The study investigates the effects of learning abilities, market changes and technological development in the field of the need for future skills.
The study investigates the effects of learning abilities, market changes and technological development in the field of the need for future skills.
This quantitative research is a descriptive study, as it describes the characteristics of variables. Non-probability sampling was applied. A survey was distributed online during May–July, 2021, using a cross-sectional timeframe, to managers (in three industries: FINTECH, FMCG and industrial/production field) who work with teams of Gen Z and Millennials. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS.
There is a significant positive relationship between learning abilities and future skills development, there is a significant positive relationship between technology development and future skills development, and there is a significant positive relationship between market changes and future skills development.
Research limitations/implications
Data were collected through online surveys, focusing on three industries. This study neglects the use of qualitative data in order to gain further explanations regarding the main factors influencing employees' future skills development in times of globalization, advanced technology, global crisis, and the need for sustainability, the model of qualification for future jobs seems dynamic and controversial. This study's empirical evidence illustrates that future skills need to be developed for employees in order to affect their methods with regard to performing their role in the company.
New skills are necessarily emerging in the labor market. The maturity level of higher education institutions to promote these skills is questioned. Thus, this study develops empirical knowledge for educational institutions regarding the effects of learning abilities, market changes and technological development.