Ignacio Tamayo-Torres, Leopoldo J. Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, Francisco Javier Llorens-Montes and Francisco J. Martínez-López
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the roles played by organizational learning (OL) and innovation in organizations immersed in the processes of adaptation and strategic fit…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the roles played by organizational learning (OL) and innovation in organizations immersed in the processes of adaptation and strategic fit in dynamic and turbulent environments. The authors analyze whether OL and innovation act as sources of strategic fit, and whether strategic fit positively affects performance.
The authors use data from a survey of a representative sample of 204 respondents from European firms active in high-technology sectors (response rate: 10.42 percent) and structural equation modeling (using the EQS 6.1 program) to undertake a transversal study.
The model confirms that OL and the capacity to innovate positively influence managers’ decisions to adapt their organizations to changes in dynamic environments. The achievement of strategic fit, in turn, improves organizational performance. The authors propose considering the innovation climate as a facilitator of new product and process development, although the innovation climate is not a direct antecedent of fit.
Research limitations/implications
This study is limited by the fact that the analysis is cross-sectional and by the fact that all measures used are based on managers’ perceptions.
Practical implications
Managers should create and support an entrepreneurial culture that stresses continuous learning. They should also foster programs aimed at developing abilities, and promote the development of capabilities that facilitate acceptance of organizational change. Investments in building certain capabilities, such as OL and the capacity to innovate, are strategically justified, especially in turbulent environments.
This study is one of the first to investigate the complex interactions among OL, innovation, strategic fit, and performance. The results improve our understanding of the links between strategic fit and performance.
Francisco J. Martínez-López, Irene Esteban-Millat, Ana Argila and Francisco Rejón-Guardia
Psychological perspective has been omitted or considered a secondary issue by past studies focused on e-commerce recommendation systems (RS). However, this perspective is key to…
Psychological perspective has been omitted or considered a secondary issue by past studies focused on e-commerce recommendation systems (RS). However, this perspective is key to gaining a better understanding of consumer behaviours when these systems are used to support purchasing processes at online stores. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
The field study consisted of a simulated online shopping process undertaken by a sample of internet users with a recommender system at a real online store (Pixmania). The authors applied rigorous and detailed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to assess the empirical validity of the model.
The proposed sequence of psychological outcomes is valid, with the exception of one hypothesized relationship. In particular, satisfaction with an online store’s recommender has a strong influence on a consumer’s willingness to purchase one of the items related to his/her shopping goal. However, this satisfaction has no direct effect on a consumer’s intention to make add-on purchases based on the recommender’s suggestions. On the contrary, the results support the idea that add-on purchases are conditioned by a previous purchase related to the consumer’s initial shopping goal. On the other hand, a consumer’s flow state while shopping improves all his/her psychological outcomes linked to an online store’s recommender. The influence of flow state is particularly interesting when seeking to gain a better understanding of consumers’ unplanned purchases based on the recommender’s suggestions. These findings have important implications for practitioners.
This paper discusses in detail and empirically test a set of psychological outcomes that emerge when an e-vendor’s recommender is used to assist a consumer’s shopping process. To the best of the knowledge, this is the first attempt that empirically tests most of the hypothesized relationships within an online store’s RS context.
Francisco J. Martínez-López, José M. Merigó, Leslier Valenzuela-Fernández and Carolina Nicolás
The European Journal of Marketing was created in 1967. In 2017, the journal celebrates its 50th anniversary. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a bibliometric…
The European Journal of Marketing was created in 1967. In 2017, the journal celebrates its 50th anniversary. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a bibliometric overview of the leading trends of the journal during this period.
This work uses the Scopus database to analyse the most productive authors, institutions and countries, as well as the most cited papers and the citing articles. The investigation uses bibliometric indicators to represent the bibliographic data, including the total number of publications and citations between 1967 and 2017. Additionally, the article also develops a graphical visualization of the bibliographic material by using the visualization of similarities viewer software to map journals, keywords and institutions with bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis.
British authors and institutions are the most productive in the journal, although Australians’ are growing significantly the number of papers published. Continental European institutions are also increasing the number of publications, but they are still far from reaching the British contribution so far. In the mid-term, however, these zone’s authors and institutions, especially those from big European countries like France, Germany, Italy and Spain, should reach a closer performance to British ones; more as less long, historic, but more recent periods of analysis are considered.
Practical implications
This article is useful for any reader of this journal to understand questions such as papers’ European Journal of Marketing-related scientific productivity in terms of, for instance, contributors/authors, institutions and countries, or the main sources used to back them.
This is the first comprehensive article offering a general overview of the leading trends and researchers of the journal over its history.
Rafael Anaya-Sánchez, Rocío Aguilar-Illescas, Sebastián Molinillo and Francisco J. Martínez-López
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effects of brand trust and online brand community (OBC) trust on consumer repurchase intention and the positive electronic…
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effects of brand trust and online brand community (OBC) trust on consumer repurchase intention and the positive electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) intention of OBC members.
The research model was assessed using data from a sample of 628 OBC users using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).
The results show that brand trust positively affects repurchase intention and positive eWOM intention, both directly and indirectly through OBC trust. The total effect of brand trust on the results is greater than that of OBC trust.
This research contributes to marketing theory and practice by analysing the combined effect of OBC trust and brand trust on the consumer–brand relationship in the context of OBCs.
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los efectos de la confianza en la marca y la confianza en la comunidad online de marca en la intención de los miembros de la comunidad de recomprar dicha marca y de hablar bien electrónicamente (eWOM) sobre la misma.
El modelo de investigación fue evaluado usando datos de una muestra de 628 usuarios de comunidades online de marca, mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales por el método de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM).
Los resultados muestran que la confianza en la marca afecta positivamente a la intención de recompra y al eWOM positivo, directa e indirectamente a través de la confianza en la comunidad. El efecto total de la confianza en la marca es mayor que el de la confianza en la comunidad.
Esta investigación contribuye a la teoría y práctica del marketing al analizar el efecto combinado de la confianza en la marca y en la comunidad online de marca, en las relaciones consumidor-marca.
Francisco J. Martínez‐López, Inma Rodríguez‐Ardura, Juan Carlos Gázquez‐Abad, Manuel J. Sánchez‐Franco and Claudia C. Cabal
The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site…
The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site recommendation system as well as the main psychological outcomes involved.
The approach takes the form of theoretical modelling.
A conceptual model is proposed and discussed. A total of 20 research propositions are theoretically analyzed and justified.
Research limitations/implications
The theoretical discussion developed here is not empirically validated. This represents an opportunity for future research.
Practical implications
The ideas extracted from the discussion of the conceptual model should be a help for recommendation systems designers and web site managers, so that they may be more aware, when working with such systems, of the psychological process consumers undergo when interacting with them. In this regard, numerous practical reflections and suggestions are presented.
The paper is based on and adapts classical theories of consumer behaviour, integrating them into particular theories developed within the framework of computer‐mediated environments.
José Luis Ruiz-Real, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Irene Esteban-Millat and Francisco J. Martínez-López
The purpose of this paper is to analyze consumers’ reaction to assortment composition.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze consumers’ reaction to assortment composition.
This study examines several scenarios: private label (PL)-only assortments; mixed assortments (PL and national brands (NBs)), and in the latter case both small and large assortments. Consumers’ reaction is measured through three dependent variables: store image, PL purchase intention and store-switching intentions. The authors ran a structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the influence of different explanatory aspects (product category involvement, attitude toward PL, value consciousness and assortment variety perception) on consumers’ reactions for each scenario. For this research, the authors carried out an online experiment with a sample of 1,400 individuals from a large panel of consumers.
Consumers react differently to different assortment compositions, giving importance to the differences between the three assortment models analyzed. The results show that the composition of the assortment, either according to its size or its structure, influences consumers’ response in a significant way. The results demonstrate that store image exclusively affects PL purchase intention in PL-only assortments. Only in mixed assortments is there a relationship between the assortment variety perception and store image, product category involvement and PL purchase intention, and both store image and value consciousness are related to store-switching intentions. Store-switching intentions decrease when consumers intend to purchase PL, but strictly in PL-only and large mixed assortments. Finally, value consciousness and variety perception are positively related to PL purchase intentions only in large mixed assortments.
Research limitations/implications
One limitation of this research is that it is restricted to the Spanish context. Second, the methodology is based on an online experiment, with the advantages and disadvantages that this entails. Third, the authors did not differentiate between high- and low-value PL which, if undertaken, could be of interest for observing how brand value affects the management of retail assortments. Finally, the authors did not differentiate regular buyers at these retail chains from those who are not.
Practical implications
The comparison between different assortment compositions helps the authors to draw some very interesting conclusions. The estimation of different consumers’ responses is ideal for providing retailers with recommendations on how to frame their assortment strategies. Thus, the main recommendation of this study for retailers is to look for a “balance” between PL and NBs, i.e., to offer mixed assortments.
Aside from mixed assortments, this study estimates the consequences of assortments that are exclusively PL. The authors proposed and deployed a SEM, so this paper contributes to the retailing field by including multiple dependent variables – store image, PL purchase intention and store-switching intentions. The authors conducted an online experiment containing “real” brands, which is another contribution as it enables consumers’ response to be estimated in a “real” environment.
José Luis Ruiz-Real, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Irene Esteban-Millat and Francisco J. Martínez-López
The authors analyze the relationship between different consumer attitudinal variables and a number of variables related to consumer perception of the store and purchasing…
The authors analyze the relationship between different consumer attitudinal variables and a number of variables related to consumer perception of the store and purchasing behavior, in assortments composed exclusively of private labels (PLs).
The authors developed an experiment based on an online survey to test the hypotheses formulated. The model’s causal relationships are established using structural equations.
The image of stores that only offer their own brand is mainly configured by price consciousness and the attitude toward the private label. The private label purchase intention is strongly influenced by the store image and a favorable attitude toward the brand, and loyalty strategies should be aimed at securing a clear perception of providing real value.
Practical implications
For retailers who only offer their own brands, an assortment with price-competitive PLs is key to the strategy of differentiating them from other retailers. It is reasonable to assume that, if retailers have a favorable image, customers transfer this brand value to their PLs and trust them. Customer loyalty strategies of these retailers should be aimed at ensuring that consumers clearly perceive that their assortment provides real value and that, although it is limited in terms of number of brands, it can meet all their needs.
This research represents a significant contribution to brand management literature because, includes, together with loyalty to the store, its image and the PL purchase intention as consumer response variables. Another differentiating feature is the methodology used. Estimation of the structural equation model permits the simultaneous estimation of the relationships between the variables.
Analizamos la relación entre diferentes variables actitudinales de los consumidores y un número de variables relativas a la percepción de los consumidores con respecto al establecimiento y el comportamiento de compra, todo ello en surtidos compuestos exclusivamente por marcas de distribuidor.
Desarrollamos un experimento online, basado en una encuesta, para testar las hipótesis planteadas. Utilizamos ecuaciones estructurales para determiner las relaciones causales del modelo.
La imagen de los establecimientos que ofrecen exclusivamente su propia marca se configura, principalmente, por la conciencia de precio y por la actitud de los consumidores hacia la marca privada. La intención de compra de la marca de distribuidor está fuertemente influenciada por la imagen del establecimiento y por una actitud favorable hacia dicha marca, por lo que las estrategias de fidelización de clientes deberían estar orientadas a asegurar una clara percepción de proporcionar valor real a los consumidores.
Implicaciones prácticas
Para los minoristas que ofertan exclusivamente sus propias marcas, un surtido con marcas de distribuidor muy competitivas en precio es fundamental en su estrategia de diferenciación de sus competidores. Además, es razonable suponer que si los minoristas cuentan con una imagen favorable, los consumidores trasladarán este valor de marca a sus propias marcas propias y confiarán en ellas. Las estrategias de fidelización de este tipo de minoristas deberían ir enfocadas a asegurarse de que los consumidores perciben claramente el valor real que aporta su surtido y que, aunque limitado en términos de número de marcas y alternativas, les permite cubrir todas sus necesidades.
Esta investigación supone una significativa contribución a la literatura sobre gestión de marcas al incluir, conjuntamente con la lealtad al establecimiento, su imagen y la intención de compra de la marca de distribuidor como variables respuesta del consumidor. Otro elemento diferenciador es la metodología empleada, ya que la estimación del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales permite la estimación simultánea de las relaciones entre las distintas variables.
Francisco J. Martínez‐López, Paula Luna and Francisco José Martínez
First, to theoretically justify and empirically test the sequence of effects based on the standard learning hierarchy to explain consumers' online buying‐related responses…
First, to theoretically justify and empirically test the sequence of effects based on the standard learning hierarchy to explain consumers' online buying‐related responses. Second, to analyse the moderating role that consumers' internet expertise can play on the formation of both their affective and buying‐related responses towards this medium.
This study poses a conceptual model which is tested by means of LISREL. The data used come from a questionnaire applied to American and Spanish internet users. These two countries have been selected taking into account their differences regarding their degree of internet expertise.
The modelling approach appears to be adequate to explain online consumer behaviour. Moreover, different levels of consumers' internet expertise determines, in general, the predominance of the central or the peripheral route within the formation of their affective and behavioural responses to this medium.
Research limitations/implications
This study provides a relevant contribution to the field of consumer behaviour on the internet. It presents an extensive literature review; it introduces new concepts and new relations among them; it successfully adapts classic consumer theories, i.e. the CAB paradigm and the Elaboration Likelihood Model – to the electronic market context; and it has a cross‐national vision.
Practical implications
It shows how any virtual firm which endeavours to understand consumers' shopping behaviour in its web site should consider these general issues in conjunction with the rest of the specific factors and variables related to it.
This is one of the first studies which, on the one hand, theoretically integrates in a model the following concepts: beliefs and attitude towards the internet, trust in internet shopping and online shopping, and on the other, demonstrates that the degree of internet expertise plays an essential role in determining how consumers process and form their affective and buying‐related responses on the internet.
Francisco J. Martínez‐López, Juan C. Gázquez‐Abad and Carlos M.P. Sousa
Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a method that is very frequently applied by marketing and business researchers to assess empirically new theoretical proposals articulated…
Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a method that is very frequently applied by marketing and business researchers to assess empirically new theoretical proposals articulated by means of complex models. It is, therefore, a logical thought that the quality of the new advances in marketing and business theory depends, in part, on how well SEM is applied. This study aims to conduct an extensive review and empirical analysis of a broad variety of classic and recent controversies and issues related with the use of SEM, in order to identify problematic questions and prescribe a compendium of solutions for its suitable application.
The main analyses were conducted on a sample of 191 SEM‐based papers and 472 applications, i.e. all the SEM‐based studies published in four leading marketing journals during the period 1995‐2007.
Despite the maturity of SEM, its application in marketing research still has notable room for improvement. This is a general conclusion based on numerous problems detected and discussed here.
Practical implications
The study provides plausible solutions to the problems identified, a useful guide that is easy to follow and to apply adequately to present SEM issues in marketing and business studies.
Research limitations/implications
The sample of SEM‐based papers and applications is limited to four publication outlets. A wider set or/and other journals different to those analyzed here may be preferred.
This is a valuable and timely study of the application of SEM in marketing and business research, and is also useful as a guiding framework for good practice. Likewise, as the problems discussed here presumably occur in other areas of social science, this paper should be welcome beyond the borders of the business disciplines.