Mats A. Hallgren Hakan Kallmen, Hakan Leifman and Torbjorn Sjolund Sven Andreasson
Mats Å. Hallgren, Håkan Källmén, Håkan Leifman, Torbjörn Sjölund and Sven Andréasson
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the PRIME for Life risk reduction program in reducing alcohol consumption and improving knowledge and attitudes…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the PRIME for Life risk reduction program in reducing alcohol consumption and improving knowledge and attitudes towards alcohol use in male Swedish military conscripts, aged 18 to 22 years.
A quasi‐experimental design was used in which 1,371 military conscripts from ten regimens were assigned to either a control or program intervention group. Changes in alcohol consumption, knowledge and attitudes towards alcohol use were assessed with self‐report questionnaires at baseline, and again 5 months and 20 months after the program.
Pre to post program reductions in total alcohol consumption and “high risk” consumption were reported in both the control and intervention group. There were no statistically significant group interactions over time, indicating that factors beyond the intervention alone were responsible for the reductions in alcohol consumption. Attitudes towards consumption improved significantly in both groups at five months before returning to baseline levels at 20 month follow‐up.
PRIME for Life is one of the most widely used alcohol and drug risk reduction programs in the United States and has recently been implemented in parts of Sweden to reduce alcohol consumption and related harm. To our knowledge, this is the first peer‐reviewed evaluation of the effectiveness of the PRIME for Life program.
Mats Å. Hallgren, Torbjörn Sjölund, Håkan Kallmén and Sven Andréasson
PRIME for Life is an alcohol risk reduction program that has been used and refined in the USA for over 20 years. A Swedish version of the program has recently been adapted for use…
PRIME for Life is an alcohol risk reduction program that has been used and refined in the USA for over 20 years. A Swedish version of the program has recently been adapted for use among Swedish high‐school students (age 18‐19). The objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of the program on youth alcohol consumption (including high risk drinking), attitudes and knowledge about the effects of alcohol use.
The authors conducted a randomised controlled trial involving 23 schools and 926 students. Data collection was conducted with questionnaires focusing primarily on drinking behaviour. Participants were followed up at five and 20 months to assess changes in drinking behaviour, knowledge and attitudes towards alcohol.
No significant program effects on drinking behaviour were found. Knowledge about the effects of alcohol consumption on health increased after the intervention, as did negative attitudes towards alcohol, but these effects eroded over time.
Despite being widely used in the USA and Sweden, the impact of PRIME for Life is under‐reported in the literature. This is the first independent evaluation of the program focusing on high school age youth. The findings do not support the efficacy of the program as a risk reduction or behaviour change tool in a school environment.
Eva Skärstrand, Richard Bränström, Knut Sundell, Håkan Källmén and Sven Andréasson
The purpose of this paper is to examine factors predicting parental participation and retention in a Swedish version of the Strengthening Families Programme (SFP).
The purpose of this paper is to examine factors predicting parental participation and retention in a Swedish version of the Strengthening Families Programme (SFP).
This study is based on data from a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effects of the Swedish version of the SFP. The sample involves 441 parents of sixth graders, and the data are obtained from parents' questionnaires measuring demographics, parental warmth, rule setting, perception of norm‐breaking behaviours, knowledge of school performance, and parents' attitude towards adolescents and alcohol. Predictors of parental participation and retention are analysed with multiple logistic regressions.
There were two significant predictors for programme recruitment: having a low score on a scale measuring parents' emotional warmth and having a more restrictive attitude towards youth and alcohol. Retention was associated with being born in Sweden, and having a low score on the scale measuring warmth.
Practical implications
There are few predictors of participation and retention in the Swedish version of the SFP, indicating that the programme seem to attract all types of parents in the general population. The fact that a low level of warmth predicts participation indicates that parents with a stronger need for support are recruited. Retention was greater among those who were born in Sweden, which indicates that efforts might be needed to meet the needs of those coming from another country.
Recruiting and retaining parents into family programmes is challenging and it is important to identify the underlying factors for successful recruitment.