Gianluca Mazzucco, Beatrice Pomaro, Giovanna Xotta, Carmelo E. Maiorana and Valentina A. Salomoni
The purpose of this paper is the numerical assessment of concrete behaviour close to failure, via the development of robust elastoplastic models inclusive of damage effects. If…
The purpose of this paper is the numerical assessment of concrete behaviour close to failure, via the development of robust elastoplastic models inclusive of damage effects. If mesoscale investigations are to be considered, the model must take into account the local confinement effects because of the presence of aggregate inclusions in the cement paste and, correspondingly, the possibility to account for local 3D stress states even under uniaxial compression. Additionally, to enhance the predictive capabilities of a mesoscale representation, the reconstructed geometry must accurately follow the real one.
The work provides a procedure that combines a 3D digital image technique with finite element (FE) modelling thus maintaining the original 3D morphology of the composite.
The potentialities of the proposed approach are discussed, giving new insights to a FE modelling (FEM)-based approach applied together with a computer-aided design. Coupled mechanisms of mechanical mismatch and confinement, characterizing the combined cement matrix-aggregates effect, are captured and highlighted via the numerical tests.
The novelty of this research work lies in the proposal of a digitally based methodology for a precise concrete reconstruction together with the adoption of an upgraded elastic–plastic damage model for the cement paste.
Valentina A. Salomoni, Gianluca Mazzucco and Carmelo E. Majorana
This paper seeks to analyse 3D growing concrete structures taking into account the phenomenon of body accretion, necessary for the simulation of the construction sequence, and…
This paper seeks to analyse 3D growing concrete structures taking into account the phenomenon of body accretion, necessary for the simulation of the construction sequence, and carbon dioxide attack.
A typical 3D segmental bridge made of precast concrete is studied through a fully coupled thermo‐hygro‐mechanical F.E. model. The durability of the bridge is evaluated and carbonation effects are considered. Creep, relaxation and shrinkage effects are included according to the theory developed in the 1970s by Bažant for concretes and geomaterials; the fluid phases are considered as a unique mixture which interacts with a solid phase. The porous material is modelled using n Maxwell elements in parallel (Maxwell‐chain model).
First, calibration analyses are developed to check the VISCO3D model capabilities for predicting carbonation phenomena within concrete and the full 3D structure is modelled to further assess the durability of the bridge under severe conditions of CO2 attack.
The adopted numerical model accounts for the strong coupling mechanisms of CO2 diffusion in the gas phase, moisture and heat transfer, CaCO3 formation and the availability of Ca(OH)2 in the pore solution due to its transport by water movement. Additionally, the phenomenon of a sequential construction is studied and numerically reproduced by a sequence of “births” for the 3D finite elements discretizing the bridge. The fully coupled model is here extended to 3D problems for accreting bodies (as segmental bridges) in order to gather the effects of multi‐dimensional attacks of carbon dioxide for such structures.
Valentina Salomoni, Gianluca Mazzucco, Carlo Pellegrino and Carmelo Majorana
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the bond behaviour between fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets and concrete elements, starting from available experimental evidences…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the bond behaviour between fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets and concrete elements, starting from available experimental evidences, through a calibrated and upgraded 3D mathematical‐numerical model.
The complex mechanism of debonding/peeling failure of FRP reinforcement is studied within the context of damage mechanics to appropriately catch transversal effects and developing a more realistic and comprehensive study of the delamination process. The FE ABAQUS© code has been supplemented with a numerical procedure accounting for Mazars's damage law inside the contact algorithm.
It has been shown that such an approach is able to catch the delamination evolution during loading processes as well.
A Drucker‐Prager constitutive law is adopted for concrete whereas FRP elements are assumed to behave in a linear‐elastic manner, possibly undertaking large strains/displacements. Surface‐to‐surface contact conditions have been applied between FRP and adjacent concrete, including the enhancement given by the strain‐softening law according to Mazars' damage model. The procedure has been introduced to describe the coupled behaviour between concrete, FRP and adhesive resulting in specific bonding‐debonding features under different load levels.