It is very fashionable today to talk about information and documentation and their tremendous growth. Much has been said and done about scientific and technical information…
It is very fashionable today to talk about information and documentation and their tremendous growth. Much has been said and done about scientific and technical information. However, until recently, economic information has been more or less treated as a poor relation. The fact that a conference, such as this one and also a subsequent seminar to be held in April, by request of members of the Aslib Chemical Group, is a very encouraging sign that the situation is now undergoing change.
June MON.21. Evening meeting at Aslib, 5 for 5.30 p.m. Joint meeting with Institute of Information Scientists. Walter M. Carlson, Director of Technical Information, United States…
June MON.21. Evening meeting at Aslib, 5 for 5.30 p.m. Joint meeting with Institute of Information Scientists. Walter M. Carlson, Director of Technical Information, United States Defense Documentation Center.
The theme of your Conference—Co‐operation—describes perfectly the present role of the industrial Research Associations and their support of British Industry. Forty‐five individual…
The theme of your Conference—Co‐operation—describes perfectly the present role of the industrial Research Associations and their support of British Industry. Forty‐five individual Research Associations are at present actively serving industry and they form a powerful link whereby the policy needs of government, the fundamental research activity in the universities and the technological and economic needs of industry come together at a focal point.
Man, although generally described as a social animal, is not particularly well equipped for co‐operating with his fellows. Co‐operation implies willingness to surrender some…
Man, although generally described as a social animal, is not particularly well equipped for co‐operating with his fellows. Co‐operation implies willingness to surrender some freedom of action in order to promote the common good of the group, and although we exhibit this kind of behaviour throughout our lives, we do so only in response to pressures which are such that any other form of conduct would be intolerable.