Mohammed Shurrab, Ghaleb Abbasi and Razan Al Khazaleh
Construction organizations and companies are concerned with the motivational factors of the project managers that influence the project success. Therefore, the purpose of this…
Construction organizations and companies are concerned with the motivational factors of the project managers that influence the project success. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to use a questionnaire based on five Likert-scales to identify and investigate the importance of the motivational dimensions on the construction project managers in Jordan
Therefore, this study aims at using a questionnaire based on five Likert-scales to identify and investigate the importance of the motivational dimensions on the construction project managers in Jordan. The six motivational dimensions were interpersonal interaction, task, general working conditions, empowerment, personal development, and compensation. Hypotheses testing were also developed to study the influence of both the characteristics of the project manager and the characteristic of the project on the motivational dimensions.
The results showed that the construction project managers in Jordan were motivated more by compensation and personal development. Moreover, the level of education for the project manager was positively related to the motivation by task. It was also noticed that the project manager, who had higher experience, was motivated more by empowerment. The study is valuable in providing important information for the construction organizations in Jordan to actively influence the construction project managers’ motivation.
The urgent needs for increasing project managers’ motivation is the major concern for organizations and companies. Increasing the project managers’ motivation has a major influence on increasing the project success rate and productivity. Construction sector is typically country’s most important asset economically and socially. Currently, no studies were shown to investigate the construction project manager’s motivation in Jordan. This study is, therefore, aims to evaluate the factors that influence the construction project manager’s motivation in Jordan based on content and process motivational theories’ perspectives. This research also utilizes the motivational factors instrument to test its validity in Jordan construction sector.
Ja'far Alawadi, Ghaleb Yousef Abbasi and Abbas Al-Refaie
Although the factors that affect the decision of outsourcing are variant from one industry to another and from one application to another, this paper aims to investigate the…
Although the factors that affect the decision of outsourcing are variant from one industry to another and from one application to another, this paper aims to investigate the factors that influence the decision of outsourcing using a systematic literature review (SLR) approach to fill the gap of the literature and focus on maintenance activities in terms of industrial firms. Furthermore, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method will be developed to prioritize the important factors according to the experts' judgments and reveal the factors' weights to support decision-makers in thermal power plants to realize the factors that have a high impact on outsourcing maintenance decisions and enhance their decision-making to increase power plant competitive advantages over quality, availability and safety requirements.
The purpose of this research is to prioritize the factors that influence outsourcing maintenance decisions to be considered by decision-makers in power plants before making a decision of outsourcing maintenance activities. In this research, an SLR approach was applied to identify the factors in terms of industry and rank them accordingly using factors' frequency process. A questionnaire survey was designed to seek the experts' opinions to prioritize the factors that influence the decision of outsourcing maintenance activities in power companies using AHP. The research found that “Improve service quality”, “acquire new skills or technical knowledge” and “Function difficult to manage” have the first priority before making the decision of outsourcing maintenance activities in the context of power plants.
The decision of outsourcing regarding maintenance activities in the context of industry, as well as determining the most critical factors among the extracted factors from the literature and rank them accordingly using factors' frequency process. Next, a questionnaire survey was designed and conducted to seek the experts' opinions to prioritize the factors that influence the decision of outsourcing concerning maintenance activities in thermal power companies using AHP method. According to the SLR, industrial companies are mainly pursuing outsourcing maintenance services to focus on core activities, save overall costs and improve service quality.
This is an original research paper out of an MSc thesis submitted at the Industrial Engineering Department, University of Jordan.
Mosab I. Tabash, Umar Farooq, Majdi Hassen and Ghaleb A. El Refae
The Arab countries have numerous environmental problems, including massive emissions of carbon dioxide, climate change and increasingly high temperatures. Many prior studies have…
The Arab countries have numerous environmental problems, including massive emissions of carbon dioxide, climate change and increasingly high temperatures. Many prior studies have explored the various determinants of environmental quality. However, few papers offer adequate empirical evidence on the role of technological innovation and financial development in determining environmental quality. To fill this gap, this study aims to investigate the impact of technological innovation and financial development on CO2 emissions, controlling for several factors.
The study sample data cover 10 Arab countries over a 30-year period. Because of the existence of non-stationarity and cointegration, the authors use dynamic ordinary least squares and fully modified ordinary least squares models to perform regressions among the variables.
The statistical results reveal that technological innovation and financial development both negatively determine CO2, which implies that both factors ensure environmental quality in this region. A developed financial sector facilitates access to funds for technological innovation and thus enables the adoption of cleaner production technologies and renewable energy sources. Both factors reduce environmental degradation. In addition, advanced financial systems incentivize investment in ecofriendly projects and promote sustainable practices, fostering a conducive environment for improving environmental quality. The empirical analysis then reveals the pollution halo effect of foreign direct investment inflow.
Research limitations/implications
Based on the empirical findings, the authors recommend increasing investment in research and development activities and pay more attention to improvement of the financial sector. Both factors can enhance environmental sustainability in Arab countries.
This study provides robustness for prior analyses and adds to the literature by widening the coverage to include Arab countries.
Sajeda Al-Hadidi, Ghaleb Sweis, Waleed Abu-Khader, Ghaida Abu-Rumman and Rateb Sweis
Despite the enormous need to succeed in the urban model, scientists and policymakers should work consistently to create blueprints to regulate urbanization. The absence of…
Despite the enormous need to succeed in the urban model, scientists and policymakers should work consistently to create blueprints to regulate urbanization. The absence of coordination between the crucial requirements and the regional strategies of the local authorities leads to a lack of conformance in urban development. The purpose of this paper is to address this issue.
This study intends to manage future urban growth patterns using integrated methods and then employ the results in the genetic algorithm (GA) model to considerably improve growth behavior. Multi-temporal land-use datasets have been derived from remotely sensed images for the years 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020. Urban growth patterns and processes were then analyzed with land-use-and-land-cover dynamics. Results were examined for simulation and utilization of the GA.
Model parameters were derived and evaluated, and a preliminary assessment of the effective coefficient in the formation of urbanization is analyzed, showing the city's urbanization pattern has followed along with the transportation infrastructure and outward growth, and the scattering rates are high, with an increase of 5.64% in building area associated with a decrease in agricultural lands and rangelands.
The research achieved a considerable improvement over the growth behavior. The conducted research design was the first of its type in that field to be executed to any specific growth pattern parameters in terms of regulating and policymaking. The method has integrated various artificial intelligence models to monitor, measure and optimize the projected growth by applying this design. Other research on the area was limited to projecting the future of Amman as it is an urbanized distressed city.
Rasmi Meqbel, Aladdin Dwekat, Mohammad A.A. Zaid, Mohammad Alta’any and Asia Mohammad Abukhaled
This study aims to examine the impact of Audit Committee (AC) characteristics on carbon disclosures and performance among companies listed in the STOXX Europe 600 index.
This study aims to examine the impact of Audit Committee (AC) characteristics on carbon disclosures and performance among companies listed in the STOXX Europe 600 index.
The sample consists of companies listed in the STOXX Europe 600 index over a 11-year period (2012–2022). The study uses panel data regression methods and uses the two-step system generalized method of moments to control for endogeneity.
The results indicate that AC size, independence and financial expertise positively influence carbon disclosure, highlighting the significance of these characteristics in promoting transparency and accountability in reporting carbon emissions. Additionally, these attributes are significantly associated with improved carbon performance, suggesting their potential role in advancing environmental sustainability.
Practical implications
The study provides practical insights for policymakers and regulatory bodies aiming to enhance carbon-related practices through improved corporate governance (CG) structures. By emphasizing the importance of specific AC characteristics, the findings suggest pathways for enhancing the quality of carbon disclosures and performance.
Despite extensive attention on CG in promoting sustainability, the specific influence of AC characteristics on carbon disclosures and performance remains underexplored. This study addresses this significant literature gap and, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, is the first to link AC characteristics with both carbon disclosure and performance. It enriches the current body of knowledge in agency theory and provides critical insights for developing CG and regulatory policies that enhance the quality of carbon disclosures.
Umar Muhammad Modibbo, Musa Hassan, Aquil Ahmed and Irfan Ali
Supplier selection in the supply chain network (SCN) has strategic importance and involves multiple factors. The multi-criteria nature of the problem coupled with environmental…
Supplier selection in the supply chain network (SCN) has strategic importance and involves multiple factors. The multi-criteria nature of the problem coupled with environmental uncertainty requires several procedures and considerations. The issue of decision-making in selecting the best among various qualified suppliers remains the major challenge in the pharmaceutical industry. This study investigated the multi-criteria multi-supplier decision-making process and proposed a model for supplier selection problems based on mixed-integer linear programming.
The concept of principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce data dimensionality, and the four best criteria have been considered and selected. The result is subjected to decision-makers’ (DMs’) reliability test using the concept of a triangular fuzzy number (TFN). The importance of each supplier to each measure is established using fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution approach, and the suppliers have ranked accordingly.
This study proposes a mixed integer linear programming model for supplier selection in a pharmaceutical company. The effectiveness of the proposed model has been demonstrated using a numerical example. The solution shows the model's applicability in making a sound decision in pharmaceutical companies in the space of reality. The model proposed is simple. Readily commercial packages such as LINDO/LINGO and GAMS can solve the model.
Research limitations/implications
This research contributed to the systematic manner of supplier selection considering DMs’ value judgement under a fuzzy environment and is limited to the case study area. However, interested researchers can apply the study in other related manufacturing industries. However, the criteria have to be revisited to suit that system and might require varying ratings based on the experts' opinions in that field.
Practical implications
This work suggests more insights practically by considering a realistic and precise investigation based on a real-life case study of pharmaceutical companies with six primary criteria and twenty-four sub-criteria. The study outcome will assist organizations and managers in conducting the best decision objectively by selecting the best suppliers with their various standards and terms among many available contenders in the manufacturing industry.
In this paper, the authors attempted to identify the most critical attributes to be preserved by the top managers (DMs) while selecting suppliers in pharmaceutical companies. The study proposed an MILP model for supplier selection in the pharmaceutical company using fuzzy TOPSIS.
The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of audit quality on CO2 disclosure in European companies. This article aims to understand how attributes of audit…
The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of audit quality on CO2 disclosure in European companies. This article aims to understand how attributes of audit quality, such as auditor effort, auditor permanence and auditor independence, influence the disclosure of CO2 emissions.
A multiple regression analysis on panel data was used. In addition, we applied the fixed effect approach as the optimal and most appropriate model for our main regression. In addition, to control the potential endogeneity problem and to analyse the study data in depth, we used the two-stage Heckman model, the two-stage least squares (2SLS) model, and the generalised method of moments (GMM).
The results clearly show that all the explanatory variables in the study model have a significant influence on CO2 disclosure. Furthermore, the results show a positive effect of auditor effort on the level of CO2 disclosure. However, auditor tenure and auditor independence negatively affect CO2 disclosure.
This study provides empirical evidence of the role of different audit quality proxies on corporate CO2 disclosure, which has been mainly neglected by previous studies and has not yet been examined by previous researchers. Thus, in order to provide an in-depth understanding of this emerging and unprecedented idea, this study fills this research gap and makes a practical and theoretical contribution to the existing literature on corporate governance and environmental disclosure.
María Consuelo Pucheta-Martínez, Inmaculada Bel-Oms and Isabel Gallego-Álvarez
This paper explores the impact of some audit committees' characteristics (executive and independent directors and directors' attendance at audit committee meetings) on CSR…
This paper explores the impact of some audit committees' characteristics (executive and independent directors and directors' attendance at audit committee meetings) on CSR reporting. Moreover, it also aims to test the moderating effect of women directors on boards on the association between audit committees' characteristics and CSR disclosure.
This study uses an international sample comprising 13,264 firm-year observations of non-financial firms from 2007 to 2018.
The results show that executive and independent directors on audit committees have a negative impact on CSR reporting, while the directors' attendance at audit committees meetings is positively associated with CSR disclosure. This study’s results also provide convincing evidence that female directors on corporate boards positively moderate the negative association between executive and independent directors on audit committees and CSR disclosure. Finally, the findings also show that female directors on corporate boards do not moderate the positive impact of directors' attendance at audit committees' meetings on CSR information.
Research limitations/implications
This study is focused on attributes of audit committees based on a sample of international listed non-financial firms.
This is the first study analyzing the moderating role of female directors on boards on the relations between both executive directors on audit committees and CSR reporting and the average attendance of directors at audit committees' meetings and CSR disclosure.
Este trabajo explora el impacto de algunas características de los comités de auditoría (consejeros ejecutivos e independientes y la asistencia de los consejeros a las reuniones de los comités de auditoría) en la divulgación de información de responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC). Además, también tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto moderador de las consejeras del consejo de administración en la relación entre las características de los comités y la divulgación de la RSC.
Este estudio se basa en una muestra internacional que comprende 13,264 observaciones empresas-año no financieras desde 2007 hasta 2018.
Los resultados muestran que los consejeros ejecutivos e independientes en comités de auditoría tienen un impacto negativo en la divulgación de información de RSC, mientras que la asistencia de los consejeros a las reuniones del comité se asocia positivamente con la divulgación de información sobre RSC. Nuestros resultados también evidencian que las consejeras del consejo de administración moderan positivamente la asociación negativa entre los consejeros ejecutivos e independientes de los comités de auditoría y la divulgación de información sobre RSC. Finalmente, los hallazgos también muestran que las consejeras no moderan el impacto positivo de la asistencia de los consejeros a las reuniones de los comités de auditoría y la divulgación sobre RSC.
Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación
Este estudio se centra en los atributos de los comités de auditoría de una muestra de empresas internacionales no financieras cotizadas.
Este es el primer estudio que examina el papel moderador de las consejeras de los consejos en las relaciones entre los consejeros ejecutivos en los comités de auditoría y el informe de RSC y la asistencia media de los consejeros a las reuniones de los comités de auditoría y divulgación de la RSC.
- Corporate social responsibility commitment
- Women directors
- Board commissions
- International firms
- Executive directors
- Independent directors
- Activity audit committee
- Compromiso de responsabilidad social corporativa
- Consejeras
- Comisiones del consejo
- Empresas internacionales
- Consejeros ejecutivos
- Consejeros independientes
- Actividad del comité de auditoría
Pradipta Patra and Unni Krishnan Dinesh Kumar
Opportunistic and delayed maintenances are increasingly becoming important strategies for sustainable maintenance practices since they increase the lifetime of complex systems…
Opportunistic and delayed maintenances are increasingly becoming important strategies for sustainable maintenance practices since they increase the lifetime of complex systems like aircrafts and heavy equipment. The objective of the current study is to quantify the optimal time window for adopting these strategies.
The current study considers the trade-offs between different costs involved in the opportunistic and delayed maintenances (of equipment) like the fixed cost of scheduled maintenances, the opportunistic rewards that may be earned and the cost of premature parts replacement. The probability of the opportunistic maintenance has been quantified under two different scenarios – Mission Reliability and Renewal Process. In the case of delayed maintenance, the cost of the delayed maintenance is also considered. The study uses optimization techniques to find the optimal maintenance time windows and also derive useful insights.
Apart from finding the optimal time window for the maintenance activities the study also shows that opportunistic maintenance is beneficial provided the opportunistic reward is significantly large; the cost of conducting scheduled maintenance in the pre-determined slot is significantly large. Similarly, the opportunistic maintenance may not be beneficial if the pre-mature equipment parts replacement cost is significantly high. The optimal opportunistic maintenance time is increasing function of Weibull failure rate parameter “beta” and decreasing function of Weibull failure rate parameter “theta.” In the case of optimal delayed maintenance time, these relationships reverse.
To the best of our knowledge, very few studies exist that have used mission reliability to study opportunistic maintenance or considered the different cost trade-offs comprehensively.
Livia Buttke, Sebastian Schötteler, Stefan Seuring and Frank Ebinger
The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (GSCDDA), as a comprehensive regulation for due diligence in supply chains, will exert profound pressure on companies’ sustainable supply…
The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (GSCDDA), as a comprehensive regulation for due diligence in supply chains, will exert profound pressure on companies’ sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). This study aims to examine the affected stakeholders’ polarizing expectations stemming from the GSCDDA, the resulting impacts on SSCM and how these findings compare with theoretical SSCM developments.
From 5,490 GSCDDA posts on X (formerly “Twitter”), the authors extracted 556 qualitative posts illustrating the GSCDDA discourse and analyzed them from a stakeholder perspective. The posts were classified according to the dimensions of stakeholder groups and expectations (i.e. challenges and opportunities). The authors then synthesized the posts across these dimensions and compared the identified expectations with the SSCM literature.
Seven stakeholder groups were identified, along with nine challenges (e.g. legal flaws) and four opportunities (e.g. increased transparency). The synthesis of both components revealed highly discussed and conflicting expectations. The theoretical SSCM developments partly differ from the discourse, indicating discernible gaps between theory and practice
Practical implications
Identifying key stakeholder groups supports building synergies between GSCDDA implementers and stakeholders to tackle their challenges and reinforce opportunities.
Due to the growing prevalence of supply chain due diligence regulations, it is essential to consider the legal implications for SSCM. This study explores the link between due diligence concepts and SSCM, and to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to analyze how legal pressure shapes stakeholders’ expectations on companies’ SSCM.