The steam yacht Gondola has taken to the waters of Lake Coniston for the first time in nearly 20 years, thanks to the efforts of a group of unemployed youngsters from Tyneside…
The steam yacht Gondola has taken to the waters of Lake Coniston for the first time in nearly 20 years, thanks to the efforts of a group of unemployed youngsters from Tyneside. The 120‐year‐old yacht was scuttled after the war but has now been refloated and restored for the National Trust by enthusiasts; they renovated the 85ft long Venetian style yacht's ornate saloons, while Vickers restored its hull, canopy and engine room. The task of making the replica engine fell to Locomotion Enterprises, an MSC‐sponsored training workshop at Gateshead where some 80 unemployed youngsters have taken part in the building project. Young people on the MSC's Youth Opportunities Programme at this workshop were also involved in the building of the replica of Stephenson's Rocket which now belongs to the National Railway Museum. The workshop has places for 30 unemployed young people who can spend up to a year gaining valuable work experience, which will ultimately improve their chances of finding a permanent job.