-based production process and entails an input, transformation process and outcome dimensions. Therefore, any advancement in services, particularly the conceptualisation and measurement of service productivity, is dependent on the application of a service-specific production process.
Research limitations/implications
The understanding and delineation of the production process in services would further scholarly understanding of what is means to be productive in services and the impact on the validity of the conceptualisation and measurement of service productivity and other service-related concepts.
Practical implications
The proposed service-based production process can further managerial understanding of the measurement and management of productivity in services.
This paper delineates the production process in services and highlighted its implication for service productivity. This study, therefore, is a step forward in developing service-specific concepts and measures, particularly service productivity.
Husni Kharouf, Donald J. Lund and Harjit Sekhon
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of retailer trustworthiness in driving customer trust and the subsequent impact on loyalty. The authors position…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of retailer trustworthiness in driving customer trust and the subsequent impact on loyalty. The authors position trustworthiness as a mediator in the link between retail strategies and the development of trust. They model customer loyalty to the service retailer as a function of the trust created through trustworthy perceptions.
The authors validate their model using 420 survey responses from customers in a service retail setting. Nine research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Alternate models are estimated, and the results provide support for the theory-based trustworthiness mediation model.
Trustworthy behaviors first build trustworthiness, which then translates into customer trust and ultimately has a positive impact on both behavioral and attitudinal loyalty.
Research limitations/implications
The research highlights the importance for retailers to signal their trustworthiness to build customer trust and loyalty. Researchers should measure trustworthiness perceptions when examining customer relationships and managers should plan strategically to develop both trust and trustworthiness with their customers.
This study is one of the first to investigate the mediating effect of trustworthiness on customer loyalty in service settings. While past research has investigated dimensions of trustworthy behaviors, none has included a measure of trustworthiness perceptions and consumer trust in the same theoretical model. The results of the research provide important insights for both researchers and managers.