Nan Zhang, Heikki Hämmäinen and Hannu Flinck
This paper models the cost efficiency of service function chaining (SFC) in software-defined LTE networks and compares it with traditional LTE networks.
This paper models the cost efficiency of service function chaining (SFC) in software-defined LTE networks and compares it with traditional LTE networks.
Both the capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) of the SFC are quantified using an average Finnish mobile network in 2015 as a reference. The modeling inputs are gathered through semi-structured interviews with Finnish mobile network operators (MNO) and network infrastructure vendors operating in the Finnish market.
The modeling shows that software-defined networking (SDN) can reduce SFC-related CAPEX and OPEX significantly for an average Finnish MNO in 2015. The analysis on different types of MNOs implies that a MNO without deep packet inspection sees the biggest cost savings compared to other MNO types.
Practical implications
Service function investments typically amount to 5-20 per cent of the overall MNO network investments, and savings in SFC may impact highly on the cost structure of a MNO. In addition, SFC acts as both a business interface, which connects the local MNOs with global internet service providers, and as a technical interface, where the 3GPP and IETF standards meet. Thus, the cost efficient operation of SFC may bring competitive advantages to the MNO.
The results show solid basis of network-related cost savings in SFC and contributes to MNOs making cost conscious investment decisions. In addition, the results act as a baseline scenario for further studies that combine SDN with virtualization to re-optimize network service functions.