Traces the origins of the “Year in Industry” scheme,describes its progress over the past five years, highlights theimportance of industry‐based training for pregraduate engineers…
Traces the origins of the “Year in Industry” scheme, describes its progress over the past five years, highlights the importance of industry‐based training for pregraduate engineers and the mutual benefits to industry and polytechnic or university‐based students of set project work during the one‐year placement programme.
The food values of fruits have during recent years attracted considerable attention from the leading chemists of the day. The enhanced supplies, arriving as they do from every…
The food values of fruits have during recent years attracted considerable attention from the leading chemists of the day. The enhanced supplies, arriving as they do from every quarter of the globe, prove that food fruits are increasing in popularity and form an important part of the national dietary.
MOST days, newspapers and TV tell us how yet more plants are closing down with a stated loss of jobs. There is another side to the picture that unfortunately is often lost in…
MOST days, newspapers and TV tell us how yet more plants are closing down with a stated loss of jobs. There is another side to the picture that unfortunately is often lost in small paragraphs tucked away in a corner or to be found only in the columns of trade journals. They are the stories of the new factories opening, of new opportunities for those who are ready to seize them.
WHILE so many things are happening and are expected to happen in the war field, the attention that libraries receive is to be watched carefully. One could hope, so far as their…
WHILE so many things are happening and are expected to happen in the war field, the attention that libraries receive is to be watched carefully. One could hope, so far as their finances are concerned, that they might be treated as last year but otherwise forgotten. This is most unlikely, and the reports that reach us show that we are facing the most critical days since 1919. There is, however, this difference; during the last war, the penny‐rate limit seemed to exclude all recovery from the drastic cuts then made. Hereafter such recovery can be as rapid as the value of our work persuades our authorities to make it—that is, if and when they have the means. The crisis for many of the towns which have been “coventrated” or otherwise heavily attacked must be severe. The destruction of shopping streets must mean a substantial loss of rateable value for the time being. At the same time all rate‐supported services must continue, and these continue to increase in cost. For some towns it may be difficult to sustain some public services at all.
AT last there is conclusive evidence, of that which we have hitherto proclaimed namely, that incentive schemes based on time and motion study are the best and most satisfactory…
AT last there is conclusive evidence, of that which we have hitherto proclaimed namely, that incentive schemes based on time and motion study are the best and most satisfactory means, to worker and management alike, of increasing productivity.
Editorial As organizations age, habits become custom, responsiveness declines innovation suffers, and that certain spark or sense of purpose is lost. Change management issues are…
Editorial As organizations age, habits become custom, responsiveness declines innovation suffers, and that certain spark or sense of purpose is lost. Change management issues are high on most public sector agendas worldwide. Some managers may attempt rejuvenation with a one‐off programme of major change, seeking the right answer through rigorous analysis of the facts, trusting the power of planning and budgeting. Structures and personnel may change, but efforts often fail to overcome old ways and entrenched power groups. It may be, of course, that the “right” strategy does not exist, and that even if it did, ageing companies may be too insular to recognize it.