S.A. Alghamdi, M.A. Mohiuddin and H.N. Al‐Ghamedy
As structural members, circular helicoidal bars are frequently used in the construction industry for a variety of practical and/or aesthetical reasons. While these bars…
As structural members, circular helicoidal bars are frequently used in the construction industry for a variety of practical and/or aesthetical reasons. While these bars (curvilinear beams) might represent the most practical alternative for carrying loads in a specified structural configuration, the three dimensional structural response has been found to be superior compared to that of other forms of structural members under a general state of loading. Presents the results of a study that has been designed to investigate the free vibration characteristics of this type of bar. The study reported is limited to the analysis of free vibrations utilizing the method of dynamic transport matrix (DTM), and the finite elements method (FEM). A comparative study of the results provided by the DTM is presented to assess the vibration characteristics of circular helicoidal bars and circular bars. The results indicate: the inherent structural superiority of the three dimensional behaviour of circular helicoidal bars; and the computational efficiency of the DTM as compared to the FEM.
A bibliographical review of the finite element methods (FEMs) applied for the linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic analyses of basic structural elements from the theoretical…
A bibliographical review of the finite element methods (FEMs) applied for the linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic analyses of basic structural elements from the theoretical as well as practical points of view is given. The bibliography at the end of the paper contains 1,726 references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing with the analysis of beams, columns, rods, bars, cables, discs, blades, shafts, membranes, plates and shells that were published in 1996‐1999.
Aondoyila Kuhe and Danladi Yusufu Bisu
This paper aims to present a systematic scoping review of the influences of some situational factors on the energy consumption behaviour of households. Household’s energy choice…
This paper aims to present a systematic scoping review of the influences of some situational factors on the energy consumption behaviour of households. Household’s energy choice and manner of utilization define its energy consumption behaviour; it is a key factor in determining the energy efficiency of households. Despite the energy-efficient technological innovations and awareness on environmental/health implications of using certain energy sources and technologies, households still use inefficient, traditional energy sources and technologies. Some researchers have attempted to use economic and psychological theories to explain the situation with the hope of achieving a change in behaviour towards sustainable energy utilization but to no avail. This is because the theories fail to consider situations beyond individuals or households. A clear understanding of situational factors and how they influence household energy behaviour will provide information that will aid deeper research and policy formulation towards sustainable energy behaviour of households.
A scoping systematic review of available literature regarding real-life cases in both developed and developing countries was carried out to determine the possibility of situational factors affecting household energy choices and utilization.
The result of the review showed that situational factors have a significant influence on household’s energy consumption. The main policy implications observed are the need for laws that will encourage energy-saving renovations in houses, make compulsory the provision of recreational facilities in residential areas to reduce in-home energy consumption. The need for increased access to electricity and other efficient energy sources and cooking technologies has also been observed. Intensive awareness campaigns are required to disabuse the minds of people about cultural issues that mitigate improved cook stove adoption.
The paper provides information on the influence of some of the factors, which affect energy consumption in households, which fluctuate depending on the current situation of the consumer and are time-bound (situational factors). The information will help policymakers and regulators to understand the influence of situational factors on household energy consumption, thereby enabling them to make policies that will enhance sustainable energy consumption.
WanLin Wang and Michael L. Free
Surfactants are important corrosion inhibitors that are used in different applications. This paper utilizes the recently developed methodology and formulae to predict mild steel…
Surfactants are important corrosion inhibitors that are used in different applications. This paper utilizes the recently developed methodology and formulae to predict mild steel corrosion inhibition by alkyl pyridinium chloride and alkyl trimethyl ammonium bromide compounds. By utilizing different surfactants of varying chain lengths in different acidic media and determining the associated corrosion inhibition, the relationship between surfactant concentration, surfactant hydrocarbon chain length, surfactant critical micelle concentration, and corrosion inhibition can be evaluated. The results from this study can be used to improve relevant industrial uses of surfactants for corrosion inhibition.
This study is aimed at investigating the degree to which business managers in developing countries adhere to business ethics with special reference to the case of Jordan and…
This study is aimed at investigating the degree to which business managers in developing countries adhere to business ethics with special reference to the case of Jordan and comparing results with findings of previous studies. This comparison is done to assess whether business managers in different countries make compromises in their ethical stance under pressure of practical reality; and exploring the links (if any) between each of company's features and manager's characteristics and ethical orientations of business managers. Achieving the above objectives can help in assessing the universal theory of business ethics. Results indicate that the ethical orientations of Jordanian business managers are positive on certain aspects and negative on others. For instance, padding an expense account was considered unethical with a mean of 5.30 reflecting relatively high ethical orientation. On the contrary, giving gifts to purchasing agents was not perceived unethical. The mean for this vignette was 3.29 indicating unethical stance of the respondents. The findings seem to converge with previous studies in the region. Results also validate the practical reality theory, which is based on the notion that business managers make compromises in their ethical beliefs under pressures of reality. Recommendations are made to upgrade the ethical awareness of subjects and incorporate business ethics in their companies’ policies and plans.