Gregor Retti and Birgit Stehno
This paper describes the Laurin thesaurus, which is used for indexing and searching in the Laurin system, a software package for digital clipping archives. As a multilingual…
This paper describes the Laurin thesaurus, which is used for indexing and searching in the Laurin system, a software package for digital clipping archives. As a multilingual thesaurus it complies with the corresponding standards, though presenting some approaches going beyond some of the standards' recommendations. The Laurin thesaurus integrates all kind of indexing terms, not only keywords, but proper names as well. The system of categories and relationships is described in detail.
Birgit Stehno and Gregor Retti
This paper presents a grammar for books and journals using augmented transition networks in automated document analysis. The approach takes the structure of layout elements in…
This paper presents a grammar for books and journals using augmented transition networks in automated document analysis. The approach takes the structure of layout elements in books and journals to be part of a semiotic system, which therefore can be described using methods developed for the description of other semiotic systems, e.g. languages. It differs from previous research in the domain of document analysis and understanding as it deals in an exhaustive way with rather generic classes of multi‐page printed objects, i.e. books (monographs) and journals. To achieve this aim, abstract relations instead of document specific formatting rules are taken into account.