George B. Cunningham and Christina A. Rivera
The purpose of this paper is to (a) distinguish the structural designs, and (b) examine the relationship between structure and effectiveness in American sport organizations…
The purpose of this paper is to (a) distinguish the structural designs, and (b) examine the relationship between structure and effectiveness in American sport organizations. Formalization, centralization, and specialization were examined to determine the structural designs. Senior level administrators from National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I (N = 86) departments completed an electronic questionnaire. Cluster analysis was used to group departments according to the three dimensions of structure. Results demonstrated the presence of two structural designs—the Simple Structure and the Enabling Structure. MANCOVA procedures showed differences between departments in athletic achievement, but not in the education of student athletes. Discussion of the findings and future directions are presented.
With the increasing sophistication of modern helicopter designs the problems arising from the interactional aerodynamic flow field around the helicopter has become more acute…
With the increasing sophistication of modern helicopter designs the problems arising from the interactional aerodynamic flow field around the helicopter has become more acute. Interactional aerodynamics are, by origin, of utmost complexity, because many of the interactions involve viscous processes, the flow usually is unsteady and the interactions are strongly interdependent.
Die Anwendung strategischer Fhrungsmethoden in Hotelunternehmen ist durch zunehmende Turbulenz im gesamtgesellschaftlichen Umfeld und durch Intensivierung des Wettbewerbes in der…
Die Anwendung strategischer Fhrungsmethoden in Hotelunternehmen ist durch zunehmende Turbulenz im gesamtgesellschaftlichen Umfeld und durch Intensivierung des Wettbewerbes in der Tourismusbranche wichtiger denn je. Unbefriedigend ist, dass die strategische Fhrung von Service‐unternehmen lange Zeit zu sehr unter dem Eindruck einer Theorie fr Unternehmen der Sachgterpro‐duktion gestanden hat. Erst in den letzten Jahren wurden in verstärktem Masse eigene Theorieansätze entwickelt, wobei bestimmte Besonderheiten von Dienstleistungen verstärkte Beachtung finden. Dazu zählt vornehmlich die “buyer/seller‐interaction”, mit simultanem Ablauf von Produktion und Konsum. Die von Gästen wahrgenommene Qualität persönlicher Dienstleistungen wird in dieser Situation massgeblich beeinflusst. Um eine strategische Managementfalle zu vermeiden, ist daher das Geschehen im Rahmen persönlicher Gästekontakte und das damit verbundene Problem einer präventiven Qualitäts‐sicherung im Rahmen von Stärken/Schwächen‐Ana‐lysen als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor zu beachten.
Tianzuo Wei, Guojun Zhang, YuDing Wu and Wenshu Dai
This paper aims to solve the problems of baseline drift, susceptibility to abnormal data interference during baseline drift processing, and phase inconsistency in underwater…
This paper aims to solve the problems of baseline drift, susceptibility to abnormal data interference during baseline drift processing, and phase inconsistency in underwater acoustic target detection and signal processing of single microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) vector hydrophone. To this end, this paper proposes a baseline drift removal algorithm based on Huber regression model with B-spline interpolation (H-BS) and a phase compensation algorithm based on the Hilbert transform.
First, the Huber regression model is innovatively introduced into the conventional B-spline interpolation (B-spline) to solve the control point vectors more accurately and to improve the anti-interference ability of the abnormal data when the B-spline interpolation fitting removes baseline drift and the baseline drift components in the signals are fitted accurately and removed by the above method. Next, the Hilbert transform is applied to the three-channel output signals of the MEMS vector hydrophone to calculate the instantaneous phase and the phase compensation is performed on the vector X/Y signals with the scalar P signal as the reference.
Through simulation experiments, it is found that H-BS proposed in this paper has smaller processing error and better robustness than variational modal decomposition and B-spline, but the H-BS algorithm takes slightly longer than the B-spline. In the actual lake test experiments, the H-BS algorithm can effectively remove the baseline drift component in the original signal and restore the signal waveform, and after the Hilbert transform phase compensation, the direction of arrival estimation accuracy of the signal is improved by 1°∼2°, which realizes high-precision orientation to the acoustic source target.
In this paper, the Huber regression model is introduced into B-spline interpolation fitting for the first time and applied in the specialized field of hydroacoustic signal baseline drift removal. Meanwhile, the Hilbert transform is applied to phase compensation of hydroacoustic signals. After simulation and practical experiments, these two methods are verified to be effective in processing hydroacoustic signals and perform better than similar methods. This study provides a new research direction for the signal processing of MEMS vector hydrophone, which has important practical engineering application value.
Cheng Chen, Xiaogang Wang, Wutao Qin and Naigang Cui
A novel vision-based relative navigation system (VBRNS) plays an important role in aeronautics and astronautics fields, and the filter is the core of VBRNS. However, most of the…
A novel vision-based relative navigation system (VBRNS) plays an important role in aeronautics and astronautics fields, and the filter is the core of VBRNS. However, most of the existing filtering algorithms used in VBRNS are derived based on Gaussian assumption and disregard the non-Gaussianity of VBRNS. Therefore, a novel robust filtering named as cubature Huber-based filtering (CHF) is proposed and applied to VBRNS to improve the navigation accuracy in non-Gaussian noise case.
Under the Bayesian filter framework, the third-degree cubature rule is used to compute the cubature points which are propagated through state equation, and then the predicted mean and the associated covariance are taken. A combined minimum l1 and l2-norm estimation method referred as Huber’s criterion is used to design the measurement update. After that, the vision-based relative navigation model is presented and the CHF is used to integrate the line-of-sight measurements from vision camera with inertial measurement of the follower to estimate the precise relative position, velocity and attitude between two unmanned aerial vehicles. During the design of relative navigation filter, the quaternions are used to represent the attitude and the generalized Rodrigues parameters are used to represent the attitude error. The simulation is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.
By this means, the VBRNS could perform better than traditional VBRNS whose filter is designed by Gaussian filtering algorithms. And the simulation results demonstrate that the CHF could exhibit robustness when the system is non-Gaussian. Moreover, the CHF has more accurate estimation and faster rate of convergence than extended Kalman Filtering (EKF) in face of inaccurate initial conditions.
A novel robust nonlinear filtering algorithm named as CHF is proposed and applied to VBRNS based on cubature Kalman filtering (CKF) and Huber’s technique. The CHF could adapt to the non-Gaussian system effectively and perform better than traditional Gaussian filtering such as EKF.
Martin Götz and Ernest H. O’Boyle
The overall goal of science is to build a valid and reliable body of knowledge about the functioning of the world and how applying that knowledge can change it. As personnel and…
The overall goal of science is to build a valid and reliable body of knowledge about the functioning of the world and how applying that knowledge can change it. As personnel and human resources management researchers, we aim to contribute to the respective bodies of knowledge to provide both employers and employees with a workable foundation to help with those problems they are confronted with. However, what research on research has consistently demonstrated is that the scientific endeavor possesses existential issues including a substantial lack of (a) solid theory, (b) replicability, (c) reproducibility, (d) proper and generalizable samples, (e) sufficient quality control (i.e., peer review), (f) robust and trustworthy statistical results, (g) availability of research, and (h) sufficient practical implications. In this chapter, we first sing a song of sorrow regarding the current state of the social sciences in general and personnel and human resources management specifically. Then, we investigate potential grievances that might have led to it (i.e., questionable research practices, misplaced incentives), only to end with a verse of hope by outlining an avenue for betterment (i.e., open science and policy changes at multiple levels).
Heng Chen, Geoffrey Dunbar and Q. Rallye Shen
The authors consider how the mode of data collection (Internet vs. paper) alters individuals’ responses to different types of survey questions, including subjective, recall, and…
The authors consider how the mode of data collection (Internet vs. paper) alters individuals’ responses to different types of survey questions, including subjective, recall, and factual questions. The authors isolate the measurement effect of the mode from the sample selection effect by exploiting predata in a convenience consumer panel. The authors propose using panelists’ reward point balance as exclusion restriction to correct for differing response probabilities by mode, because the reward point balance depends on the timing of the survey invitations and is a source of random variation in response incentive. The authors evaluate average and quantile measurement effects in a mixed-mode Web/paper survey and find statistically significant evidence of mode effects in subjective and recall questions.
Olivier Furrer, D. Sudharshan, Howard Thomas and Maria Tereza Alexandre
This paper, anchored in the resource‐based view of the firm, attempts to develop linkages between firm‐level resources, Porter's competitive strategy space and firm performance…
This paper, anchored in the resource‐based view of the firm, attempts to develop linkages between firm‐level resources, Porter's competitive strategy space and firm performance and explores them in the context of a new industry – the marketing technology industry.
In the marketing technology industry the authors classify resource configurations (generalists, specialists, innovators) which group firms with distinctive competences on similar resource dimensions. They then map these firm‐level resource configurations onto their respective optimal strategies in the industry's competitive strategy space.
The major findings are: some firms that are close together in strategy space vary in performance; some firms that are close together in strategy space belong to quite different resource configurations; firms that belong to the same resource configuration (i.e. are close together in resource space and distant from others) vary in performance; given the origin (i.e. resource configuration) of a new entrant there exists an optimal strategy that can be theoretically defined; and corresponding to each resource configuration there seems to exist a unique optimal region in strategy space.
It is one of few attempts to empirically explore the parallels between firm level resource‐based and industry level competitive strategies.
G. Page West and G. Dale Meyer
Organizational learning capabilities are embedded in organizational communication systems and processes related to knowledge creation and articulation. The emergence of new…
Organizational learning capabilities are embedded in organizational communication systems and processes related to knowledge creation and articulation. The emergence of new organizational forms (such as horizontal organizations) in rapidly‐changing environments and hyper‐competitive markets underscores the need to better understand these foundational sources of learning. In fact, the reason horizontal organizations may find success is that their structure is intended to promote communications systems and processes which enhance a knowledge‐response sequence similar to a stimulus‐response sequence associated with learning. These systems permit managers to quickly gather information, respond with agility in making decisions, and continue to make ongoing adjustments. Firms which understand the need to build their communications capabilities may be characterized as meta‐learning organizations. Resource‐based theory suggests that communications systems and processes are thus sources of competitive advantage. Future empirical research on organizational learning may progress by evaluating specific measures of communication process as proxies for learning processes.