The purpose of this study is to examine how different feminist Facebook groups in Israel operate in order to better understand the main issues in their discussions about feminism…
The purpose of this study is to examine how different feminist Facebook groups in Israel operate in order to better understand the main issues in their discussions about feminism in Israel. The study will also identify the variances between the different subgroups. A secondary research question examined was whether Voyant Tools can be used as an effective content text analysis tool in general and in Hebrew in particular.
The study's research method analyzes the content of Facebook posts using the Voyant Tools online toolkit to quantitatively analyze and visualize the results of text mining and data visualization. The sample consists of the texts of posts of three groups representing different currents in Israeli feminism, gathered over a period of three months.
The results show that there are high-frequency words occurring in all groups, each group has its unique words, which distinguish it from the other groups. Feminist and Halachic Feminist groups had few words in common, while the Religious Feminist groups had more words in common with both the Feminist and the Halachic Feminist groups and more so with the latter group. While all groups discussed the issue of violence against women, especially sexual violence, the degree of engagement varied greatly between the groups. In addition, there were clear differences in the prominent issues concerning the various groups. This paper demonstrates the possibility of using Voyant Tools for text mining and analysis.
This paper demonstrates the possibility of using Voyant Tools for text mining and analysis. Voyant Tools shed light on common concepts, their location and prevalence in the text.
The current study aims to review the emerging trends as revealed in masters' theses and doctoral dissertations written over the past five years (2002‐2006) in information science…
The current study aims to review the emerging trends as revealed in masters' theses and doctoral dissertations written over the past five years (2002‐2006) in information science departments worldwide, and to examine how social and ethical issues are reflected in these research projects.
The ProQuest digital dissertations database was used to identify the studies, and studies conducted in the Department of Information Science at Bar‐Ilan University in Israel during the same years were also added to the sample. To locate these projects studies, all studies that received the subject classification of “library science” “information science” or both during those years in the ProQuest digital dissertations system were retrieved yet only studies conducted in departments of information science were included in the sample. The dissertations and theses retrieved were divided into nine categories.
A clear trend can be identified in masters' theses and doctoral dissertations research conducted over the past five years in departments of information science worldwide. The social aspects of information are moving into the spotlight. It appears that the user and his/her ability to sift through the vast sea of information will be the primary research focus in the twenty‐first century.
The paper presents the current trends in research in the field of information science. The findings will be relevant for researchers and curriculum planners in information science.