The purpose of this paper is to study the distribution of active earth pressure in retaining walls with narrow cohesion less backfill considering arching effects.
The purpose of this paper is to study the distribution of active earth pressure in retaining walls with narrow cohesion less backfill considering arching effects.
To this end, the approach of principal stresses rotation was used to consider the arching effects.
According to the presented formulation, the active soil pressure distribution is nonlinear with zero value at the wall base. The proposed formulation implies that by increasing the frictional forces at both sides of the backfill, the arching effect is increased and so, the lateral earth pressure on the retaining wall is decreased. Also, by narrowing the backfill space, the lateral earth pressure is extremely decreased.
A comprehensive analytical solution for the active earth pressure of narrow backfills is presented, such that the effects of the surcharge and the characteristics of the stable back surface are considered. The magnitude and height of the application of lateral active force are also derived.
Hamed Arefizadeh and Hadi Shahir
Anchorage with concrete bearing pad is commonly used in Iran for stabilization of excavations because of the ease of construction, less costs and less time consumption than the…
Anchorage with concrete bearing pad is commonly used in Iran for stabilization of excavations because of the ease of construction, less costs and less time consumption than the soldier pile method. In this method, a wall facing which includes the concrete bearing pads at the location of the anchors and a shotcrete layer between the bearing pads is constructed parallel to the excavation operation similar to the nailing method.
In this paper, using the finite element software Abaqus, a three-dimensional model of the above-mentioned type of wall is constructed, and the effect of spacing and size of bearing pads on the wall behavior is discussed.
According to the obtained results, the size of the concrete bearing pads has little effect on wall deformations, but the internal forces and bending moments developed in the shotcrete layer between the bearing pads are greatly influenced by the bearing pads dimensions and spacing.
Owing to the discrete elements of the wall facing, the behavior of this system is completely three-dimensional.
Seyyed Pouya Alavinezhad and Hadi Shahir
The purpose of this study is to present a diagram for the lateral earth pressure of c–φ soils exerted on anchored walls in presence of surcharge.
The purpose of this study is to present a diagram for the lateral earth pressure of c–φ soils exerted on anchored walls in presence of surcharge.
To this end, two-dimensional plane strain modeling of anchored wall was carried out in Plaxis software. To validate the numerical model, two excavations with different specifications were simulated and the model results were compared with the available results. Subsequently, a parametric analysis was done and based on its results, a diagram was proposed for the lateral earth pressure of c–φ soils including the surcharge effects.
The proposed diagram without the surcharge and cohesion effects is a trapezoidal with zero value at the ground surface that is linearly approaching the apparent earth pressure of sand according to Terzaghi and Peck (1967) at 0.1H (H: wall height). The surcharge and cohesion effects at the ground level is 4 Ka*q and 0, respectively, and below 0.1H, they are treated as the same way for lateral earth pressure of a retaining wall. It should be emphasized that the apparent pressure diagram for design does not resemble the real distribution of earth pressure against the wall and it is for calculating the values of the anchors loads.
The available diagrams to determine the earth pressure exerted on the anchored walls are related to sandy or clayey soils and do not take the presence of surcharge into account. Thus, the proposed diagram is quite original and different from the previous ones.