Numerous researchers have addressed the issue of the internaldynamics of export stage development. Many, if not all, have tried torelate the univariate effect of each variable to…
Numerous researchers have addressed the issue of the internal dynamics of export stage development. Many, if not all, have tried to relate the univariate effect of each variable to each stage. In contrast this research, conducted in the context of the Korean electronics industry, has attempted to identify variables relevant to overall stages. The export stages are operationalised in terms of five variables. The results indicate that the following variables are significant in explaining the dispersion of firms across the export stages: (1) management′s perception of the importance of exporting as a means of achieving their firm′s market share, ROI and growth goals; (2) product uniqueness and price advantages; and (3) management′s desire to control foreign marketing operations.
Haksik Lee, Yongki Lee and Dongkeun Yoo
Deals with three issues in the area of perceived service quality. First, it compares the gap model with the performance model. Second, it investigates the direction of causality…
Deals with three issues in the area of perceived service quality. First, it compares the gap model with the performance model. Second, it investigates the direction of causality between service quality and satisfaction. Finally, it examines whether the influences of some dimensions of service quality vary across service industry types. Three service firms were selected and respondents were interviewed in each firm. As hypothesized, the performance model appeared to be superior to the gap model. In addition, the result shows that perceived service quality is an antecedent of satisfaction, rather than vice versa. Finally, tangibles appeared to be a more important factor in the facility/equipment‐based industries, whereas responsiveness is a more important factor in the people‐based industries. Managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.