This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/03068298910132963. When citing the…
This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/03068298910132963. When citing the article, please cite: Fritz-Reheis, (1989), “The Just State: Observations on Gustav von Schmollerʼs Political Theory”, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 16 Iss: 9/10/11, pp. 93 - 100.
The author attempts to reconstruct the political way of thinkingpervading Schmoller′s works. Schmoller′s pleading for a primarilyaristocratic constitution results from a theory of…
The author attempts to reconstruct the political way of thinking pervading Schmoller′s works. Schmoller′s pleading for a primarily aristocratic constitution results from a theory of justice in which each member of the community is rewarded according to his or her contribution to the community. The epistemological precondition for this is Schmoller′s axiom on the formation of communities.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the creativity of retarding speed, asking how far could retarding speed be creative and where should we begin to retard speed – with the…
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the creativity of retarding speed, asking how far could retarding speed be creative and where should we begin to retard speed – with the individual or with society?
The paper first presents the basic principles of the “the ecology of time”. Here, the concept of “inherent time” of systems is explained. The paper then surveys the alarming signals of the destructiveness of haste. There then follows an explanation of what retarding speed means in general and how it affects economic decisions and processes – beyond the neoliberal mainstream. Finally, the paper draws some conclusions dealing with the creativity of retarding speed.
Characteristic for this mode of economy is that it establishes stable circles within ourselves as well as between individuals and their social and natural environment. In this way it is explicitly sustainable.
This approach can help us, as individuals and societies, to find adequate speed and rhythms for managing ourselves (body and psyche), our societies and the physical basis of our economy. The paper suggests a new, interdisciplinary approach, called “the ecology of time”.