N. Mirchin, A. Peled, J. Azoulay, L. Duta, G. Dorcioman, A. Popescu and I. Mihailescu
TiO2 thin films were deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) on glass substrates at 27°C and 100°C. The extraction efficiency of evanescent light from the deposited nanolayers…
TiO2 thin films were deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) on glass substrates at 27°C and 100°C. The extraction efficiency of evanescent light from the deposited nanolayers and their thickness profiles in the range of (1-100) nm was evaluated using the Differential Evanescent Light Intensity (DELI) imaging method. This optical microscopy technique is based on capturing the evanescent light emitted by the material layer deposited on the substrate. The results were analyzed and discussed in terms of the effective penetration depth parameter. The effective scattering cross-section of the TiO2 nanometer particles was estimated.
Zhen Li, Xianwei Liu, Yiwei Lian, Juan Xie, Xiaorui Gao and Tao Chang
This paper aims to report the conductivity measurement of ten different surfactant-free microemulsions (SFMEs)
This paper aims to report the conductivity measurement of ten different surfactant-free microemulsions (SFMEs)
The variations of electrical conductivity as a function of water volume fraction are examined at one constant alcohol (or DMF, ethyl lactate, γ-valerolactone)/water, alcohol (or DMF, ethyl lactate, γ-valerolactone)/oil volume ratios for each sample.
Most of the results are consistent with percolation character. The conductive mechanism of these SFMEs is discussed by the percolation model, and it is found that it might be described with the static percolation model below the percolation threshold.
Our report gives a systematic research on the percolation mechanism of as many species of SFMEs as possible by the theoretical models