Jano Havas, Jascha de Nooijer, Rik Crutzen and Frans Feron
The purpose of this paper is to examine the needs and views of adolescents regarding the development of online support for mental health problems.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the needs and views of adolescents regarding the development of online support for mental health problems.
Semi‐structured qualitative focus group interviews were conducted with ten groups of Dutch adolescents (n=106), aged 12‐19 years, from four urban secondary schools offering different levels of education in the Southeastern part of The Netherlands. Interviews were verbally transcribed and analysed with Nvivo, using a classification based on the research questions.
The participants reported that they searched on the internet to get information or help for some mental health problems. They also expressed the need for a youth healthcare website offering information, self‐tests and anonymous help. They had different ideas about the layout of such a website, which were related to their educational level. Reliability of such a website was an important issue.
Practical implications
Adolescents reported a distinct need for online information and help for mental health problems. Youth healthcare organisations could meet this need by creating an innovative additional assistance method. These organisations should cooperate with website developers, taking into account that adolescents with different levels of education have different preferences regarding the interventions for online information and help.
This paper provides a conclusive examination of the needs and views of adolescents regarding development of online support for mental health problems.
Claude Origet U Cluzeau and Patrick Viceriat
The paper deals with an evaluation of the future of international tourism and its impacts for french supplyers. This not only includes key economic actors but also the entire…
The paper deals with an evaluation of the future of international tourism and its impacts for french supplyers. This not only includes key economic actors but also the entire tourism‐relevant environment. Furthermore, intersectoral perspectives are elaborated. The authors conclude with recommandation with special emphasis on the public sector.
L'objet de cet article est de ramener les regards sur le fait touristique et sur les circonstances qui l'entourent. Celles‐ci sont très diverses. Il en est qui intéressent…
L'objet de cet article est de ramener les regards sur le fait touristique et sur les circonstances qui l'entourent. Celles‐ci sont très diverses. Il en est qui intéressent l'histoire diplomatique des Etats (telle la tension entre le Gouvernement français et les vallées d'Andorre dans l'été 1953, agissant négativement sur la fréquentation touristique estivale de ce coin des Pyrénées). D'autres sont en relation avec des faits d'actualité politique (la crise de Trieste en novembre 1953 a rempli les hôtels de Viareggio de touristes américains). Une mesure administrative (l'avancement des dates de vacances scolaires en France de 15 jours en 1953) se répercute sur le chiffre d'affaires des hôteliers bretons. Le progrès technique est partout décisif: l'ouverture d'une route pour aller, en Suisse, de Viège à Saas‐Fee change radicalement l'équation touristique de cette station. Quelque fois le tourisme repousse le tourisme: la création de services touristes aériens entre Paris et la Scandinavie porte tort aux services de première classe et conduit la compagnie aérienne à les rétablir (octobre 1953).