OVER a period extending from just prior to the outbreak of war until a year or so after D‐day, a continuous programme of single‐cylinder research was carried out by Messrs Ricardo…
OVER a period extending from just prior to the outbreak of war until a year or so after D‐day, a continuous programme of single‐cylinder research was carried out by Messrs Ricardo & Co. Ltd., for the M.A.P.—now M.O.S.(A)—on the two‐cycle petrol‐injection sleeve valve engine. The account which follows is intended to give a description of this programme and of its results, but since the decision which brought it into existence was considerably influenced by preceding events, the sequence of these events is related briefly in order to present as complete a picture as possible.
The first part of this section deals in general with considerations of engine design, and the latter part with the effects of engine operating conditions.
F. Taylor Ostrander had two courses from Henry C. Simons, Economics 201, Price Theory in a Competitive Economy and the Effects of Monopoly, and Economics 360, Public Finance…
F. Taylor Ostrander had two courses from Henry C. Simons, Economics 201, Price Theory in a Competitive Economy and the Effects of Monopoly, and Economics 360, Public Finance. Ostrander’s and one other set of annotations of the Syllabus from Economics 201 and his notes from Economics 360 are presented below.
Global focus on reforming teachers has resulted in the inclusion of multiple survey questions about teachers’ professional learning activities in large-scale international…
Global focus on reforming teachers has resulted in the inclusion of multiple survey questions about teachers’ professional learning activities in large-scale international studies. A cross-national analysis of these survey data will likely enhance our understanding and inform the future direction regarding teacher professional development policy and practice. Yet we do not know whether these surveys measure the key features and their contextual factors of teachers’ professional learning activities to allow a systematic cross-national analysis. Based on international and U.S. literature, I develop a conceptual model of teachers’ professional learning activities in global context and analyze relevant survey items used in three major international studies – TIMSS, PIRLS, and TALIS. I conclude the chapter with a discussion of the coverage of these survey items and a direction for improving data collections of teachers’ professional learning activities in large-scale international studies.
Anna Mills and Carol A. Phillips
Campylobacter spp. is the single most common cause of food‐borne illness in England and Wales and worldwide. Raw meat (particularly poultry) is commonly contaminated with the…
Campylobacter spp. is the single most common cause of food‐borne illness in England and Wales and worldwide. Raw meat (particularly poultry) is commonly contaminated with the organism. Insufficient cooking and/or proper storage or cross contamination to foods not subsequently cooked are the main means by which humans become infected. The organism enters the human food chain because of its prevalence within the digestive tract of livestock herds and poultry flocks but the means whereby it initially colonises these are probably diverse. This study investigated the survival of Campylobacter jejuni in animal feed and therefore the possibility that, in certain circumstances, this medium may provide a vector for initial infection and a reservoir for further spread within the flock hence providing a means of entry into the human food chain.
This paper aims to conceptualise the residential and psychiatric hospital as a space where criminality and social harms can emerge. Because of recent media scandals over the past…
This paper aims to conceptualise the residential and psychiatric hospital as a space where criminality and social harms can emerge. Because of recent media scandals over the past 10 years concerning privately-owned hospitals, this study examines the lived experiences of service users/survivors, family members and practitioners to examine historic and contemporary encounters of distress and violence in hospital settings.
The study consists of 16 biographical accounts exploring issues of dehumanising and harmful practices, such as practices of restraint and rituals of coercive violence. A biographical methodology has been used to analyse the life stories of service users/survivors (n = 9), family members (n = 3) and professional health-care employees (n = 4). Service users/survivors in this study have experienced over 40 years of short-term and long-term periods of hospitalisation.
The study discovered that institutional forms of violence had changed after the deinstitutionalisation of care. Practitioners recalled comprehensive experiences of violence within historic mental hospitals, although violence that may be considered criminal appeared to disappear from hospitals after the Mental Health Act (1983). These reports of criminal violence and coercive abuse appeared to be replaced with dehumanising and harmful procedures, such as practices of restraint.
The data findings offer a unique interpretation, both historical and contemporary, of dehumanising psychiatric rituals experienced by service users/survivors, which are relevant to criminology and MAD studies. The study concludes by challenging oppressive psychiatric “harms” to promote social justice for service users/survivors currently being “treated” within the contemporary psychiatric system. The study intends to conceptualise residential and psychiatric hospitals as a space where criminality and social harms can emerge. The three aims of the study examined risk factors concerning criminality and social harms, oppressive and harmful practices within hospitals and evidence that violence occurs within these institutionalised settings. The study discovered that institutional forms of violence had changed after the deinstitutionalisation of care. These reports of violence include dehumanising attitudes, practices of restraint and coercive abuse.