Hatana El-Jarn and Glen Southern
The purpose of this paper is to explore the benefits of co-creation/co-design using extended reality (XR) technologies during the initial stages of the design process. A review of…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the benefits of co-creation/co-design using extended reality (XR) technologies during the initial stages of the design process. A review of the emerging co-creation tools within XR will be examined along with whether they offer the potential to improve the design process; this will also highlight the gaps on where further research is required.
The paper draws on professional and academic experiences of the authors in creative practices within the realm of XR technology, co-creation and co-design. In addition, a review of the current literature on emerging technologies and work-based learning will offer further insight on the themes covered.
To design, collaborate, iterate and amend with colleagues and peers in a virtual space gives a wide range of obvious benefits. Creative practitioners both in education and employment are working more collaboratively with the advancement of technology. However, there is a need to find a space where collaboration can also offer the opportunity for co-creation that improves the initial stages of the design process. This technology also offers solutions on the constraints of distance and ameliorates creative expression.
Research limitations/implications
There is an opportunity to test the ideas expressed in this paper empirically; this can be done through testing co-creation tools with professionals, work-based learners and students.
The paper will add to the existing literature on emerging technologies as a unique environment to improve co-create/co-design the visuals created during the fuzzy front end of the design process and offer a potential framework for future empirical work.
Proposes to determine the relative importance of factors on which people rely in choosing a place to live and their assessments of a local area in the Southeastern USA. Presents…
Proposes to determine the relative importance of factors on which people rely in choosing a place to live and their assessments of a local area in the Southeastern USA. Presents recommendations to aid local authorities in improving quality of life in the region. Concludes that this should be done in partnership with non‐governmental entities such as Parent/Teacher Associations or trustees of local art councils for effective changes to be made.
The Red Cross has been actively serving humanity since the 1860s through its various programs, both in the United States and throughout the world. The International Red Cross has…
The Red Cross has been actively serving humanity since the 1860s through its various programs, both in the United States and throughout the world. The International Red Cross has chapters worldwide that operate under the provisions of neutrality originally established by the Geneva Treaty of 1864. Its charge, and that of the American Red Cross, is to furnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of armies during times of war and to serve as a channel of communication between civilians and military personnel in times of both war and peace. Another charge is to bring relief to those suffering as a result of natural disasters such as floods, fires, and earthquakes.
This paper summarizes the cost‐benefit analysis (CBA) approach to estimating the dollar value of services offered by public libraries. The rationale behind a CBS approach is…
This paper summarizes the cost‐benefit analysis (CBA) approach to estimating the dollar value of services offered by public libraries. The rationale behind a CBS approach is discussed and a methodology is proposed for a quicker, cheaper CBA applicable to mid‐size and smaller libraries.
Jon Austin, Glen Parkes and Amy Antonio
The purpose of this paper is to use the experience of attempting to locate funding for three contiguous components of a research program to be undertaken in remote areas of…
The purpose of this paper is to use the experience of attempting to locate funding for three contiguous components of a research program to be undertaken in remote areas of Queensland to reflect upon the increasing challenges to critical qualitative research in the Australian context.
This paper utilizes forms and formats of the composite narrator, narrative inquiry and autoethnographic techniques in putting their lived experience into the context of the neoliberalized university.
As the research team developed and pursued a funding application through various university committees, the value of their work and the ways in which they were being increasingly marginalized qua researchers became starkly apparent to them.
While Appadurai’s concern was to try to understand the inexplicable and seemingly inordinate fear of small numbers that, in contemporary times, causes large majority groups to launch horrendous campaigns of erasure against miniscule minority groups, the authors wonder whether the same concern of an ascendant majority is not at play in strategies of erasure being deployed in contemporary research paradigm skirmishes. Regardless, the authors are rapidly approaching the point where perhaps the authors, as critical qualitative researchers, should fear any numbers, big or small.
If police are perceived as legitimate, communities are more likely to assist in the fight against crime making policework easier and resources go further. The problem is, members…
If police are perceived as legitimate, communities are more likely to assist in the fight against crime making policework easier and resources go further. The problem is, members of a diverse community may view the police in different ways making it difficult for police to be everything to everyone. This study reveals two strands of emerging vulnerability in relation to law and order in a rapidly urbanising area, affecting perceptions of police legitimacy for both groups. The study also demonstrated the relationship between global processes and local issues. The chapter draws on data from a larger study which explored the legitimacy of Victoria Police in the Monash Local Government Area in Melbourne, Australia. Community perceptions of the police were collected during 6 focus groups and 18 interviews. For the past decade, Monash had experienced declining results in the government’s quarterly policing survey in areas that assessed police legitimacy. This research utilised qualitative methods to gather detailed community opinions, in contrast to the quantitative government survey. The chapter focusses on the key finding that there had been many changes in Monash during the preceding decade, including intense urbanisation and increased ethnic diversity. However, police services had not been correspondingly increased or diversified and were not thought adequate to respond to current demands. As a result, community members felt vulnerable and this influenced community perceptions of Victoria Police. Rapid urbanisation has implications for police legitimacy. It is important that police services and infrastructure are not neglected during periods of urban change in order to mitigate feelings of vulnerability in different communities.
Glen E. Holt, Donald Elliott and Christopher Dussold
Along with most public institutions, public libraries are under attack for being socially unresponsive and economically unworthy of public funds. Looks at how urban libraries can…
Along with most public institutions, public libraries are under attack for being socially unresponsive and economically unworthy of public funds. Looks at how urban libraries can defend their case by considering three main points: selecting appropriate methodology; building a framework for benefit‐cost analysis; and assessing necessary research. Concludes that continued research is very important as library resources are always changing. Proposes a pilot project to estimate direct and external benefits from public investment in library resources in one sector of library operations.
It was only after considerable pressure had been brought to bear by the various health authorities of the country that the Government, in July, 1899, appointed a Departmental…
It was only after considerable pressure had been brought to bear by the various health authorities of the country that the Government, in July, 1899, appointed a Departmental Committee to consider the subject of the use of preservatives and colouring matters in food, and it is now some months ago that the full report of the Committee was published, containing certain recommendations of the utmost importance for the consideration of the authorities. Up to the present time nothing further has been heard of the matter, and in answer to a question recently put to the President of the Local Government Board by the Mayor of Kensington, Sir SEYMOUR KING, as to whether the Board intends to take steps by the introduction of a Bill, or otherwise, for giving effect at an early date to the recommendations contained in the report of the Committee, the President stated that the report was “still under consideration,” and that he could make no statement at present as to the course which the Government would take.