Details are given of a survey carried out in a large scientific special library on the comparative accuracy of the author and title information which the user brings to the…
Details are given of a survey carried out in a large scientific special library on the comparative accuracy of the author and title information which the user brings to the catalogue. The sample was restricted to requests for book material. The results are analysed in detail and show the title to be more accurate. Some suggestions are made for extending this type of survey.
No subject requires more critical analysis of its syllabus, course content, scheme of work, or in fact its whole conception and approach, than Engineering Drawing. At Eastleigh…
No subject requires more critical analysis of its syllabus, course content, scheme of work, or in fact its whole conception and approach, than Engineering Drawing. At Eastleigh Technical College we have embarked on the development of a system of teaching and presentation which we believe will be more appropriate to the requirements of students than the present conventional approach which tends to teach drawing for drawing's sake, and almost to omit its main function.
Last month's article dealt with the place of Engineering Drawing in the syllabus of the Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice Course (CGLI 193), and it is the intention this month…
Last month's article dealt with the place of Engineering Drawing in the syllabus of the Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice Course (CGLI 193), and it is the intention this month to discuss the same subject with particular reference to one of the more specialised craft courses, that of the Electrical Fitter (CGLI 58).
Procedures are discussed by which all types of libraries irrespective of size can use Marc tapes effectively. Based on the planning for the second stage of the AWRE AMCOS system…
Procedures are discussed by which all types of libraries irrespective of size can use Marc tapes effectively. Based on the planning for the second stage of the AWRE AMCOS system, the paper proposes that each library establish a Potential Requirements File by a selective intake of new Marc records to provide all the functions of an efficient acquisitions system. These methods for selection and acquisition can be used as the foundations for a cataloguing system. A proposal is made for alerting cataloguers automatically when local cataloguing practice conflicts with that of BNB.
“When all Her Majesty's present servants in central and local government are dead and gone, and historians survey the domestic progress of the 1950s and 1960s, I hope and believe…
“When all Her Majesty's present servants in central and local government are dead and gone, and historians survey the domestic progress of the 1950s and 1960s, I hope and believe that they will say that these decades were distinguished by the greatest reforms in universal education ever recorded in so short a time.”
Patterns of searching in library catalogues were analysed, using the data from a large survey of the use of three university library and one public library catalogues…
Patterns of searching in library catalogues were analysed, using the data from a large survey of the use of three university library and one public library catalogues. ‘Known‐item’ searches were the object of the study. Success or failure of the search was correlated to degree of correctness and completeness of the searcher's information about title and author of the item that he wished to locate. Factors involved in searching strategies were discussed. The double role played by both the title and the author as a way of access to the catalogue and as a means for identifying the right entry was examined.
Planningof any kind can be motivated by a pressing practical problem which has to be solved—for example, an increasing number of people may have to be housed in the same area; or…
Planningof any kind can be motivated by a pressing practical problem which has to be solved—for example, an increasing number of people may have to be housed in the same area; or by a long‐term idealistic vision; or by both (the idealist seeing the long‐term implications of an immediate problem). In short‐term planning, the danger exists that the more technical problems may be solved, without attention to their implications for human beings; to take my housing example, higher and higher flats may be built, without considering the possible effects (e.g. the effect on social groupings). In long‐term planning, Utopian or ideological blueprints may be produced.
A special committee has been appointed by the Central Training Council to consider the problems of the recruitment and training of training officers. It is composed partly of…
A special committee has been appointed by the Central Training Council to consider the problems of the recruitment and training of training officers. It is composed partly of members of the Council and partly of others with special qualifications.