Geoffrey D. Lurie and Joseph M. Ahearn
Even at the height of success, managers need to be able to detect early signals of trouble and implement strategies to head them off.
What is it about academia anyway? We profess to hate it, spend endless amounts of time complaining about it, and yet we in academia will do practically anything to stay. The pay…
What is it about academia anyway? We profess to hate it, spend endless amounts of time complaining about it, and yet we in academia will do practically anything to stay. The pay may be low, job security elusive, and in the end, it's not the glamorous work we envisioned it would be. Yet, it still holds fascination and interest for us. This is an article about American academic fiction. By academic fiction, I mean novels whosemain characters are professors, college students, and those individuals associated with academia. These works reveal many truths about the higher education experience not readily available elsewhere. We learn about ourselves and the university community in which we work.
Companies over the world faced several risks related to the COVID-19 crisis. However, when quoting those risks, it is common to mix up pandemic effects with general consequences…
Companies over the world faced several risks related to the COVID-19 crisis. However, when quoting those risks, it is common to mix up pandemic effects with general consequences of work at home or the use of electronic communication channels. At the same time, a lot of indirect effects of the crisis are not straightforward, and some consequences may only turn evident in the long term. This chapter collects different appearances and implications of the risk caused by the epidemic based on literature review, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and expert panels with a particular emphasis on the findings from Hungary. The authors conclude that risk effects differ little across countries but rather widely across industries and individuals. The risk map presented clarifies critical connections and offers a structured overview for the first time in the literature. A better understanding of the risk effects may assist managers and regulators when another similar crisis would emerge in the future.
Angela Chenoweth Reeve, Cheryl Desha, Doug Hargreaves and Karlson Hargroves
The purpose of this paper is to consider how biophilic urbanism complements and potentially enhances approaches for the built environment profession to holistically integrate…
The purpose of this paper is to consider how biophilic urbanism complements and potentially enhances approaches for the built environment profession to holistically integrate nature into cities. Urban nature – also referred to as urban greening and green infrastructure – has increasingly been considered from many perspectives to address challenges such as population pressures, climate change and resource shortages. Within this context, the authors highlight how “biophilic urbanism” complements and may enhance approaches and efforts for urban greening.
The paper provides a review of existing literature in “urban nature” to clarify and discuss the concept of biophilic urbanism. Drawing on this literature review, the authors present a systematic clustering and scaling of “biophilic elements” that could facilitate responding to twenty-first century challenges.
Biophilic urbanism can be applied at multiple scales in urban environments, through a range of multi-functional features that address the pervasive false dichotomy of urban development and environmental protection. Biophilic urbanism can complement urban greening efforts to enable a holistic approach, which is conducive to comprehensive, intentional and strategic urban greening.
This paper situates the emerging concept of biophilic urbanism within existing research from multiple disciplines, providing insight for how this can be applied in practice, particularly to the topical challenge of “urban renewal”.