High failure rates worry everyone concerned with technical teaching and the qualified manpower problem — and they worry the potential failers too. Any advice on examination…
High failure rates worry everyone concerned with technical teaching and the qualified manpower problem — and they worry the potential failers too. Any advice on examination technique which teachers can pass on to their students can be of great help in getting them over these fateful first hurdles. Mr Loebl, who is Managing Director of three companies in the scientific instrument and computer field, was a part‐time lecturer at Rutherford for five years, and is responsible for some thirty‐five apprentices.
Andreas Blaszczyk, Reto Flückiger, Thomas Müller and Carl-Olof Olsson
The purpose of this paper is to present a method for thermal computations of power devices based on a coupling between thermal and pressure networks. The concept of the coupling…
The purpose of this paper is to present a method for thermal computations of power devices based on a coupling between thermal and pressure networks. The concept of the coupling as well as the solution procedure is explained. The included examples demonstrate that the new method can be efficiently used for design of transformers and other power devices.
The bidirectional propagation of temperature signal is introduced to the pressure network, which enables control of the power flow and a close coupling to the thermal network. The solution method is based on automatic splitting of the network definition (netlist) into two separate networks and iteratively solving the model using the Newton-Raphson approach as well as the adaptive relaxation enhanced by the direction change control.
The proposed approach offers reliable convergence behaviour even for models with unknown direction of the fluid flow (bidirectional flows). The accuracy is sufficient for engineering applications and comparable with the computational fluid dynamics method. The computation times in the range of milliseconds and seconds are attractive for using the method in engineering design tools.
The new method can be considered as a foundation for a consistent network modelling system of arbitrary thermodynamic problems including fluid flow. Such a modelling system can be used directly by device designers since the complexity of thermodynamic formulations is encapsulated in predefined network elements while the numerical solution is based on a standard network description and solvers (Spice).
Paul Benneworth, Gert-Jan Hospers and Peter Timmerman
The recent failure to deliver the Lisbon agenda has led to much soul-searching within Europe (cf. The Sapir Group, 2005). This failure has enlarged the gulf between the limited…
The recent failure to deliver the Lisbon agenda has led to much soul-searching within Europe (cf. The Sapir Group, 2005). This failure has enlarged the gulf between the limited number of successful knowledge regions, and those regions for whom globalisation has brought further anxiety, job losses and economic restructuring. More recent Lisbon-inspired policies have therefore attempted to build linkages between successful ‘knowledge islands’ and other, outlying and peripheral places, so that all these areas can benefit from concentrations of European knowledge and innovativeness.
Joyce‐Loebl's Alan Robinson, technical director, and Peter Hage, industrial systems manager, talk to Jack Hollingum about a low cost ‘vision engine’ for handling and assembly and…
Professor Boris Ischboldin has devoted a lifetime of productive scholarship to economic science. By virtue of his native gifts and a highly cultured background he has attained to…
Professor Boris Ischboldin has devoted a lifetime of productive scholarship to economic science. By virtue of his native gifts and a highly cultured background he has attained to a breadth of scholarship which is reminiscent of that giant of modern economics, Joseph Schumpeter. Ischboldin's linguistic skills have enabled him to acquire an uncommon familiarity with the works of economists that is truly international in scope, and that is one factor which prompts me to compare him with Schumpeter. Among the results of his efforts are an approach to, or school of, economics which he chooses to call the School of Economic Synthesis. It involves, among other things, a synthesis of various approaches to analysing economic realities—approaches whose various practitioners often tended to regard their own as the one correct and only legitimate method. In less skillful hands, or perhaps because of less charitable hearts, diversity often resulted in a kind of tension that was not always creative, as well as a mutual exclusiveness and even scholastic in‐tolerance which put an unneeded burden on the progress of the science. With Professor Ischboldin and the co‐founder of the School of Economic Synthesis, Arthur Spiethoff, variety became instead the basis for complementary creativity! Thus, such disparate figures as David Ricardo and Wesley Mitchell, or Leon Walras and John Commons find themselves embraced into a single schema that Ischboldin calls, “a theory of economic laws and methodology”.
Introduction The objectives of this paper are twofold. Firstly, we will define economic paradigm by identifying its structure and functions. Secondly, we will apply this concept…
Introduction The objectives of this paper are twofold. Firstly, we will define economic paradigm by identifying its structure and functions. Secondly, we will apply this concept to social economics and human economics.
This article gives an account of ESPRIT Project 278 which aimed to create a robot system guided by visual and tactile senses.
The General Industries Division will be featuring a number of new products recently added to its Surcol range of acrylic polymers.
Fineness‐of‐grind gauges This gauge is described by Sheen Instruments as one of the basic instruments used in the paint, printing ink and pigment trades. It is a hardened steel…
Fineness‐of‐grind gauges This gauge is described by Sheen Instruments as one of the basic instruments used in the paint, printing ink and pigment trades. It is a hardened steel plate with either one or two channels ground into the top surface from zero depth to 100 µm, 0–50µm, or 0–25 µm.
The No. 1279–10 and 1266–10 models feature magnetic stirring with thermistor‐controlled heat. Hot‐plate surface temperature control through a built‐in thermistor or control of the…
The No. 1279–10 and 1266–10 models feature magnetic stirring with thermistor‐controlled heat. Hot‐plate surface temperature control through a built‐in thermistor or control of the temperature of the actual liquid with an immersion probe can now be achieved.