Frederic B. Kraft, Devdeep Maity and Stephen Porter
It is well known that job stress is major cause of salesperson job dissatisfaction and turnover. Salespeople require the resources to cope adequately with a multitude of job…
It is well known that job stress is major cause of salesperson job dissatisfaction and turnover. Salespeople require the resources to cope adequately with a multitude of job stressors, and the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that salesperson wellness promotes the ability of salespeople to use effective coping strategies in the workplace and as a result decrease their intentions of leaving the firm.
Data including measures of coping strategies and a wellness lifestyle orientation were collected from a sample of 441 full-time professional salespeople in two metropolitan statistical areas of the USA. Structural equation modeling was used to demonstrate the relationship of a wellness lifestyle to coping strategies and in turn the relationship of coping strategies to job satisfaction and turnover intentions.
The study demonstrated the influence of the wellness lifestyle on salespeople’s ability to cope effectively with job stress. It extends previous research by demonstrating the direct influence of salesperson wellness on coping behaviors and demonstrates the nomological validity of the wellness lifestyle construct by modeling its relationship with job satisfaction and the intent to leave the organization.
Research limitations/implications
The study recommends new research on the synergies that might be produced by simultaneous consideration of the social, physical, and psychological elements of the multicomponent wellness lifestyle. This should be particularly valuable in the context of the Challenger Sale.
Practical implications
Wellness programs may be introduced or improved following an assessment of coping resource weaknesses of the sales force. New employees could be screened by examining their wellness profiles.
Major firms have promoted wellness lifestyle programs for years, but no studies have examined the influence of such programs on coping with job stress by salespeople. The paper demonstrates the value of the salesperson wellness lifestyle by showing that it promotes the most adjustive form of coping strategy, problem-focused coping.
Frederic B. Kraft and Kae H. Chung
US firms must improve their ability to respond to Japanesecompetition when marketing in Asian markets such as Korea. Previousstudies of import purchasing have focused primarily on…
US firms must improve their ability to respond to Japanese competition when marketing in Asian markets such as Korea. Previous studies of import purchasing have focused primarily on foreign buyers′ perceptions of exporting countries′ products and associated marketing mix components. Examines the relative importance of these product offer variables in conjunction with a set of non‐marketing‐mix‐related exporter characteristic variables in import purchasing decisions. An examination of the perceptions and purchasing activities of 190 members of the Korean Foreign Trade Association demonstrated the importance of exporter characteristic variables in explaining import purchasing decisions. US exporters′ weaknesses in cultural awareness, negotiation style and reputation, indicate possible directions for efforts in improving marketing relationships.
John R. Darling and Frederic B. Kraft
Evaluates the impact of the ‘made in’ label on Finnish consumers' attitudes towards the products of selected countries, and they examine the implication of these attitudes for…
Evaluates the impact of the ‘made in’ label on Finnish consumers' attitudes towards the products of selected countries, and they examine the implication of these attitudes for developing appropriate strategies for the Finnish market. States consumer attitudes frequently relate to specific product attributes, but equally, they are often a response to less product‐specific dimensions such as brand name, or label of country of origin. Proposes that with increased emphasis, international business planning and operations is one of the most pervasive trends in business. Suggests that to successfully compete in the international marketplace it is important for a marketing manager to understand varying attitudes and perceptions of consumers in foreign markets his/her firm has entered. Sums ups that when entering new foreign markets, the exporter must in part screen his opportunities ton the basis of the favourability of these existing images.
Herzberg's theory of worker satisfaction suggests that while the context of a job may cause dissatisfaction, the basic factor behind positive satisfaction is the content of that…
Herzberg's theory of worker satisfaction suggests that while the context of a job may cause dissatisfaction, the basic factor behind positive satisfaction is the content of that job — the pleasure of achievement. There is evidence that in some situations the same kind of dichotomy might apply to consumer satisfaction: that is, consumers may be dissatisfied by the setting, or peripheral factors surrounding goods or services, but the likeliest route to positive satisfaction is to let them accomplish something with their purchase. This idea can applied specifically to services.
ACCORDING to the Directory of Libraries in the United States and Canada, there are about 4,500 libraries of a more or less public character in those two countries. The Literary…
ACCORDING to the Directory of Libraries in the United States and Canada, there are about 4,500 libraries of a more or less public character in those two countries. The Literary Year‐book, Clegg's Directory, and other authorities, furnish the information that at least 2,000 public libraries exist in the United Kingdom. Allowing 10,000 more for the rest of the world, we get a total of 16,500 libraries. Deducting three‐fourths of this number as representing libraries of the smallest and most poverty‐stricken or special kind, we obtain 4,000 institutions capable of supporting professional literature of all forms. A sanguine librarian might be induced by these figures to launch out in authorship, certain of his market, and might even be prone to disregard the warning that not more than about one‐tenth of these 4,000 libraries are to be depended upon as possible purchasers.
In previous efforts I have indicated that Social Catholicism, qua Roman‐Catholic Social Economycs or Économie politique chrétienne, is now at the one and a half century mark…
In previous efforts I have indicated that Social Catholicism, qua Roman‐Catholic Social Economycs or Économie politique chrétienne, is now at the one and a half century mark, given its formal introduction with the publication of Charles de Coux's Essais d' économie politique at Paris/Lyon in 1832. This was soon to be followed by Alban de Villeneuve‐Bargemont's Christian Political Economy, or Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Poverty in France and Europe, etc, (1837), the subsequent founding of the Société d'Economie Sociale in 1856 and publication — inter alia — of La réforme sociale (1864) and Exposition of Social Economics (1867) by P. G. Frédéric Le Play; and, contemporarily, by the separate but related efforts of a host of other “thinkers and doers” to both the left or more radical (“Catholic/Christian‐Socialist”) and the right or “individualist” (cum Christianised individuals!) of Le Play's more centrist‐traditional (and, hence, “reactionary”) position. All this was well prior to the promulgation of the first great social encyclical, Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum (RN), in 1891.
IN 1971 there were 1,207 scaffolding accidents, 14 of them fatal. This revelation was made by Mr. Dudley Smith, M.P., Parliamentary Under‐Secretary of State at the Department of…
IN 1971 there were 1,207 scaffolding accidents, 14 of them fatal. This revelation was made by Mr. Dudley Smith, M.P., Parliamentary Under‐Secretary of State at the Department of Employment, in his recent speech at the Scaffolding Training Centre. In view of his further comments, and the fact that many construction companies operate work study departments, much of what he had to say is worth more publicity than it has so far received.
Die Behandlung des Themas läßt es zweckmäßig erscheinen, eine doppelte Vorbemerkung vorauszuschicken: Einmal, warum ist eine “Industriepolitik” in einer Marktwirtschaft notwendig…
Die Behandlung des Themas läßt es zweckmäßig erscheinen, eine doppelte Vorbemerkung vorauszuschicken: Einmal, warum ist eine “Industriepolitik” in einer Marktwirtschaft notwendig? zum anderen, ist eine Industriepolitik mit dem Konzept der sozialen Marktwirtschaft vereinbar?
In a seeming attempt to legitimate or otherwise dignify social economics (Économie sociale, etc.), “named” economists (Adam Smith, Karl Marx et al.) have been dubbed social…
In a seeming attempt to legitimate or otherwise dignify social economics (Économie sociale, etc.), “named” economists (Adam Smith, Karl Marx et al.) have been dubbed social economists and/or regarded as having made significant but unrecognised contributions thereto. Conspicuously absent from that roster of celebrities are Léon Walras, économiste social par excellence, et al., who have distinguished themselves in the mainstream but also have done social economy(ics) explicitly, i.e. by that designation. Included in that illustrious et al. list are François Quesnay, J.B. Say, Friedrich von Wieser and Knut Wicksell (inter alios). Their due recognition, as per the present essay, cannot help but measurably further legitimise/dignify social economics.