A Review of the Properties and Applications of High‐Strength Metal‐to‐Metal Joints and Sandwich Constructions Bonded with High‐Strength Adhesives. TODAY'S adhesives are the…
A Review of the Properties and Applications of High‐Strength Metal‐to‐Metal Joints and Sandwich Constructions Bonded with High‐Strength Adhesives. TODAY'S adhesives are the complex products of continually expanding technologies. Their applications appear to be limited only by the skill and ingenuity of the designer and his fabricators. Even in a single area such as metal‐to‐metal bonds in aerospace and electronic uses, evaluation and selection of an adhesive requires familiarity with a large number of adhesive systems.
H. Ayyash, S. Sankar, H. Merriman, C. Vogt, T. Earl, K. Shah and S. Banerjee
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children. There is a need to engage service development…
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children. There is a need to engage service development, commissioning and service managers to address primary care involvement and define service models that will enable effective management of people with ADHD. The purpose of this project is to define recommendations through consensus that can be implemented to improve ADHD management in the UK.
A set of 40 consensus statements has been developed by a multidisciplinary group of ADHD professionals in the UK. These statements cover ten topics, ranging from commissioning of ADHD services to optimisation of the care pathway. The aim of the project was to define a set of standards that could be tested across a wider clinical population.
A total of 122 respondents scored each statement on a questionnaire and levels of agreement were summated and analysed. Of 40 statements, only four scored less than 90 per cent agreement, with all statements achieving greater than 74.9 per cent agreement.
Recommendations support the wider integration of ADHD services and the closer involvement of commissioners within the new GP consortia to ensure that the potentially negative societal and personal impacts of ADHD are managed effectively and with appropriate use of resources.
HARDLY had the dispute at BL ended and the men had gone back to work amidst universal rejoicing (apart from the more militant of the shop stewards) than several hundred of them…
HARDLY had the dispute at BL ended and the men had gone back to work amidst universal rejoicing (apart from the more militant of the shop stewards) than several hundred of them had to be sent back home, rightly on full pay, because of a plague of fleas that had invaded the factory. Talk about scratching for a living…!
OF old the public library was wont to take its reputation from the character of the newsroom. That room, as everyone knows, attracts every element in the community and it may be…
OF old the public library was wont to take its reputation from the character of the newsroom. That room, as everyone knows, attracts every element in the community and it may be it attracts especially the poorer elements;—even at times undesirable ones. These people in some towns, but perhaps not so often now‐a‐days, have been unwashen and often not very attractive in appearance. It was natural, things being as they are, that the room should give a certain tone to the institution, and indeed on occasion cause it to be avoided by those who thought themselves to be superior. The whole level of living has altered, and we think has been raised, since the War. There is poverty and depression in parts of the country, it is true; but there are relief measures now which did not exist before the War. Only those who remember the grinding poverty of the unemployed in the days, especially the winter days, before the War can realise what poverty really means at its worst. This democratic levelling up applies, of course, to the public library as much as to any institution. At present it may be said that the part of the library which is most apparent to the public and by which it is usually judged, is the lending or home‐reading department. It therefore needs no apology if from time to time we give special attention to this department. Even in the great cities, which have always concentrated their chief attention upon their reference library, to‐day there is an attempt to supply a lending library service of adequate character. We recall, for example, that the Leeds Public Library of old was first and foremost a reference library, with a lending library attached; to‐day the lending library is one of the busiest in the kingdom. A similar judgment can be passed upon Sheffield, where quite deliberately the city librarian would restrict the reference library to works that are of real reference character, and would develop more fully the lending library. In Manchester, too, the new “Reference Library”—properly the new Central Library—has a lending library which issues about 1,500 volumes daily. There must be all over the country many libraries issuing up to a thousand volumes each a day from their central lending departments. This being the case the department comes in for very careful scrutiny.
IT is with peculiar pleasure that I find myself once more engaged in University Extension work under the presidency of Lord Goschen. Until your well‐remembered tenure of the…
IT is with peculiar pleasure that I find myself once more engaged in University Extension work under the presidency of Lord Goschen. Until your well‐remembered tenure of the Chancellorship of the Exchequer drew you from active service with us, my lord, you presided for many years over the London Society for the Extension of University Teaching, and therefore, over myself as a humble member of the Council. I trust you have as pleasant memories of us, as obedient and diligent workers, as we have of you as an energetic and enthusiastic chairman. Many changes have come since then. The London Society is a thing of the past, absorbed into my own University, which itself has changed almost beyond recognition. One of the members in your time is now a Bishop, another rules South Africa, you, yourself, no longer sway the House of Commons. If we still existed and had now to hold a sub‐committee in the chamber of our colleague Milner, we should have to travel many hundreds of miles instead of walking round to Duke Street, St. James's, as you will remember we did in those old days.
M. Elizabeth Howard, Robert A. Seay and Ryan A. Seay
Online retailers often lack nexus within a purchaser’s home state and do not collect sales tax at the point of sale. Consumers exacerbate the loss of tax revenue by typically not…
Online retailers often lack nexus within a purchaser’s home state and do not collect sales tax at the point of sale. Consumers exacerbate the loss of tax revenue by typically not remitting the use tax on these purchases. To date, very little research addresses the effectiveness of methods to increase use tax compliance, and the need for more work is well documented in the literature.
This study examines, in a controlled economics-based experiment, the effectiveness of current approaches to close the use tax gap. Participants are randomly assigned to one of three treatments to determine the extent to which they would voluntarily pay use tax on a purchase transaction. The experiment mimics the natural environment and measures the participants’ actual compliance with cash payouts.
We find individuals are significantly more likely to pay the use tax when given detailed information about their online purchases and the use tax obligation compared to only receiving a description of the use tax. We also find compliance is significantly higher when individuals have a separate state income tax line on which to report use tax liability.
Unlike personal income tax compliance, consumers are more likely to evade use tax payments because taxing authorities are usually unable or unwilling to audit consumer purchases. This makes an examination of the effectiveness of reporting and collection methods worthwhile. This study measures use tax compliance based on actual consumer behavior with real economic consequences rather than taxpayer intentions, as reported in prior work. This is important because intentions and behavior are often different, especially in an economic setting. Finally, policymakers will benefit from an effectiveness-assessment of actual methods, rather than hypothetical and potentially unfeasible approaches, to try and increase use tax compliance.
We know how to structure violence. The military industrial complex and its auxiliary institutions, such as the private weapons and securities industries, are prime examples. When…
We know how to structure violence. The military industrial complex and its auxiliary institutions, such as the private weapons and securities industries, are prime examples. When we use the Galtungian lens and add ecoviolence to Johan Galtung’s classic direct–structural–cultural violence triangle, we get a violence diamond, or perhaps more accurately, a web of violence (see Turpin & Kurtz, 1996). To what we often think of as violence (which is direct), we must add the institutions structured to harm individuals, groups, cultures, and the ecosphere itself. We could, however, build sustainable development with direct, structural, cultural, and ecological nonviolence. We already have institutions that structure nonviolence – or often both violence and nonviolence in contradictory simultaneous ways: families, faith and cultural institutions, and friendship networks. We also have numerous peaceful societies, economies, and cultures that provide models such as Bhutan’s Happiness and Well-being paradigm. Jennifer Turpin and I wrote about the Web of Violence in 1996, which we collectively weave from micro to macro levels of life, but we also need to attend to and weave a Web of Nonviolence. This chapter investigates how we can be more intentional and systematic in weaving a nonviolent web, following a three-step Gandhian process: research, analyse, and mobilise.
The management of children′s literature is a search for value andsuitability. Effective policies in library and educational work arebased firmly on knowledge of materials, and on…
The management of children′s literature is a search for value and suitability. Effective policies in library and educational work are based firmly on knowledge of materials, and on the bibliographical and critical frame within which the materials appear and might best be selected. Boundaries, like those between quality and popular books, and between children′s and adult materials, present important challenges for selection, and implicit in this process are professional acumen and judgement. Yet also there are attitudes and systems of values, which can powerfully influence selection on grounds of morality and good taste. To guard against undue subjectivity, the knowledge frame should acknowledge the relevance of social and experiential context for all reading materials, how readers think as well as how they read, and what explicit and implicit agendas the authors have. The good professional takes all these factors on board.
IN an article in The Economist for February 17th, entitled “Facts about Fiction,” the writer refers to “this useful but unobtrusive social service” (the public libraries) and the…
IN an article in The Economist for February 17th, entitled “Facts about Fiction,” the writer refers to “this useful but unobtrusive social service” (the public libraries) and the unaccustomed limelight in which they were bathed by the Centenary. The adjectives, congenial as they are and, indeed, as is the tone of the whole article, merit further examination; but the main subject discussed is the library which lends books for money profit. It may be that there will never be a condition of affairs in which the supply of fiction—however it is given—will not be called into question. It is, we are convinced, desirable that it should be reviewed from time to time by the public librarian. It is hoped that this number may be a useful instance. The writer, we notice, has memories of libraries which were “jolted” out of the cast‐iron system of the indicator method of issue by the increase of reading between the two wars. We know that this freedom was won before the first world war. The other point that concerns us is the assertion that a general opinion of light reading in public libraries is based on a wrong view. “In even the biggest and most liberally provided public libraries the addict of one class of novel—be it ‘typist‐marries‐boss’ or ‘riding the range’—can only find enough of them to whet his appetite”; he must soon turn to a circulating library. We think it is probable, on reflection, that most librarians would agree.
Sandwich construction with aluminium honeycomb cores bonded to faces with the adhesive films Redux 775, 775R and Bloomingdale FM‐47 is discussed. Drawings showing its applications…
Sandwich construction with aluminium honeycomb cores bonded to faces with the adhesive films Redux 775, 775R and Bloomingdale FM‐47 is discussed. Drawings showing its applications to a series of components for various hypothetical aircraft arc included. Sandwich materials for supersonic aircraft of the types now entering production are reviewed, as well as the application techniques of the new Redux films. Some rules gathered from experience for the design of components with honeycomb cores, and solutions of special design problems with hypothetical wing panels, are treated. The paper then deals fairly fully with results from a programme of FFA investigations on this type of structure. The specimens discussed were bonded with Redux 775 and FM‐47 and consisted partly of tensile tests on cores, compressive tests on sandwich columns and shear tests on various sandwich webs. Design curves have been plotted in some cases. Further results are presented showing the influence of temperature on the shear strength of an aluminium alloy core and Redux 775 and FM‐47 films. Also a few creep results are given where the object of the tests has been to determine the optimum curing temperature and time for applying Redux 775 to yield minimum creep values. The room‐temperature results illustrate the excellent properties of honeycomb structures and the elevated‐temperature results indicate that bonded uninsulated aluminium sandwiches can be retained, even when the temperature due to kinetic heating approaches 70 deg. C. Finally, some remarks regarding future developments are made on various new ‘temperature‐resistant’ adhesives and on combinations of various materials for sandwich panels with external insulation, suitable for certain types of the next breed of supersonic aircraft.