Garazi Azanza, Marjan J. Gorgievski, Juan Antonio Moriano and Fernando Molero
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between sales managers’ authentic leadership style and salespeople’s positive development.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between sales managers’ authentic leadership style and salespeople’s positive development.
Multilevel regression analysis was used to examine the data from 40 work teams from several Spanish retail companies (190 salespeople and 40 sales managers).
In line with previous studies, the analyses indicated that sales managers’ authentic leadership style as perceived by employees significantly predicted salespeople’s work engagement and psychological capital (PsyCap). Contrary to the expectations, salespeople’s perceptions of sales managers’ authentic leadership did not relate to sales managers’ self-ratings of authentic leadership, but instead related to sales managers’ gender (women were perceived as more authentic) and higher perceived frequency of leader–follower interaction.
The study contributes to the literature by testing if sales managers’ variables (gender and self-ratings of authentic leadership and perceived frequency of leader–follower interaction) predict salespeople’s perceptions of authentic leadership, which in turn, predict salespeople’s positive development (work engagement and PsyCap).
Sergio Edú-Valsania, Juan Antonio Moriano and Fernando Molero
– The purpose of this paper is to explore the relations of authentic leadership (AL) with employee knowledge sharing behavior and intervening processes.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relations of authentic leadership (AL) with employee knowledge sharing behavior and intervening processes.
A correlational study is presented with a sample of 562 workers belonging to diverse Spanish organizations.
The results obtained by means of multiple regression analysis showed positive associations of AL on employees’ knowledge sharing behavior. Specifically, the effect on these employee behaviors was fully mediated by the group innovation climate, and partially by their identification with the workgroup.
Research limitations/implications
Future works should study this association in depth and examine possible differential relationships of AL on diverse types employee knowledge, explicit, and implicit, proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995).
Practical implications
The study indicates the type of leadership that should be developed in organizations, and the type of processes and environments to foster in the work units to stimulate acts of sharing knowledge among the members.
This is the first study examining innovation group climate and workgroup identification as mediators between AL with employee knowledge sharing behavior.
Garazi Azanza, Juan A. Moriano, Fernando Molero and Jean-Pierre Lévy Mangin
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between employees’ perception of authentic leadership and their turnover intention as mediated by employees’ work-group…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between employees’ perception of authentic leadership and their turnover intention as mediated by employees’ work-group identification (WID) and work engagement.
Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data from 623 Spanish employees.
Results show that authentic leadership has a negative effect on turnover intention and positive effects on work engagement and WID. The direct relationship between authentic leadership and turnover intention was found to be partially mediated by employees’ work engagement.
Practical implications
One of the strongest implications that may be drawn from this study is that authentic leaders can influence employees’ turnover intentions by positively enhancing their engagement. Thus, the study highlights authentic leadership as a key element for retaining valuable employees through the promotion of employees’ work engagement.
To the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to analyze the association between authentic leadership and turnover intention and the meditational effect of work engagement and WID.
Bruno Bernal, Juan Carlos Molero and Fernando Perez De Gracia
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of fossil fuel prices – crude oil, natural gas and coal – on different electricity prices in Mexico. The use of alternative…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of fossil fuel prices – crude oil, natural gas and coal – on different electricity prices in Mexico. The use of alternative variables for electricity price helps to increase the robustness of the analysis in comparison to previous empirical studies.
The authors use an unrestricted vector autoregressive model and the sample covers the period January 2006 to January 2016.
Empirical findings suggest that crude oil, natural gas and coal prices have a significant positive impact on electricity prices – domestic electricity rates – in Mexico in the short run. Furthermore, crude oil and natural gas prices have also a significant positive impact on electricity prices – commercial and industrial electricity rates.
Two are the main contributions. First, this paper explores the nexus among crude oil, natural gas, coal and electricity prices in Mexico, while previous studies focus on the US, UK and some European economies. Second, instead of using one electricity price as a reference of national or domestic electricity sector, the analysis considers alternative Mexican electricity prices.
– The purpose of this paper is to analyze the circumstances that have conditioned the development of education in Spain from the enlightenment to the present day.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the circumstances that have conditioned the development of education in Spain from the enlightenment to the present day.
Multidisciplinary scientific approach that combines the interpretation of the legal texts with the revision of the doctrinal and theoretical contributions made on the issue.
From the beginning of the nineteenth century, the history of education in Spain has been marked by constant fluctuations between the reactionary instincts, principally maintained by the Catholic Church and the conservative social classes, and the progressive experiments, driven by the enlightened and the liberals first, and the republicans and the socialists later. As a consequence of that, the fight for finishing with illiteracy and guaranteeing universal schooling underwent permanent advances and retreats, preventing from an effective modernization of the Spanish educative system. On the one hand, renewal projects promoted by teachers and pedagogues were inevitably criticized by the ecclesiastical hierarchy, obsessed with the idea of preserving the influence of religion on the schools. On the other hand, successive governments were weak in implementing an educational policy which could place Spain at the level of the other European and occidental nations.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, although the country has overcome a good part of its centuries-old backwardness, increasing economic difficulties and old ideological splits keep hampering the quality of teaching, gripped by neoliberal policies which undermine the right to education for all. The reading of this paper offers various historical clues to understand this process.
Eulalia Santos, Vanessa Ratten, Ana Diogo and Fernando Tavares
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread rapidly around the world and Portugal is no exception. Positive and negative effects are extremely important in individual's life experiences and…
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread rapidly around the world and Portugal is no exception. Positive and negative effects are extremely important in individual's life experiences and in particular in the context of the quarantine, in which it is important to maintain the balance between favorable and unfavorable situations. The purpose of this paper is to study in depth the intensity of the affect during the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal and to validate a scale of positive and negative affect in the context of quarantine and confinement.
The methodology used is of a quantitative nature, based on a questionnaire survey to measure the intensity of the affects and to analyze some sociodemographic variables. The sample consists of 726 individuals of age 18 years or older, who were in Portugal during the quarantine of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The results show that respondents were concerned, anxious, well-disposed and impatient. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis applied to affects produced a latent structure with two factors: negative affect and positive affect. The affect scale has adequate convergent and discriminant validity and good internal consistency, with negative affect being experienced by individuals with greater intensity compared to positive affect.
It is hoped that this study contributes to an increase in the scientific knowledge in the field of the affects in the context of delicate situations such as the pandemic COVID-19 so that health professionals can intervene to improve individual’s well-being. This is an important way to provide better health policy that considers in more depth individual wellbeing and emotions during times of crisis. Limitations and suggestions for future research are also stated that highlight the importance of understanding emotional states of individuals during crisis events.
Mª Pilar Alonso Lifante, Celia Chaín Navarro and Francisco José González González
– The purpose of this paper is to show that some important astronomical information is still not taken into account in the documental description of historical star catalogues.
The purpose of this paper is to show that some important astronomical information is still not taken into account in the documental description of historical star catalogues.
A sample of 28 historical star catalogues (eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries) from the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy was selected in order to analyse their structure and to identify information patterns.
The analysis shows that there are a number of technical parameters which are not present in the cataloguing standards and which should be taken into account in the bibliographic descriptions of these specialised documents since they are of great interest to astronomers and astrophysicists. On the other hand, star catalogues provide some cartographic information which can be described by these standards but whose corresponding fields are not widely used by cataloguers.
A proposal of new technical parameters is given in order to try to improve the bibliographic records of these astronomical resources. Some directions are also given in order to identify the sections of the catalogues where these parameters may be found, making the task of locating them easier.
Rui Martins, Luis Farinha and João J. Ferreira
This study aims to obtain insights based on empirical evidence that identify the key drivers and obstacles that lead companies to (re)/enter markets and distinguish the different…
This study aims to obtain insights based on empirical evidence that identify the key drivers and obstacles that lead companies to (re)/enter markets and distinguish the different paths SMEs take. This also provides deeper insights into internationalisation, success, failure and the potential for the re-internationalisation of the SMEs.
The authors used a qualitative research methodology based on six case studies and with recourse to semi-structured interviews with the senior managers of exporting SMEs.
The results report that SMEs with major investments deployed in their internationalisation processes, through recourse to high levels of bank financing, in association with the COVID-19 pandemic period, were not able to successfully overcome the process of internationalisation and culminating in their own bankruptcies.
This study shows how, despite such failures, the attractiveness and reputation of the brand, supported by the strategic vision and perseverance of new investors (entrepreneurs), enabled the rebirth of the brands and opening the door to their re-entering international markets.
Este estudio pretende obtener perspectivas basadas en pruebas empíricas que identifiquen los motores y obstáculos clave que llevan a las empresas a (re)/entrar en los mercados y distinguir los distintos caminos que siguen las PYME. Asimismo, se profundiza en la internacionalización, el éxito, el fracaso y el potencial de reinternacionalización de las PYME.
Los autores utilizaron una metodología de investigación cualitativa basada en seis estudios de casos y con recurso a entrevistas semiestructuradas con altos directivos de PYME exportadoras.
Los resultados informan de que PYMEs con grandes inversiones desplegadas en sus procesos de internacionalización, a través del recurso a altos niveles de financiación bancaria, en asociación con el periodo de pandemia COVID-19, no fueron capaces de superar con éxito el proceso de internacionalización y culminaron en sus propias quiebras.
Este estudio muestra cómo, a pesar de tales fracasos, el atractivo y la reputación de la marca, apoyados por la visión estratégica y la perseverancia de los nuevos inversores (empresarios), permitieron el renacimiento de las marcas y abrieron la puerta a su reentrada en los mercados internacionales.
Este estudo procura obter insights com base em evidências empíricas que identifiquem os principais drivers e obstáculos que levam as empresas a (re)/entrar nos mercados e distinguir os diferentes caminhos percorridos pelas PME . Isso também fornece insights mais profundos sobre internacionalização, sucesso, fracasso e o potencial para a re-internacionalização das PMEs.
Os autores utilizaram uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa baseada em seis estudos de caso e com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas a quadros superiores de PME exportadoras.
Os resultados dão conta de que as PME com grandes investimentos efetuados nos seus processos de internacionalização, através do recurso a elevados níveis de financiamento bancário, em associação com o período de pandemia COVID-19, não conseguiram ultrapassar com sucesso o processo de internacionalização e culminando na sua própria falências.
Este estudo mostra como, apesar de tais falhas, a atratividade e a reputação da marca, apoiadas na visão estratégica e na perseverança de novos investidores (empreendedores), permitiram o renascimento das marcas e abriram as portas à sua reentrada nos mercados internacionais.
- Brand rebirth
- Case study
- Internationalisation
- Internationalisation strategy
- Re-internationalisation
- SME internationalisation
- Renacimiento de la marca
- Estudio de caso
- Internacionalización
- Estrategia de internacionalización
- Reinternacionalización
- Internacionalización de las PYME
- Renascimento da marca
- Estudo de caso
- Internacionalização
- Estratégia de internacionalização
- Re-internacionalização
- Internacionalização de PME
The purpose of this research is to expand a better understanding of how corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives affect climate for innovation and opportunism within…
The purpose of this research is to expand a better understanding of how corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives affect climate for innovation and opportunism within architectural design firms (ADFs).
The literature review and discussions with industry practitioners identified an initial list of variables. A questionnaire survey was developed, validated and delivered to employees working in ADFs. 226 valid responses were collected. Then, the structural equation modeling (SEM) method was employed to empirically investigate the relationships between CSR performance, climate for innovation and opportunism in a single integrative model.
The results empirically support that CSR performance has a positive effect on climate for innovation and a negative effect on opportunism. In addition, climate for innovation shows a negative effect on opportunism.
Research limitations/implications
This research highlights that CSR performance is essential for ADFs to better achieve sustainable development. By doing CSR activities, climate for innovation in ADFs is expected to be improved, and a sense of opportunism is mitigated. The findings of this paper are explicitly delivered in the context of Vietnamese ADFs and could not be straightforwardly generalized or translated to the construction industry or other sectors in different research contexts.
Practical implications
The findings show that a climate for innovation is crucial in ADFs. Business managers are encouraged to employ CSR initiatives to foster an innovation climate and reduce a sense of opportunism within ADFs.
This study is one of the first attempts to investigate the relationships between CSR performance, climate for innovation, and opportunism within ADFs. While the findings highlight the critical role of CSR performance, the study argues that CSR should be carefully implemented because there are no “one-size-fits-all” CSR strategies for different business contexts.
Linda Rothman, Frans De Vijlder, René Schalk and Martine Van Regenmortel
This paper aims to present a systematic review on organizational empowerment (OE) using Peterson and Zimmerman´s model (2004) as a starting point. The aim is to further…
This paper aims to present a systematic review on organizational empowerment (OE) using Peterson and Zimmerman´s model (2004) as a starting point. The aim is to further conceptualize OE, discover how the components in the model influence each other and identify recommendations for future research.
All articles that cited the OE model, published in 2004 by Peterson and Zimmerman, have been systematically reviewed. In total, 37 studies of 410, found in Google Scholar and Web of Science, are included in the review.
The review revealed that intra-, inter- and extra-organizational empowerment affect each other and that evidence for the processes and outcomes on intra-organizational empowerment have increased, but there is limited additional evidence for the other two components.
Research limitations/implications
Literature was searched in two databases, focusing on the OE model. A search using other databases on OE as a broad concept might provide additional sources.
Practical implications
Findings are relevant for professionals, leaders in human service organizations, educators and researchers. Practice can be improved by applying the knowledge; educators can use the results in their program and researchers may use the findings for the further development of OE.
Since the OE model was presented in 2004, no systematic review has been performed. Therefore, this review contributes to the further conceptualization of OE.