The Editor, when requesting this paper had clearly in mind a historical survey based on the available literature, guided and coloured by the author's own views and experience in…
The Editor, when requesting this paper had clearly in mind a historical survey based on the available literature, guided and coloured by the author's own views and experience in the field. As it has turned out, the paper is less of a survey and certainly not a critical and exhaustive one but more of a personal overview. As it is based on more than 15 years experience with computers in relation to information systems, one may hope that it will meet the Editor's expectation more than half‐way.
Mountbatten offers a vivid description of the current‐awareness function using the analogy of a very wide conveyor‐belt, representing the information publishers, on which books…
Mountbatten offers a vivid description of the current‐awareness function using the analogy of a very wide conveyor‐belt, representing the information publishers, on which books, periodicals and reports appear at random: ‘The searcher is on a platform just above the belt and as the information material passes underneath he can pick up and read anything that he thinks might be of interest to him. You can imagine his frustration as he realises that for every item he takes time to examine, hundreds of others of possible interest to him have passed by’. Personality and environment will determine whether the individual can find an intelligent compromise between the extremes of neurosis induced by worrying about the material he is missing, or complacency with any system which produces one or two interesting items.
To the two aspects of the title—external information and attitudes—I would like to add a qualifying extension, namely, observations of a pragmatic special librarian seeking some…
To the two aspects of the title—external information and attitudes—I would like to add a qualifying extension, namely, observations of a pragmatic special librarian seeking some necessary development routes from the passing conven‐tional library to the current and future library/information centre concept. I will keep to practical matters and problems of today and not fly into ‘futurology’ which appears to have become a fashion.
Two years ago in March 1966 Dr Batten suggested that the newly formed Co‐ordinate Indexing Group should embark on a constructive co‐operative project, preferably one that would…
Two years ago in March 1966 Dr Batten suggested that the newly formed Co‐ordinate Indexing Group should embark on a constructive co‐operative project, preferably one that would involve all members willing to participate in such a venture.
In the context of the present symposium it would seem appropriate that I should deal specifically with the economic aspects of Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI…
In the context of the present symposium it would seem appropriate that I should deal specifically with the economic aspects of Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) operation and use. In my opinion the technical feasibility and merits of SDI have been adequately demonstrated; the main barriers hindering general use, however, tend to be of an economic nature.
Department of Education and Science. The scope for automatic data processing in the British Library: report of a study into the feasibility of applying ADP to the operations and…
Department of Education and Science. The scope for automatic data processing in the British Library: report of a study into the feasibility of applying ADP to the operations and services of the British Library. London: HMSO, 1972. 2v. £20. SBN 11 270276 7.
Sir Raymond Streat, C.B.E., Director of The Cotton Board, Manchester, accompanied by Lady Streat. A Vice‐President: F. C. Francis, M.A., F.S.A., Keeper of the Department of…
Sir Raymond Streat, C.B.E., Director of The Cotton Board, Manchester, accompanied by Lady Streat. A Vice‐President: F. C. Francis, M.A., F.S.A., Keeper of the Department of Printed Books, British Museum. Honorary Treasurer: J. E. Wright, Institution of Electrical Engineers. Honorary Secretary: Mrs. J. Lancaster‐Jones, B.Sc., Science Librarian, British Council. Chairman of Council: Miss Barbara Kyle, Research Worker, Social Sciences Documentation. Director: Leslie Wilson, M.A.
I am going to describe in general terms a research project which has been established to explore some of the problems of the use of the literature, particularly in the field of…
I am going to describe in general terms a research project which has been established to explore some of the problems of the use of the literature, particularly in the field of Biomedical Engineering. Work started on 13th September 1965 in the Division of Biomedical Engineering of the National Institute for Medical Research (Hampstead Laboratories). The project is scheduled to last for three years, and like most research, consists of a number of overlapping stages. We have reached the stage now of having acquired sufficient equipment and data to start trying out some of our ideas.
Professor W. Saunders: I have listened with very great interest to the proceedings of the last two and a half days and it seems that a picture has gradually built up during that…
Professor W. Saunders: I have listened with very great interest to the proceedings of the last two and a half days and it seems that a picture has gradually built up during that time. We started with Mr. Arnold and Mr. Vickery setting the scene and an attempt by Mr Vickery to indicate some broad guidelines, and then we had what really amounts to a very important series of case studies from various points of view. We finished with snags and problems and a look at the manpower implications. And at the end of it all, I must say that I have a general impression that the state of this particular art that we are concerned with is not unlike that of our own discipline of information science, information studies, or at least what it was a year or two ago. As a professional educationalist I am concerned all the time that I'm attempting to teach library and information science with theoretical frameworks, with general principles. I am trying to find a framework, I am trying to find principles. What one does so often find is empirical evidence, ad hoc studies, and gradually one is conscious that all of these studies are becoming accommodated, becoming built in to some sort of emerg‐ing theoretical framework, not very hard yet, but on its way. And so it is, it seems to me, with this present problem, the problem which is the theme of this conference, except that we are still very much at the stage of ‘ad‐hoc‐ery’.
Mr L.J.Anthony, FLA, has been appointed to a new post of Assistant Director (Services) on the staff of Aslib and takes up his appointment at the beginning of October. Mrs Sauvee…
Mr L.J.Anthony, FLA, has been appointed to a new post of Assistant Director (Services) on the staff of Aslib and takes up his appointment at the beginning of October. Mrs Sauvee has kindly agreed to remain at work until he takes over. Mr Anthony is well known to the membership as the Librarian and Head of Documentation Services of the Culham Laboratory of the UK Atomic Energy Authority and as the former Deputy Librarian at Harwell; members of longer standing will remember him as Assistant Director at Aslib in 1954–55, when the consultancy service and first research activities were being established, and previously as Information Officer at British Telecom‐munications Research Ltd.