Jochen Maaß, Sven Molkenstruck, Ulrike Thomas, Jürgen Hesselbach and Friedrich Wahl
This paper aims to introduce a generic robot‐programming paradigm for assembly tasks that overcomes the strong coupling between the motion commands and underlying algorithms of…
This paper aims to introduce a generic robot‐programming paradigm for assembly tasks that overcomes the strong coupling between the motion commands and underlying algorithms of programming languages currently on the market. Therefore, it allows an improved method of assembly task programming.
A manipulation primitive (MP) is defined which decouples the programming concept from the algorithms. These primitives can be integrated into existing programming languages and are supported by an intuitive graph‐based language which is introduced in this paper. An open reference architecture to support those primitive‐based programming languages has been designed.
It is possible to describe complex assembly tasks such as manipulation on conveyors or sensor‐integrated compliant motion without abandoning the generality of the programming paradigm. Execution on a reference control system has proven to be successful for several manipulation tasks on different machines.
A complete definition of the MP and a graphical language based on this primitive is given, accompanied by extensive detail information on crucial aspects of the control architecture such as modular trajectory generation, generic interfaces, and real‐time task scheduling.
Mathias Krefft, Philipp Last, Christoph Budde, Jochen Maass, Jürgen Hesselbach and Friedrich M. Wahl
This paper seeks to establish parallel robots with strong performance characteristics in handling and assembly processes.
This paper seeks to establish parallel robots with strong performance characteristics in handling and assembly processes.
The presented work introduces concepts and solutions related to the improvement of parallel kinematic mechanisms. Structural design topics and modeling approaches are as well considered as control schemes and new machine components particularly designed for high‐dynamic parallel robots. The results have been achieved by a unique interdisciplinary research group linking knowledge from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science.
The paper found numerous individually applicable methods leading to an improved efficiency of parallel robots. Several of the developments have been already implemented and validated by various self‐built machine prototypes and a new control system.
Owing to higher stiffness, accuracy and improved dynamic behavior parallel robots proved to be an efficient and suitable supplement to serial robots. By means of the various developments contributed in this paper, the promising potential of this class of robots is once more emphasized and further strengthened.
There has been growing awareness underpinned with legislative recognition of the need to reduce the stigma attached to mental health. Education is seen as an integral factor for…
There has been growing awareness underpinned with legislative recognition of the need to reduce the stigma attached to mental health. Education is seen as an integral factor for this endeavour. The purpose of this paper is to review existing literature to determine both positive and negative attitudinal changes of health-care-related undergraduate students towards mental illness after a training intervention within higher education.
A search of papers written in the English Language was conducted between 2004 and 2021, using CINAHL, Eric, Educational Research Complete, Medline, psychINFO and SocIndex. Search terms used were undergraduate, attitudes or perceptions, mental illness/mental ill health, education, stigma and students.
In total, 24 studies were critically reviewed, which included experimental, descriptive and exploratory designs. The appraisal of papers used recognised evaluation tools to review the methodological quality. Findings suggest that overall, anti-stigma education has a significant positive effect for student attitudinal change.
Research limitations/implications
Mental health anti-stigma education is beneficial for changing attitudes, however, more bio-medically framed training is less powerful for initiating change. Learning from those with the lived experience appears to have a more sustainable impact as indicated in some of the studies. There is a need for more exploratory research to gain further knowledge on the critical educational mechanisms that may foster more long-term reframing of positive attitudes towards mental health.
Practical implications
Training providers need to consider the compelling evidence base surrounding anti-stigma pedagogy that supports the use of individuals with experience of mental ill health within the educational processes.
Social implications
Mental health stigma has potential for profound negative impact on individuals and at a wider societal level. Education is central to enable learners to consider their attitudes to mental illness to reduce stigmatising attitudes. Students on health-care-related courses are influential in becoming catalysts for change.
This paper has critically reviewed the literature examining the attitudes of health-care-related undergraduate students following anti-stigma education, offering insights into some of positive and negative attitudinal changes and opinions of the event. In particular contributing to an understanding on the important components for eradicating the stigma surrounding mental health.
Building on the introduction to positive psychology and positive education in Chapter 1, the aim of Chapter 3 is to focus on wellbeing and positive education in secondary schools…
Building on the introduction to positive psychology and positive education in Chapter 1, the aim of Chapter 3 is to focus on wellbeing and positive education in secondary schools. This includes an overview of approaches to intervening in mental health (‘traditional’ and those which draw on the principles of positive psychology) that have been used in schools, and the factors that can influence their outcomes. When and how to apply interventions across three levels: the system, the community, and the individual, are also explored, alongside four different approaches: whole school, whole class, small group, and one-to-one. The chapter draws on up-to-date research and practical experience in secondary school settings, and includes a case study of Positive Psychology in Practice, based on the delivery (by the author) of a multi-component PPI (mPPI) – The Hummingbird Project, which has now been delivered to approximately 4,000 students in 24 secondary schools across the North West of England. The effectiveness of the mPPI, key lessons learned and insights gained are shared, including how to overcome the challenges of working in a culture not conducive to positive education.
Von and Pierre Defert
Die touristische Standortsbestimmung umfasst im Grunde genommen die Erscheinung Fremdenverkehr an sich. Sie projiziert diese lediglich nach örtlichen Gesichtspunkten. Dafür kann…
Die touristische Standortsbestimmung umfasst im Grunde genommen die Erscheinung Fremdenverkehr an sich. Sie projiziert diese lediglich nach örtlichen Gesichtspunkten. Dafür kann entweder die Methode der Beschreibung oder aber jene der Erklärung Platz greifen. Jene überwiegt bei den Geographen, diese bei den Wirtschaftswissenschaftern. Wirtschaftliche und geographische Betrachtungsweisen werden auch im folgenden auseinandergehalten. Beide berücksichtigen indes alle Elemente, die den Fremdenverkehr konstituieren. In Betracht fallen einmal die natrlichen und kulturellen Komponenten, die einen Fremdenverkehrsort kennzeichnen und den Bedarf darauf lenken. Eine bedeutsame Rolle kommt sodann dem Faktor Entfernung zu. Ausserdem kann aber die Standortsbestimmung auch unter dem Gesichtswinkel der Marktbildung erfolgen. Sie umfasst dann alle Bestandteile des Fremdenverkehrsmarktes und die Regeln, die fr deren Zusammenspiel in örtlicher Hinsicht massgebend sind.
Im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens für eine Dissertation im Fach Soziologie (vgl. Kellermann 1976) sollte mit einer vergleichenden Untersuchung zum Urlaub in einem neuen…
Im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens für eine Dissertation im Fach Soziologie (vgl. Kellermann 1976) sollte mit einer vergleichenden Untersuchung zum Urlaub in einem neuen Ferienzentrum und in einem herkömmlichen Ferienort ein Beitrag zur Lösung von praktischen Problemen in einem relativ neuen und kaum erforschten Bereich des Fremdenverkehrs in der BRD geleistet werden. Dazu wurde im Sommer 1975 eine Befragung von Urlaubern in einem Ferienzentrum und drei Ferienorten auf der Insel Fehmarn durchgeführt. Im folgenden werden einige wichtige Untersuchungsergebnisse dargestellt und im Hinblick auf ihre Konsequenzen für die Fremdenverkehrsplanung und die Angebotsgestaltung an der schleswig‐holsteinischen Ostseeküste analysiert.
Irina V. Gewinner, Victoria A. Bauer and Mara Osterburg
The conceptual “model of cultural stereotypes” offers a comprehensive understanding of gendered career choices of higher education students. Rooted in socio-cultural perspectives…
The conceptual “model of cultural stereotypes” offers a comprehensive understanding of gendered career choices of higher education students. Rooted in socio-cultural perspectives, the model integrates socialization effects, individual gender ideology and internalized cultural stereotypes to provide a nuanced understanding of career-related orientations. The model addresses the limitations of existing theories by recognizing the interplay between individual, institutional and cultural factors. It emphasizes the impact of societal values, norms and prevailing gender roles on career decisions. Empirical validation through a large-scale survey at a German research university underscores the efficacy of the model. The chapter also explores theoretical, methodological and practical implications to guide researchers and practitioners in advancing a contextually informed approach to understanding and addressing gender disparities in career decisions and differences regarding certain occupational fields.
With respect to the guiding “ideas” of Humboldt andtheir consequences for the constitution of science, describes thetransition to a modern research university with the emergence…
With respect to the guiding “ideas” of Humboldt and their consequences for the constitution of science, describes the transition to a modern research university with the emergence of theory‐based practice, science‐based technology and technology‐based industry. The pure research imperative is endangered or even substituted by a new technological imperative