Balachandar Pandiyan, Sivarajan Ganesan, Nadanasabapathy Jayakumar and Srikrishna Subramanian
The ever-stringent environmental regulations force power producers to produce electricity at the cheapest price and with minimum pollutant emission levels. The electrical power…
The ever-stringent environmental regulations force power producers to produce electricity at the cheapest price and with minimum pollutant emission levels. The electrical power generation from fossil fuel releases several contaminants into the air, and this becomes excrescent if the generating unit is fed by multiple fuel sources (MFSs). Inclusion of this issue in operational tasks is a welcome perspective. This paper aims to develop a multi-objective model comprising total fuel cost and pollutant emission.
The cost-effective and environmentally responsive power system operations in the presence of MFSs can be recognised as a multi-objective constrained optimisation problem with conflicting operational objectives. The complexity of the problem requires a suitable optimisation tool. Ant lion algorithm (ALA), the most recent nature-inspired algorithm, was used as the main optimisation tool because of its salient characteristics. The fuzzy decision-making mechanism has been integrated to determine the best compromised solution in the multi-objective framework.
This paper is the first to propose a more precise and practical operational model for studying a multi-fuel power dispatch scenario considering valve-point effects and CO2 emission. The modern meta-heuristic algorithm ALA is applied for the first time to address the economic operation of thermal power systems with multiple fuel options.
Practical implications
Power companies aim to make profit by abiding by the norms of the regulatory board. To achieve economic benefits, the power system must be analysed using an accurate operational model. The proposed model integrates total fuel cost, valve-point loadings and CO2 emission, which are prevailing power system operational objectives. The economic advantages of the operational model can be observed through economic deviation indices, and the performed analysis validates that the developed model corresponds to the actual power operation.
The realistic operational model is proposed by considering total fuel and pollutant emission, and the ALA is applied for the first time to address the proposed multi-objective problem. To validate the effectiveness of ALA, it is implemented in standard test systems with varying generating units (10-100) and the IEEE 30 bus system, and various kinds of power system operations are performed. Moreover, the comparison and performance analysis confirm that the current proposal is found enhanced in terms of solution quality.
Janagaraman Radha, Srikrishna Subramanian, Sivarajan Ganesan and Manoharan Abirami
This study aims to minimize operating cost, adhere to pollution norms and maintain reserve and voltage levels subject to various operational concerns, including non linear…
This study aims to minimize operating cost, adhere to pollution norms and maintain reserve and voltage levels subject to various operational concerns, including non linear characteristics of generators and fuel limitation issues, which are useful for the current power system applications.
Improved control settings are required while considering multiple conflicting operational objectives that necessitate using the modern bio-inspired algorithm ant lion optimizer (ALO) as the main optimization tool. Fuzzy decision-making mechanism is incorporated in ALO to extract the best compromise solution (BCS) among set of non-dominated solutions.
The BCS records of IEEE-30 bus and JEAS-118 bus systems are updated in this work. Numerical simulation results comparison and comprehensive performance analysis justify the applicability of the intended algorithm to solve multi-objective dynamic optimal power flow (DOPF) problem over the state-of-art methods.
Optimal control settings are obtained for IEEE-30 and JEAS-118 bus systems with the objectives of minimizing fuel cost and emission in dynamic environment considering take-or-pay fuel contract issue. The fuzzy supported ALO (FSALO) is applied first time to solve the DOPF problem.
Srinivasa Acharya, Ganesan Sivarajan, D. Vijaya Kumar and Subramanian Srikrishna
Currently, more renewable energy resources with advanced technology levels are incorporated in the electric power networks. Under this circumstance, the attainment of optimal…
Currently, more renewable energy resources with advanced technology levels are incorporated in the electric power networks. Under this circumstance, the attainment of optimal economic dispatch is very much essential by the power system as the system requires more power generation cost and also has a great demand for electrical energy. Therefore, one of the primary difficulties in the power system is lowering the cost of power generation, which includes both economic and environmental costs. This study/paper aims to introduce a meta-heuristic algorithm, which offers an solution to the combined economic and emission dispatch (CEED).
A novel algorithm termed Levy-based glowworm swarm optimization (LGSO) is proposed in this work, and it provides an excellent solution to the combined economic and emission dispatch (CEED) difficulties by specifying the generation of the optimal renewable energy systems (RES). Moreover, in hybrid renewable energy systems, the proposed scheme is extended by connecting the wind turbine because the thermal power plant could not control the aforementioned costs. In terms of economic cost, emission cost and transmission loss, the suggested CEED model outperforms other conventional schemes genetic algorithm, Grey wolf optimization, whale optimization algorithm (WOA), dragonfly algorithm (DA) and glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) and demonstrates its efficiency.
According to the results, the suggested model for Iteration 20 was outperformed GSO, DA and WOA by 23.46%, 97.33% and 93.33%, respectively. For Iteration 40, the proposed LGSO was 60%, 99.73% and 97.06% better than GSO, DA and WOA methods, respectively. The proposed model for Iteration 60 was 71.50% better than GSO, 96.56% better than DA and 95.25% better than WOA. As a result, the proposed LGSO was shown to be superior to other existing techniques with respect to the least cost and loss.
This research introduces the latest optimization algorithm known as LGSO to provide an excellent solution to the CEED difficulties by specifying the generation of the optimal RES. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first work that utilizes LGSO-based optimization for providing an excellent solution to the CEED difficulties by specifying the generation of the optimal RES.
Umamaheswari Elango, Ganesan Sivarajan, Abirami Manoharan and Subramanian Srikrishna
Generator maintenance scheduling (GMS) is an essential task for electric power utilities as the periodical maintenance activity enhances the lifetime and also ensures the reliable…
Generator maintenance scheduling (GMS) is an essential task for electric power utilities as the periodical maintenance activity enhances the lifetime and also ensures the reliable and continuous operation of generating units. Though numerous meta-heuristic algorithms have been reported for the GMS solution, enhancing the existing techniques or developing new optimization procedure is still an interesting research task. The meta-heuristic algorithms are population based and the selection of their algorithmic parameters influences the quality of the solution. This paper aims to propose statistical tests guided meta-heuristic algorithm for solving the GMS problems.
The intricacy characteristics of the GMS problem in power systems necessitate an efficient and robust optimization tool. Though several meta-heuristic algorithms have been applied to solve the chosen power system operational problem, tuning of their control parameters is a protracting process. To prevail over the previously mentioned drawback, the modern meta-heuristic algorithm, namely, ant lion optimizer (ALO), is chosen as the optimization tool for solving the GMS problem.
The meta-heuristic algorithms are population based and require proper selection of algorithmic parameters. In this work, the ANOVA (analysis of variance) tool is proposed for selecting the most feasible decisive parameters in algorithm domain, and the statistical tests-based validation of solution quality is described. The parametric and non-parametric statistical tests are also performed to validate the selection of ALO against the various competing algorithms. The numerical and statistical results confirm that ALO is a promising tool for solving the GMS problems.
As a first attempt, ALO is applied to solve the GMS problem. Moreover, the ANOVA-based parameter selection is proposed and the statistical tests such as Wilcoxon signed rank and one-way ANOVA are conducted to validate the applicability of the intended optimization tool. The contribution of the paper can be summarized in two folds: the ANOVA-based ALO for GMS applications and statistical tests-based performance evaluation of intended algorithm.