The Online Circuit which was formed in June of this year, as reprinted in the June 78 issue of Online Review has been busy during the summer months compiling members for the…
The Online Circuit which was formed in June of this year, as reprinted in the June 78 issue of Online Review has been busy during the summer months compiling members for the circuit. A survey was sent to contact persons for each user group that had been publicized or who had written various journals and members of the Online Circuit Steering Committee. To date, 31 user groups have joined the Online Circuit. These are all user groups located in the United States. It is hoped that the scope of the Circuit will become international as a result of the panel discussion to be held at the 2nd annual Online Information meeting in December. Gerri Lawrence, coordinator of the Online Circuit will be participating in the panel and two members of the Steering Committee, Marjorie Hlava and Jim Bement, will be presenting papers at the conference.
As this column originated in the desire to provide a forum of discussion on topics essential to online user groups, it is timely to consider for a moment the role of online user…
As this column originated in the desire to provide a forum of discussion on topics essential to online user groups, it is timely to consider for a moment the role of online user groups in the information community. Retrospectively, one can see that online user groups have been formed to learn and to share their experiences and knowledge in the arts and techniques of searching online. Programs tend to concentrate on workshops and training sessions in databases or online systems, in order to fulfill this basic need of the group.
ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources is designed to share educational information, innovations and development with educational practitioners and information scientists…
ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources is designed to share educational information, innovations and development with educational practitioners and information scientists. ERIC is very interested in having documents from online user groups — papers, reports, studies — put into the system. So if you have any such documents, be sure to send them in to:
More new user groups! Linda Phillips reports that the Rochester Online Users group boasts of 60 members. While the group is presently oriented in the science‐technology area the…
More new user groups! Linda Phillips reports that the Rochester Online Users group boasts of 60 members. While the group is presently oriented in the science‐technology area the members interested in the humanities, business, and social science subjects are growing. The group publishes a Directory: Rochester Online Users group and can be contacted through Linda at 716–546–2700, ext. 2220.
Just how do Online User Groups provide continuing education in order to cope with all the new and updated information, training, hardware changes, cost and pricing issues, new…
Just how do Online User Groups provide continuing education in order to cope with all the new and updated information, training, hardware changes, cost and pricing issues, new databases — in total, the entire rapidly escalating online world? Well cope they do indeed, and in a vast variety of ways. But rather than simply list the titles of programs held by user groups I would like to briefly explore and outline how online user groups manage to aid their members in being proficient and up‐to‐date searchers.
Starting at home base — The Houston Online User Group sponsored an October meeting: The Federal Government: Information On‐line. Topics covered included NIH‐EPA, NLM, NTIS and…
Starting at home base — The Houston Online User Group sponsored an October meeting: The Federal Government: Information On‐line. Topics covered included NIH‐EPA, NLM, NTIS and ASI/CIS … The first issue of the 1980–1981 Oregon Online User Group (OOUG) Newsletter provided a summary of past events, goals and objectives, and future plans. Other items included business news, upcoming national meetings, points of interests from other information organizations, and continuing education courses …. MIDLNET (Midwest Region Library Network announced the appointment of Dr. James E. Skipper as Executive Director, effective October 1, 1980 …. Bay Area User Group reports their October meeting held at Stanford's Math‐Computer Science Library with a presentation of their computer services program …. A tour of INFO MART treated the Santa Barbara Group …. Southern California's September meeting was ‘Suggestions for Improvement of Online Systems and Databases’ — a synopsis of the results will be distributed via the National Online Circuit …. But the biggest news out of sunny California is that the members of CLASS are able to communicate with each other via On Tyme. Various user groups have had training sessions on this electronic mail service which promises savings in cost, manpower, and time …. CLASS has also offered workshops on INSPEC, RLIN, BRS, MARC, Systems Refreshers, and Laboratory Animal Data Bank …. The North Carolina Online Users Group held a User Education/User Evaluation program which included a slide show ‘Computerized Search Services’ as used at the Burroughs Wellcome Company. Their recent newsletter provided a summary of their major spring workshop on current affairs databases … NCOLUG also sent a copy of their member directory — it's divided into three sections: List of members, organizations represented in NCOLUG, and a Database Index … MIDBUG (Michigan Database Users Group) sponsored BIOSIS (beginning and advanced) and Disclosure Seminars and co‐sponsored a Non‐Bibliographic Data Base Conference with the Western Michigan Chapter S.L.A. and the Upjohn Company …. The Columbus Area Online Users Group presented an ISI Databases Workshop instruction for online retrieval of Science and Social Science Citation Indexes …. Western Michigan University also presented an ISI Workshop in October …. San Antonio Area Online Users Group hosted Data Courier, Inc. and their newly revised Online Training Session …. Kansas City Online User Group has been active with a hands‐on workshop with The Source; reports have it that all attending found it a rewarding workshop.
U.S. National Online Circuit. Rebecca Gonzalez (Chicago Online User Group‐COLUG) assumed the chairman's position in June. She took over the leadership from Margie Hlava, President…
U.S. National Online Circuit. Rebecca Gonzalez (Chicago Online User Group‐COLUG) assumed the chairman's position in June. She took over the leadership from Margie Hlava, President of Access Innovations, Inc. Rebecca has already begun to answer some of the new proposals set forth by some user groups. She has held planning meetings and hopes to issue to each user group a comprehensive survey of what user groups expect from the National Online Circuit.
Online User Groups in the United States are busier than ever, holding seminars and conducting workshops. Houston Online User Group held a meeting recently with speakers from the…
Online User Groups in the United States are busier than ever, holding seminars and conducting workshops. Houston Online User Group held a meeting recently with speakers from the Telecommunications Systems; the law library of Conoco Oil Company and the Public Affairs Division of Shell Oil Company. January saw the election of new officers and committee members and began another exciting year for HOLUG.
Workshop themes are prevalent in the agendas of many online user groups. Presently a variety of such programs exists. It is the intent of this Online User Forum column to explore…
Workshop themes are prevalent in the agendas of many online user groups. Presently a variety of such programs exists. It is the intent of this Online User Forum column to explore the intricacies of such workshops in an effort to provide online user groups with a broad basis in planning their own programs.
The launch of both Euronet and the British Post Office two‐way data service to the US has been delayed. Due to become operational in December 1978, Euronet is now unlikely to be…
The launch of both Euronet and the British Post Office two‐way data service to the US has been delayed. Due to become operational in December 1978, Euronet is now unlikely to be open until June 1979. As reported in the March 1978 issue of Online Review, Euronet — the European data transmission network was due to interconnect customers through packet switching exchanges in London, Frankfurt, Paris and Rome and remote access points in Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin and Luxembourg. The network is based on technology developed for the French Transpac domestic network and it seems that delays in starting up Transpac are the major cause for postponing Euronet until next year. However, arrangements with host computers are progressing ‘very satisfactorily’ according to Dr. Georges Anderla, Director for Information Management, in Luxembourg. Five hosts — Blaise (London), Corte di Cassazione (Rome), CTI (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Brussels), FIZ4 (Karlsruhe) and Infoline (London) — have signed statements regarding their connections to the network . Another 15 are still due to sign and Dr. Anderla seemed to welcome the delay by stating that “…the extended pre‐launch planning period gives us the opportunity to introduce the facility with a broader range of host and databases and a greater number of users than would otherwise have been the case.” Meanwhile both Switzerland and Spain — two non‐European Community countries — have made formal application to join Euronet.