Sex has increasingly been constructed as a problem for men with learning disabilities. Research has focused on their vulnerability to abuse and their capacity to exploit. There…
Sex has increasingly been constructed as a problem for men with learning disabilities. Research has focused on their vulnerability to abuse and their capacity to exploit. There are also the additional fears of their sexual activity leading to HIV infection or pregnancy. Notions of sexual rights and sexual pleasure are lost in such a discourse. This paper looks in detail at the actual experience of sex for men with learning disabilities, based on qualitative interviews. It paints a very uncomfortable picture, leading to the title question: is sex a good thing for men with learning disabilities?
We develop and estimate an empirical collective model with endogenous marriage formation, participation, and family labor supply. Intra-household transfers arise endogenously as…
We develop and estimate an empirical collective model with endogenous marriage formation, participation, and family labor supply. Intra-household transfers arise endogenously as the transfers that clear the marriage market. The intra-household allocation can be recovered from observations on marriage decisions. Introducing the marriage market in the collective model allows us to independently estimate transfers from labor supplies and from marriage decisions. We estimate a semiparametric version of our model using 1980, 1990, and 2000 US Census data. Estimates of the model using marriage data are much more consistent with the theoretical predictions than estimates derived from labor supply.
Devotes the entire journal issue to managing human behaviour in US industries, with examples drawn from the airline industry, trading industry, publishing industry, metal products…
Devotes the entire journal issue to managing human behaviour in US industries, with examples drawn from the airline industry, trading industry, publishing industry, metal products industry, motor vehicle and parts industry, information technology industry, food industry, the airline industry in a turbulent environment, the automotive sales industry, and specialist retailing industry. Outlines the main features of each industry and the environment in which it is operating. Provides examples, insights and quotes from Chief Executive Officers, managers and employees on their organization’s recipe for success. Mentions the effect technology has had in some industries. Talks about skilled and semi‐skilled workers, worker empowerment and the formation of teams. Addresses also the issue of change and the training that is required to deal with it in different industry sectors. Discusses remuneration packages and incentives offered to motivate employees. Notes the importance of customers in the face of increased competition. Extracts from each industry sector the various human resource practices that companies employ to manage their employees effectively ‐ revealing that there is a wide diversity in approach and what is right for one industry sector would not work in another. Offers some advice for managers, but, overall, fails to summarize what constitutes effective means of managing human behaviour.
THE regular search for the good book for the child will continue so long as there are children's libraries. A recent report on an enquiry has reached us from Bethnal Green and…
THE regular search for the good book for the child will continue so long as there are children's libraries. A recent report on an enquiry has reached us from Bethnal Green and follows the familiar lines of getting the children to vote on what they like; with the result that the “William” books, which should be making all concerned in their production a fortune, head the list, and the simple “small”‐child books, the Milly‐Molly, Mandy series, come next. The field surveyed was small, for “William” polled only 34 votes; only 800 of the 6,000 children registered as borrowers participated. It is questionable if such enquiries, however much they interest us as librarians, can effectively help to improve child reading, unless some method of finding and providing high literature in the type the youngsters prefer can be devised. Mr. George F. Vale prefaces his brief list of books chosen with a really interesting discussion on the subject, but a quotation from it indicates part of the problem. He writes, speaking of Tom Sawyer, Alice and The Wafer Babies, “What elements go to make a permanent children's book is one of the mysteries of literature, but evidently these books possess some quality which overrides all the chances and changes of time. It is not merely the appeal of a good story; there are many better stories than The Water Babies. The secret seems to be some mysterious rapport between the author's mind and that of the readers, an ability to see and to think upon the level of the child mind.” All this is true, but it is more than that, we think; it is the power of recording what is, has been or may be, within the child's own range of experience; that is, it is true in that it realises the conditions of the world of childhood. It is curious, and possibly significant, that a book for children in these enquiries means a story. An enquiry is overdue into the type and quality of non‐fiction read by them, the sort of child who reads and in what circumstances: Real information here might reveal gaps and surpluses in book provision that are not now widely recognized!
Joseph H.K. Lai and Chun Sing Man
The purpose of this paper (Part 1 of 2) is to classify and map, in a systematic manner and from a facilities management (FM) perspective, the performance indicators that are…
The purpose of this paper (Part 1 of 2) is to classify and map, in a systematic manner and from a facilities management (FM) perspective, the performance indicators that are applicable to evaluating facilities operation and maintenance (O&M) in commercial buildings.
Forming part of a multi-stage research project, the applicable performance indicators that had been identified from an extensive literature review were consolidated and defined. Based on a phase-hierarchy (P-H) model – a fundamental classification framework comprising three phases of facilities services delivery and three hierarchical FM levels – the indicators were systematically classified, and a map showing their distribution along the phase and hierarchy dimensions was obtained.
The P-H model enabled systematic classification of the 71 applicable indicators. Mapping the indicators with the model showed that more indicators concern the input or output phase of facilities services delivery. Indicators at the strategic level, which have a wide span of control, are small in quantity, compared to the large number of indicators at the operational level.
Research implications
The P-H model, which proves useful for classifying performance indicators for facilities in commercial buildings, may be applied to similar research on other types of buildings or infrastructures.
Practical implications
The method of classifying the performance indicators and the mapping result of the indicators are useful reference for different levels of FM practitioners.
This paper illustrates a novel attempt that made use of the P-H model to classify O&M performance indicators.
Professor Newell in a recent statement has expressed the opinion that the ills to which farm live stock are subject, such as bovine tuberculosis—“a deficiency disease”—and foot…
Professor Newell in a recent statement has expressed the opinion that the ills to which farm live stock are subject, such as bovine tuberculosis—“a deficiency disease”—and foot and mouth disease can be traced back to the wrong treatment of the soil itself, from which spring the crops on which the stock are fed; and further, that bacteria which we understand from him are normally beneficient may by diseased conditions in the subject be transformed into malignant varieties to which the disease itself is wrongly ascribed. Diseased conditions in stock being in the first place induced by improper, or injudicious feeding, inadequate byre accommodation. foul water, and insufficient fresh air and sunshine. He goes to the root of the matter in more senses than one when he suggests, as we understand him to do, that the time has come for a thorough revision in our methods of soil and crop treatment. This, however, is a matter which concerns the specialist in these highly complex problems. As to the treatment to which live stock, and especially bovines, are too frequently subjected, it requires no expert knowledge to understand and to condemn it. We imagine that we follow the line of reasoning drawn by the Professor when we say that the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in our dairy herds at present has arisen from ill treatment, of the kind he describes, in the past, and this is all too prevalent at present. We only wish we could share his optimism when he states that bovine tuberculosis could be stamped out quickly by stock breeders and agriculturists giving their close attention to the points he mentions. That this would be far more than “a step in the right direction” we admit, but it implies that every cow keeper in the country has the requisite knowledge and the desire to apply that knowledge for the public benefit and quite conceivably at some considerable pecuniary loss to himself. As far as our knowledge of the matter goes the average cow keeper does not possess the requisite amount of altruism to make this even remotely possible.
THE need to increase the productivity of British industry is a common topic and when it is discussed the more economic use of manpower is inevitably raised. What is often lost…
THE need to increase the productivity of British industry is a common topic and when it is discussed the more economic use of manpower is inevitably raised. What is often lost sight of is the fact that future gains of productivity will be derived, as they were in the past, from a wider use of better machines rather than from more intensive effort by human beings. Such machines are expensive. Some of them, like the sophisticated machine tools described by the grandiose name of ‘machining centres’, are extremely costly.
Now that we have reviewed the basic reports, the published special reports and the discussions of the working groups let us see what can be high‐lighted as a conclusion. How has…
Now that we have reviewed the basic reports, the published special reports and the discussions of the working groups let us see what can be high‐lighted as a conclusion. How has this Congress advanced the science of tourism applied to mega‐attractions and to mega‐events?