Frank Siedlok, Paul Hibbert and Fiona Whitehurst
The purpose of this paper is to develop a more detailed understanding of how embedding in different social networks relates to different types of action that individuals choose in…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a more detailed understanding of how embedding in different social networks relates to different types of action that individuals choose in the context of organizational closures, downsizing or relocations. To develop such insights, this paper focuses on three particular types of social networks, namely, intra-organizational; external professional and local community networks. These three types of networks have been frequently related to different types of action in the context of closures and relocations.
This is a conceptual paper. The authors develop the argument by integrating relevant recent literature on the salience related to embedding in different types of social networks, with a particular focus on responses to organizational closure or relocation.
The authors argue that at times of industrial decline and closure: embeddedness in intra-organizational networks can favor collective direct action; embeddedness in professional networks is likely to favor individual direct action and embeddedness in community networks can lead to individual indirect action. The authors then add nuance to the argument by considering a range of complicating factors that can constrain or enable the course (s) of action favored by particular combinations of network influences.
On a theoretical level, this paper adds to understandings of the role of network embeddedness in influencing individual and collective responses to such disruptive events; and direct or indirect forms of response. On a practical level, the authors contribute to understandings about how the employment landscape may evolve in regions affected by organizational demise, and how policymakers may study with or through network influences to develop more responsible downsizing approaches.
Nahed Munir Arafat, Jane Woodin and Amanda Savioli Marques Tavares
This article discusses the importance of the relationship between cultural awareness (CA) training and post-training reflection in the health-care sector, and considers the…
This article discusses the importance of the relationship between cultural awareness (CA) training and post-training reflection in the health-care sector, and considers the implications for future developments for CA training in relation to content, audience, process and format.
A total of 77 health and social care professionals (HCSPs) took part in a 4-h CA training, 25 of whom also opted for an additional optional reflection hour. The results reported on in this paper are drawn from the experiences of the 25 participants in the optional reflection sessions (RSs), using a thematic analysis approach.
Participants highly valued the “safe space” in both the CA workshop and the optional follow-on RS, enabling them to share experiences, revisit topics and feel supported to put things into practice. They also reported a growing confidence in dealing with intercultural challenges, in particular in asking questions and being curious about topics they did not understand.
This research points towards a strong recommendation for open-ended CA training, allowing participants to articulate their experiences, fears and concerns. It also highlights the importance of a follow-on RS as an integral part of CA training; both of these were found to offer opportunities for strengthening HSCPs’ skills and facilitate the transition of learning from the workshop context into the workplace, with the ultimate aim of reducing inequalities in the quality of patient care.