Proposals are presented for specifying a computer system for storing and searching library records in a single library or a group of associated libraries. The system provides for…
Proposals are presented for specifying a computer system for storing and searching library records in a single library or a group of associated libraries. The system provides for on‐line searching at each library and off‐line production of accessions lists, abstracts bulletins and bibliographies, as well as SDI service. The use of skilled effort is shifted from the in‐put operation to the searching stage by the use of selected natural language keys, but searching for known items is made easier than in more traditional methods by extending the use of post‐coordination to catalogue data.
The possibility of using the BOSS system with a controlled language thesaurus is discussed and the ways in which the system could be used for producing journal listings and for…
The possibility of using the BOSS system with a controlled language thesaurus is discussed and the ways in which the system could be used for producing journal listings and for storing, indexing and retrieving diagrams and configurations are described.
The Society of the White Cross of Geneva appears to have been founded with the object of organising on an international basis the attempts that are being made at the present time…
The Society of the White Cross of Geneva appears to have been founded with the object of organising on an international basis the attempts that are being made at the present time in civilised countries to bring under control, and if possible to stamp out, certain abuses, frauds, and other injurious factors more or less existent in modern civilised life. Among the subjects to be dealt with are mentioned “les empoisonnements alimentaires,” and adulteration generally, and the principal part of the business of the International Congress which met at Geneva last year and whose second sitting has just ended in Paris, appears to have related to food questions. The objects aimed at by the society are, no doubt, excellent, but they are hardly likely to be attained if the procedure followed in certain respects at the Geneva and Paris Congresses is adopted in the future. Many of the questions brought before these Congresses were of a highly technical nature, and, for this reason, it was not only very desirable, but absolutely necessary that the matters under discussion should have been dealt with, so far as time allowed, by a thoroughly representative international body composed exclusively of scientific and legal experts of recognised position in their respective countries—that is to say, if the conclusions arrived at were to be taken as representing a serious expression of authoritative opinion. It does not appear that the conclusions and resolutions of these Congresses were arrived at by meetings constituted on these lines, and it is probably for this reason that very little, if any, impression has been produced by the gatherings referred to. The initial mistake appears to have been the admission of a number of people who were obviously only interested in the commercial aspects of the subjects dealt with, and who were sufficiently numerous and persistent to influence the meetings in directions favourable to what were declared to be the “requirements” of trade.
A FIRST attempt to give the dates of the introduction of printing into the various places in a county, generally results in an exhibition of the ignorance of the compiler…
A FIRST attempt to give the dates of the introduction of printing into the various places in a county, generally results in an exhibition of the ignorance of the compiler. Further, when the information has not been systematically collected but simply forms part of a general collection of titles, relating not only to that county but to the country at large, the local specialist will probably quote vaguely of “rushing in where” he “fears to tread.” My only apology, and I consider it a perfectly valid one, for publishing the following notes on Essex printers and booksellers, is that no one else has done it.
The technique of reconciling two Of more thesauri is explained and demonstrated with examples from two actual thesauri which are currently being reconciled to form an…
The technique of reconciling two Of more thesauri is explained and demonstrated with examples from two actual thesauri which are currently being reconciled to form an international co‐operative indexing system in the field of building science. Reconciliation results in the addition of code numbers to the keywords in each thesaurus and the insertion of additional ‘USE’ references, which enable any material indexed with the keywords of one thesaurus to be incorporated in the indexing system based on the other thesaurus without re‐indexing. The original thesauri can continue to be used locally as they were before reconciliation, since the keywords themselves remain unchanged and none are added or deleted. The reconciliation process is independent of thesaurus structure.
Racial stigma and racial criminalization have been centralizing pillars of the construction of Blackness in the United States. Taking such systemic injustice and racism as a…
Racial stigma and racial criminalization have been centralizing pillars of the construction of Blackness in the United States. Taking such systemic injustice and racism as a given, then question then becomes how these macro-level arrangements are reflected in micro-level processes. This work uses radical interactionism and stigma theory to explore the potential implications for racialized identity construction and the development of “criminalized subjectivity” among Black undergraduate students at a predominately white university in the Midwest. I use semistructured interviews to explore the implications of racial stigma and criminalization on micro-level identity construction and how understandings of these issues can change across space and over the course of one's life. Findings demonstrate that Black university students are keenly aware of this particular stigma and its consequences in increasingly complex ways from the time they are school-aged children. They were aware of this stigma as a social fact but did not internalize it as a true reflection of themselves; said internalization was thwarted through strong self-concept and racial socialization. This increasingly complex awareness is also informed by an intersectional lens for some interviewees. I argue not only that the concept of stigma must be explicitly placed within these larger systems but also that understanding and identity-building are both rooted in ever-evolving processes of interaction and meaning-making. This research contributes to scholarship that applies a critical lens to Goffmanian stigma rooted in Black sociology and criminology and from the perspectives of the stigmatized themselves.
Flora Farago, Kay Sanders and Larissa Gaias
This chapter draws on developmental intergroup theory, parental ethnic-racial socialization literature, anti-bias curricula, and prejudice intervention studies to address the…
This chapter draws on developmental intergroup theory, parental ethnic-racial socialization literature, anti-bias curricula, and prejudice intervention studies to address the appropriateness of discussing race and racism in early childhood settings. Existing literature about teacher discussions surrounding race and racism is reviewed, best practices are shared, and the need for more research in this area is highlighted. The construct of parental ethnic-racial socialization is mapped onto early childhood anti-bias classroom practices. The chapter also outlines racial ideologies of teachers, specifically anti-bias and colorblind attitudes, and discusses how these ideologies may manifest in classroom practices surrounding race and racism. Colorblind ideology is problematized and dissected to show that colorblind practices may harm children. Young children’s interpretations of race and racism, in light of children’s cognitive developmental level, are discussed. Additionally, findings from racial prejudice intervention studies are applied to teaching. Early literacy practices surrounding race and racism are outlined with practical suggestions for teachers and teacher educators. Moreover, implications of teacher practices surrounding race and racism for children’s development, professional development, and teacher education are discussed.
Hui Cen, Ardian Morina and Anne Neville
Ageing has been known to affect the performance of lubricants. However, there is a lot of debate as to whether ageing is beneficial or detrimental to the wear performance of…
Ageing has been known to affect the performance of lubricants. However, there is a lot of debate as to whether ageing is beneficial or detrimental to the wear performance of lubricants.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of ageing on the viscosity, total acid number and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy information of a series of lubricants. The tribological performance (friction and wear) of the aged lubricants is also studied, followed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis on the selected post-test samples to study the tribochemical features of the tribofilm.
The results show that ageing has a different impact on lubricants and tribological performances based on the physical and chemical properties.
These findings will be compared with the research on the role of water in lubricant ageing (Part II of this study).