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Publication date: 15 October 2019

Guowei Pan, Wenliang Chen and Hui Wang

The purpose of this paper is to use the redundancy of a new hybrid automatic fastening system (HAFS) for aircraft assembly in the best way.



The purpose of this paper is to use the redundancy of a new hybrid automatic fastening system (HAFS) for aircraft assembly in the best way.


First, the kinematic model of HAFS is divided into three sub-models, which are the upper/lower tool and parallel robot. With the geometric coordination relationship, a comprehensive kinematic model of the HAFS is built by mathematically assembling the sub-models based on the DH method. Then, a novel master-slave decoupling strategy for inverse kinematics solution is proposed. With the combination of the minimum energy consumption and the comfortable configuration, a multi-objective redundancy resolution method is developed to optimize the fastening configuration of the HAFS, which keep the HAFS away from the joint-limits and collision avoiding in the aircraft panel assembly process.


An efficient multi-objective posture optimization algorithm to use the redundancy in the best way is obtained. Simulation and an experiment are used to demonstrate the correctness of the proposed method. Moreover, the position and orientation errors of the drilling holes are within 0.222 mm and 0.356°, which are accurate enough for the automatic fastening in aircraft manufacturing.

Practical implications

This method has been used in the HAFS control system, and the practical results show the aircraft components can be fastened automatically through this method with high efficiency and high quality.


This paper proposes a comprehensive kinematic model and a novel decoupling strategy for inverse kinematic solution of the HAFS, which provides a reference to utilize the redundancy in the best way for a hybrid machine with redundant function.


Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, vol. 47 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Publication date: 14 July 2020

Xiang Ji, Bingru Guan and Guowei Liu

Selection of standardized modular containers (SSMC) is counted as one of the most important driving factors that ensure the Physical Internet (PI) to realize the varieties of…



Selection of standardized modular containers (SSMC) is counted as one of the most important driving factors that ensure the Physical Internet (PI) to realize the varieties of goals of sustainability simultaneously, thus overcoming the great challenge of modern logistics in nowadays global supply chain. However, previous research studies on SSMC seldom paid attention to freight behavior and shippers’ segment, which are described in several fundamental conceptual works as the most essential factors that should be taken into account when doing SSMC.


This paper defines two preference matrices to characterize the freight behavior and shippers’ segment, and then integrates these two matrices into a centralized multi-criteria method to determine the optimal SSMC.


The SSMC derived by the proposed methodology is found to be Pareto-optimal. A managerial implication for shippers to further improve efficiency is summarized as well.


First, the authors characterized the freight behavior and shippers’ segment by two preference matrices and then integrated them into a centralized multi-criteria method. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first SSMC-related paper that takes shippers' behaviors and preferences into consideration when making the selection. The authors’ attempt is expected to fill in the research gap that has existed until now. Second, the SSMC derived by the proposed methodology is found to be Pareto-optimal, ensuring the required sustainability. Finally, the authors summarized a managerial implication for shippers to further improve the efficiency from the aspects of production and design.


Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 121 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0263-5577


Publication date: 27 August 2019

Shengliang Zhang, Yuan Chen, Xiaodong Li and Guowei Dou

The purpose of this study is to use role expectation theory to identify potential determinants of user voting avoidance on mobile social media.



The purpose of this study is to use role expectation theory to identify potential determinants of user voting avoidance on mobile social media.


Data were collected through a survey of 602 WeChat users, and the proposed model was analysed using structural equation modelling.


Results indicate that user voting avoidance was positively influenced by unfair competition, perceived inauthenticity, perceived information insecurity, over-consumption of renqing (a unique Chinese human relation) and organisation placement in the context of mobile social media.


This study illustrates mobile user voting avoidance from the perspective of role expectation theory and clarifies the importance of avoidance in current voting research.


Kybernetes, vol. 49 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0368-492X


Book part
Publication date: 2 September 2009

C. Cindy Fan

The assumption that the family migrates as a unit downplays migrants’ circularity. This chapter focuses on China's rural–urban labor migrants that travel back and forth between…


The assumption that the family migrates as a unit downplays migrants’ circularity. This chapter focuses on China's rural–urban labor migrants that travel back and forth between the sites of work and home community and between places of work. I argue that migrants and their households pursue work flexibility in order to obtain the best of the urban and rural worlds, by gaining earnings from urban work and at the same time maintaining social and economic security in the countryside. Work flexibility demands flexibility in household organization, in the form of division of labor and collaboration between genders, generations, and households. Based on a study in Sichuan, I examine household biographies and narratives to identify migrants’ work and household strategies.

Migrants change jobs frequently, switch from one type of work to another and one location to another readily, and often return to the home village for months or even years before pursuing migrant work again. Not only are migrants ready to split the household between the city and the countryside, but also they frequently change from one form of division of labor to another. The inside–outside model, where the wife stays in the village and the husband does migrant work, used to be the dominant arrangement. Over time, the outside–outside model, where both the husband and wife migrate to work and leave behind other family members, is increasingly popular. This is facilitated by intergenerational and interhousehold division of labor in the form of assistance by the extended family. Intergenerational division of labor takes place when the second generation is replacing the parents in migrant work. This research's findings support the notion that rural–urban migrants are fast becoming a hybrid segment of Chinese society, playing dual roles of farmers and urban workers and straddling the peasant and urban worlds.


Work and Organizationsin China Afterthirty Years of Transition
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-84855-730-7

Publication date: 4 March 2014

Xian-jun Liu

It is a very prominent problem that Chinese universities lack school-running characteristics. In the past ten years, because of undergraduate teaching assessment requirements of…




It is a very prominent problem that Chinese universities lack school-running characteristics. In the past ten years, because of undergraduate teaching assessment requirements of the Ministry of Education, universities attach great importance to school-running characteristics. What is the reality and how to improve the effectiveness of creating the school-running characteristics of universities? It is a problem that needs to be solved. The purpose of this paper is to discuss these issues.


Using the survey method, literature study, case studies and other methods, this study reviewed ten years of school-running characteristics construction and explored some laws of creating school-running characteristics.


This study found although universities in China are beginning to attach great importance to the school-running characteristics, but they are still staying in the summarization of characteristics. School-running characteristics are very rough. Creating school-running characteristics are mainly efforts responding to the superior government. Creating school-running characteristics should be based on category characteristic. Universities need to change in competition and create characteristics within its history and culture. Universities need to refine the core idea of education, develop a big picture and then renew them in the assessment cycle.


The originality of this study was that it put forward some new laws including changing from summarizing to creating its own school-running characteristics, putting category characteristic as the prerequisite and considering the core idea of education as the focus of school-running characteristics. This research will enrich the theory building of higher education research and has some value in promoting the creation of school-running characteristics.


International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 28 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0951-354X


Publication date: 19 July 2011

Paul McDonald

This paper seeks to propose that practical wisdom originating within the Chinese classical traditions has been instrumental in China's ascendance to the world stage. Its purpose…




This paper seeks to propose that practical wisdom originating within the Chinese classical traditions has been instrumental in China's ascendance to the world stage. Its purpose is to analyze biographical data across 200 Chinese business leaders in order to gauge the relative influence of two competing ideologies – Maoism and Confucianism.


This paper is based on a two‐step design process. First, modern day leadership archetypes characterizing Maoist and Confucian ideology were developed from the literature. Second, these archetypes were applied in the content analysis of biographical data on Chinese business leaders.


There was evidence of both Maoism and Confucianism in the practices of Chinese business leaders. An unintended, third cohort of leaders emerged, representative of the younger end of the biographical distribution, who appear to embrace paradox in their ideological orientation.

Practical implications

There were three practical implications for management and leadership development: the importance of integrating the concept of paradox into management and leadership development curricula; the provision of illustrative alternatives to western world leadership exemplars; and increased emphasis on global leadership as an emergent phenomenon with particular attention to the burgeoning internationalization of Chinese enterprise and its associated ideologies.


The current leadership literature is dominated by western world exemplars. This paper offers an alternative view; one rich with the wisdom and classical traditions of the Chinese culture.


Journal of Management Development, vol. 30 no. 7/8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0262-1711


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