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Publication date: 19 November 2018

Francisco Sarabia-Andreu and Francisco J. Sarabia-Sánchez

The purpose of this paper is to recognise the role of implicit and explicit attitudes on organic wine purchase intention and to segment consumers using these variables.




The purpose of this paper is to recognise the role of implicit and explicit attitudes on organic wine purchase intention and to segment consumers using these variables.


The authors conducted a two-part Web survey (n = 690) in Spain: an Implicit Association Test followed by a questionnaire on explicit attitudes, purchase intention and demographic data. Validity and reliability of these attitudes are contrasted using confirmatory factor analysis, attitude relationships with purchase intention using multiple linear regression analysis, and segments using k-means cluster and discriminant analyses.


The authors improve the measurement of explicit attitudes explaining organic wine purchase intention. Only attitudes towards intrinsic attributes and arousal feelings significantly explain purchase intention. Two attitudinal segments are detected, one showing moderate purchase intention with high explicit attitudinal levels and high consumption of organic wine and the other showing low levels of purchase intention and explicit attitudes, consuming mainly conventional wines. Neither segment shows any relevant differences in implicit attitudes.

Practical implications

The analysis offers information on attitudes that contribute to explain Spanish consumer purchase intention in a wine sector notable for focusing more on making quality products than by knowing its market.


The authors offer deeper understanding of the influence of attitudes on organic wine purchase intention. This paper also presents an attitudinal segmentation of consumers.


International Journal of Wine Business Research, vol. 30 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1062


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Publication date: 5 March 2018

Francisco J. Sarabia-Sanchez and Maria. J. Cerda-Bertomeu

A place brand is a public instrument for territorial development that needs a strategic design that is made by the public sector with the support of experts. To ensure that this…




A place brand is a public instrument for territorial development that needs a strategic design that is made by the public sector with the support of experts. To ensure that this design has the greatest chances, there should be an alignment between them regarding how the public sector should act when designing the place brand. This study aims to analyze the alignment and polarization among experts regarding this topic and whether experts with different place brand visions show different expectations in the public sector.


A Web survey was conducted using a sample (n = 260) of four types of experts (politicians, scholars, public managers and consultants) in Latin America and Spain.


First, there is high agreement that the public sector should have an active role and an open attitude to establish relationships with the private and voluntary sectors. This favors the dialogue among brand creators and generates a shared vision. Second, there is an elevated alignment with regards to which roles the public sector should play, independently of experts’ place brand visions. Finally, four aspects derived from the four place brand visions are detected that can favor different final approaches regarding the place brand strategic design.

Research limitations/implications

The study has been performed in Latin America and Spain. Other studies in other areas can complete the previous results.


The results show how experts perceive the desirables behaviors from the public sector, which is a missing topic in place brand literature.


Journal of Place Management and Development, vol. 11 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1753-8335


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Publication date: 19 December 2024

Francisco J. Sarabia-Sánchez, Inés Küster Boluda, Natalia Vila-Lopez and Francisco Sarabia-Andreu

This study examines how social influences (need to belong and fear of missing out) and the perceived credibility of health claims affect the intention to purchase foods with…




This study examines how social influences (need to belong and fear of missing out) and the perceived credibility of health claims affect the intention to purchase foods with health claims.


Data were obtained from a web-based survey of 844 Spaniards aged 25 years and older, with sex and age quotas. Real product images with health claims contextualized the purchase intention questions, aiding respondents who often struggle to differentiate health from promotional claims.


Both personal and social dimensions of fear of missing out (FoMO) influence the desire to belong to a healthy group. The intention to purchase food with health claims is also positively associated with the desire to belong. The results reflect the importance of FoMO and the need to belong in enhancing consumers’ tendency to purchase products with health claims. The results also reflect the importance of purchase intention in making health claims perceived as credible.


This study integrates individual aspects (belief in the credibility of health claims) with social aspects (belonging and FoMO) to analyze the intention to purchase foods with health claims. Using authentic product images to aid consumer comprehension adds an innovative dimension, addressing a gap in consumer behavior research.






恐懼錯失機會的個人維度和社會維度兩者均會影響想隸屬於保健團體的渴望; 而消費者購買附有保健聲稱食品的意向又與這渴望成正相關。 研究結果顯示,就增強消費者購買附有保健聲稱產品的意向而言,錯失機會的恐懼,以及想隸屬的渴求均有其重要性。 研究結果亦顯示,若要為保健聲稱建立可信的聲譽,購買意向是重要的因素。


本研究透過合併個人層面 (對保健聲稱可信性的信任)與社會層面 (歸屬感和錯失機會的恐懼),來分析消費者購買附有保健聲稱食品的意向。研究人員使用真實的產品形象,以幫助消費者理解,就此而言,這為消費者行為研究填補了空白,成為一個創新的維度。


European Journal of Management and Business Economics, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2444-8451


Available. Open Access. Open Access
Publication date: 4 March 2020

Francisco Sarabia-Andreu, Francisco J. Sarabia-Sanchez, María Concepción Parra-Meroño and Pablo Moreno-Albaladejo

This study aims to examine the formal and metric properties of Gil et al.’s (2000) scale of attitudes toward organic products, which is the most popular scale to measure these…




This study aims to examine the formal and metric properties of Gil et al.’s (2000) scale of attitudes toward organic products, which is the most popular scale to measure these attitudes.


The sample consisted of 4,992 household shoppers living in Hong Kong, Germany, Norway, Spain and the UK. The questionnaire was distributed using a third-party consumer panel, and the fieldwork was conducted using computer-assisted Web interviewing. The approach was based on confirmatory factor analysis and measurement of invariance, as well as format analysis using a wording-syntactic and semantic descriptive method.


The scale reflects an attitude-toward-object model approach. Its use has been heavily varied (in terms of wording, item semantics and the attributes to be measured). A two-factor structure that meets the metric conditions (reliability and validity) is found. However, the analysis of invariance shows that the scale behaves differently in different countries.

Research limitations/implications

This scale offers a good starting point for measuring attitudes toward organic products. However, it requires refinement to adapt to consumer evolution and improve its metric validity. Verification of its applicability in cross-national studies is recommended.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that assesses the format and quantitative characteristics of this scale on a cross-national level. For scholars and companies with international interests, preventing the use of scales with poor properties at the transnational level can improve the design of future studies and save money through a more informed choice of attitudinal scale.


Este estudio examina las propiedades formales y métricas de la escala de actitudes hacia los productos orgánicos de Gil et al. (2000), que es la escala más popular para medir estas actitudes.


La muestra incluye 4.992 compradores principales en hogares de Hong Kong, Alemania, Noruega, España y el Reino Unido. El cuestionario se distribuyó utilizando un panel de consumidores, y el trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo mediante entrevistas online asistidas por ordenador. El enfoque se basó en un análisis factorial confirmatorio y en la invariancia de las medidas, así como en un análisis del formato utilizando un método descriptivo de redacción-sintáctico-semántico.


La escala refleja un enfoque de actitud basada en el objeto. Su uso ha sido muy variado (en redacción, semántica de sus redacciones y los atributos que mide). Se encuentra una estructura de dos factores que cumple con las condiciones métricas (fiabilidad y validez). Sin embargo, el análisis de invariancia muestra que la escala se comporta de manera diferente en distintos países.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

Esta escala ofrece un buen punto de partida para medir las actitudes hacia los productos orgánicos, pero requiere un refinamiento para adaptarse a la evolución del consumidor y para mejorar su validez métrica. Se recomienda verificar su aplicabilidad en los estudios internacionales comparados.


Este es el primer estudio que evalúa el formato y las características cuantitativas de esta escala a nivel internacional. Para los académicos y las empresas con intereses internacionales, evitar el uso de escalas con propiedades deficientes a nivel transnacional puede mejorar el diseño de futuros estudios y ahorrar dinero a través de una elección más informada de la escala actitudinal.

Palabras clave

Actitudes, Productos orgánicos, Estudio transnacional, Análisis factorial confirmatorio, Validación de la escala

Tipo de trabajo

Artículo de investigación.


Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, vol. 24 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2444-9709


Available. Open Access. Open Access
Publication date: 11 February 2019

Enrique Bianchi, Juan Manuel Bruno and Francisco J. Sarabia-Sanchez

The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of consumers’ perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim is to provide insight into the effect of perceived CSR…




The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of consumers’ perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim is to provide insight into the effect of perceived CSR on purchase intention (short-term effect) and corporate reputation (long-term effect), whilst considering the role of brand image, satisfaction (affective and cognitive) and brand loyalty.


The sample comprised 429 consumers selected using non-probabilistic sampling with age and gender quotas. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to validate the measurement model. Structural equation modelling was used to validate the research hypotheses.


All direct and mediated influences in the model were significant, except for the effects of perceived CSR on affective satisfaction. Thus, the proposed causal chain is valuable to understand how perceptions of CSR influence purchase intention and perceived reputation.

Research limitations/implications

Perception is considered a dual phenomenon (cognitive and affective). It would be advisable to consider both dimensions in the future. The same is true of affective satisfaction.


Direct and mediated relationships that have previously been studied separately are considered together in a single model. This approach provides a better understanding of how perceived CSR influences purchase intention and reputation.


European Journal of Management and Business Economics, vol. 28 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2444-8494


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Publication date: 12 June 2020

Juan Manuel Bruno, Francisco J. Sarabia-Sanchez and Enrique Carlos Bianchi

This study verifies the influence of the dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and consumer involvement on the identification of the individual with the…




This study verifies the influence of the dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and consumer involvement on the identification of the individual with the company and the corporate reputation, moderated by the product category.


A covariance-based structural equation modelling is used to test the model, using a sample of 568 Argentine consumers. A multigroup analysis is employed to assess the moderating effect of the product category.


CSR practices have heterogeneous influence based on their dimension, and this influence is moderated by the product category. Accordingly, environmental practices promote consumer identification with the company, whereas those economically oriented have a direct influence on reputation. In contrast, social practices contribute to reputation if they are connected to the business model.

Research limitations/implications

The study is focussed on Argentina, analysing two product categories (laptops and financial services for final consumers) and using a large, but not strictly random, sample. In order to mainstream the results, it would be relevant to replicate the proposed model in other countries and with other product categories.


It provides information about the perception of consumers regarding the CSR practices from a multi-dimensional perspective, since they have an uneven effect on identification of consumer with the company and corporate reputation due to the moderating effect of the product category. The findings of this study may be relevant for managers of technology and banking service companies.


El presente estudio comprueba la influencia de las dimensiones de las prácticas de responsabilidad social empresarial y de la implicación del consumidor sobre la identificación del individuo con la empresa y sobre la reputación empresarial, moderadas por la categoría de producto.


Se aplican ecuaciones estructurales basadas en covarianzas para contrastar el modelo, empleando una muestra de 568 consumidores argentinos. Se efectúa un análisis multigrupo para analizar el efecto moderador de la categoría de producto.


Las prácticas de RSE tienen influencia heterogénea según su dimensión, moderada la influencia por la categoría de producto. Así, las prácticas ambientales promueven la identificación del consumidor con la empresa mientras que aquéllas con orientación económica influyen directamente sobre la reputación. Por el contrario, las prácticas sociales contribuyen a la reputación si están vinculadas al modelo de negocio.

Limitaciones de la investigación

El estudio se ha focalizado en Argentina, analizando dos categorías de producto (computadoras portátiles y servicios financieros para consumidor final) y usando una muestra elevada pero no estrictamente aleatoria. Para generalizar los resultados sería relevante replicar el modelo planteado en otros países y otras categorías de producto.


Proporciona información sobre la percepción de los consumidores respecto de las prácticas de RSE desde una perspectiva multidimensional, pues éstas tienen efecto dispar sobre la identificación del consumidor con la empresa y la reputación empresarial dado el efecto moderador de la categoría de producto. Los hallazgos de este estudio pueden ser relevantes para gerentes de empresas de tecnología y de servicios bancarios.


Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, vol. 33 no. 3/4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1012-8255


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Publication date: 9 March 2012

Francisco J. Sarabia‐Sanchez, Maria D. De Juan Vigaray and Monali Hota

The purpose of this study is to segment consumers using personal values and to link the resulting typologies with shopping styles for the fashion apparel (FA) market.




The purpose of this study is to segment consumers using personal values and to link the resulting typologies with shopping styles for the fashion apparel (FA) market.


The Schwartz value inventory (SVI) was suitably modified for the Spanish fashion retail consumer context using expert and consumer panels and then administered. Firstly, principal components analysis was conducted to identify the motivational value types and compare with Schwartz. Secondly, cluster analysis was used to create a typology of Spanish fashion consumers. Finally, ANOVA analysis was conducted to link the consumer typology with a typology of shopping styles.


Eleven motivational types of consumer values were found (congruent with Schwartz's results), however with slight differences leading to the uncovering of Spanish culture‐specific motivational types such as “ecology”, “inner peace” and four distinct motivational types of “self‐direction”. This further led to the emergence of four fashion retail consumer segments which could be linked to shopping styles with six of the eight shopping styles showing significant differences across segments.

Research limitations/implications

Results may vary with cultural context and consumer industry context suggesting future research opportunities.

Practical implications

Cultural differences in consumer values cannot be ignored even amidst globalization. Therefore, the use of consumer values for Spanish fashion retail consumer segmentation and its further link with shopping styles has significant implications for fashion retail marketers as it can be used to plan the retail marketing mix strategy.


The study has originality and value since the results provide interesting empirical evidence of the usefulness of personal values as a consumer segmentation tool, and expand one's knowledge on the relationship between cultural values and consumer shopping behaviour in a critical but neglected research domain; the Spanish fashion retail context.


International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 40 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-0552


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Publication date: 4 March 2024

Natalia Vila-López, Inés Küster-Boluda, Cristina Aragonés-Jericó and Francisco Sarabia-Sánchez

This paper aims to identify different combinations of causal conditions (celebrity attributes) that explain our outcome: destination image. More specifically, three main research…




This paper aims to identify different combinations of causal conditions (celebrity attributes) that explain our outcome: destination image. More specifically, three main research questions guide our work: (1) Which attributes should an outstanding sportsperson have to enhance the image of his/her country as a destination image? (2) Are these the same for different product categories? (3) Do tourists and residents differ?


To this end, the fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) was used with a sample of 187 participants (105 tourists and 82 residents).


Results show that some attributes of a sports celebrity are more critical than others in enhancing destination image. Those attributes of sports celebrities appearing in the intermediate and parsimonious analysis should be prioritized. This is the case of trustworthiness. Second, experience is a peripheral requirement (only appeared in the intermediate analysis). Third, attractiveness is unnecessary and an even and undesired attribute in many solutions. Fourth, when comparing tourists and residents, both groups value the role of football players, while residents also appreciate the role of marathon runners. Tennis players are the less relevant sports celebrities to build Spain’s destination image.


First, a new statistical analysis in the marketing discipline, QCA, has been used. The use of qualitative approaches to investigate destination images has been scarce. Second, the study of the role of sports celebrity endorsement on brand–place attachment has yet to be investigated. Third, studies about the role of residents in the image of a tourism destination/city are scarce. Tourists and residents must be investigated because they can benefit from sports celebrities' activities.


International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, vol. 25 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1464-6668


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Publication date: 28 June 2023

Babak Zamani

This chapter aims to identify, analyse, classify and rank the sustainability indices and internationalisation challenges of the footwear industry in the emerging economy of Iran…


This chapter aims to identify, analyse, classify and rank the sustainability indices and internationalisation challenges of the footwear industry in the emerging economy of Iran. This would provide deeper decision-making insights into Iranian footwear businesses. First, a list of sustainability indices and internationalisation challenges was obtained by reviewing the literature. Then, a combination of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approaches was implemented. The initial sustainability indices and internationalisation challenges were screened using the fuzzy Delphi method, keeping a total of 14 criteria. The best–worst method (BWM) was employed to weigh and rank the criteria. The interpretive structural modelling (ISM) technique and cross-impact matrix applied in MICMAC were employed to visualise the conceptual model based on the levels and classification of the important criteria for the internationalisation of the Iranian footwear industry. The 14 criteria were demonstrated to be important in internationalisation. The most critical sustainability indices were reducing hazardous substances in leather tanning and labour education and training. In contrast, exchange rate instability in Iran’s economy and strict chemical regulations for clothing and footwear were found to be the most important internationalisation challenges. Hence, these criteria should be considered in the internationalisation strategies of the Iranian footwear industry. A combined multilayer sustainable decision-making approach was used to analyse the Iranian footwear industry’s essential sustainability indices and internationalisation challenges. Furthermore, implications and insights are offered to footwear businesses for future decision-making.


Decision-Making in International Entrepreneurship: Unveiling Cognitive Implications Towards Entrepreneurial Internationalisation
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80382-234-1


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Publication date: 5 March 2018

Dominic Medway, Gareth Roberts and Chloe Steadman




Journal of Place Management and Development, vol. 11 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1753-8335

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