POWERED Hying controls have been fitted to aircraft for more than 20 years and with larger or faster types—both aeroplanes and helicopters—have become almost taken for granted…
POWERED Hying controls have been fitted to aircraft for more than 20 years and with larger or faster types—both aeroplanes and helicopters—have become almost taken for granted. But their form can vary considerably and the present is a good time to take a long look at some of the factors which govern the system adopted.
ONE of the most fortunate factors in hydraulic oil filtration is that in recent years the manufacturers and users have recognized its genuine importance. The need for constant…
ONE of the most fortunate factors in hydraulic oil filtration is that in recent years the manufacturers and users have recognized its genuine importance. The need for constant improvement in the standard of cleanliness of hydraulic oils has resulted from increased sophistication of the system concerned, and has certainly posed problems for the manufacturers of filtration equipment.
The 58th Annual Conference of the Sanitary Inspectors Association was held at Margate from September 10th to 14th. Mr. F. Willey, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food…
The 58th Annual Conference of the Sanitary Inspectors Association was held at Margate from September 10th to 14th. Mr. F. Willey, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, addressed delegates on September 12th, when discussions were devoted exclusively to clean food. He spoke of the valuable work being done by local authorities, and regarded education as more than half the battle. Referring to the Food and Drugs Acts he said it was now being considered whether wider powers were necessary in order to keep abreast of current trends in the food manufacturing and distributive industries, with advances in sanitary sciences and practice, and with enlightened public opinion.
Diana Gonzalez Kirby and Margaret Borgeest
Researchers, subject specialists, and information professionals have long been aware of scientific and technical (sci‐tech) dictionaries available from the U.S. government. Yet…
Researchers, subject specialists, and information professionals have long been aware of scientific and technical (sci‐tech) dictionaries available from the U.S. government. Yet these reference sources often remain invisible to the general public, especially in libraries that exclude government documents from the main catalog or that maintain separate documents collections. However, as more libraries automate their holdings and load cataloging records for government publications into their online public access catalogs (OPACs), government documents should become more visible. Until then, it may surprise some to learn that many U.S. government agencies have allocated vast resources into compiling, publishing, and updating technical dictionaries in print, microfiche, and electronic format.
The factors which influence costs of production of food and the prices to the consumer have changed dramatically during this century, but especially since the establishment of…
The factors which influence costs of production of food and the prices to the consumer have changed dramatically during this century, but especially since the establishment of trading systems all over the world. Gone are the days when the simple expedients of supply and demand alone governed the situation. The erosion of these principles began at the turn of the century, mainly as a result of the introduction by the rapidly developing industrial power of the USA to protect her own industries against the cheaper products of European countries. They introduced the system of tariffs on imported manufactured goods; it grew and eventually was made to apply to wide sectors of industry. European countries retaliated but the free trade policy of Britain's Liberal government was making the country a dumping ground for all other country's cheap products and surpluses.
THE rocket motor is a form of jet propulsion which is characterized by independence of the external atmosphere for combustion, relative independence of altitude and flight…
THE rocket motor is a form of jet propulsion which is characterized by independence of the external atmosphere for combustion, relative independence of altitude and flight velocity upon thrust, small frontal area for high thrusts, simple construction and low weight, and high rate of fuel consumption. Its use was greatly developed during the war years and many applications are now familiar to all. Most of the work on rocket missiles, such as the anti‐aircraft barrages, fighter armament, etc., was performed with solid fuel rockets, but liquid fuels were developed by the Germans for the well‐known V.2, for the Me. 163 aircraft, the Henschel glide bomb and various other applications. They concentrated a great deal of effort on this work and considerable technical progress had been made with different systems. Three main systems emerged and these were distinguished by the oxygen bearing fluids they used. The fluids were:
This paper extends the nature and relevance of exploring the historical roots of social and environmental accounting by investigating an account that recorded and made visible…
This paper extends the nature and relevance of exploring the historical roots of social and environmental accounting by investigating an account that recorded and made visible pollution in 17th century London. John Evelyn's Fumifugium (1661) is characterised as an external social account that bears resemblance to contemporary external accounting particularly given its problematising intentionality.
An interpretive content analysis of the text draws out the themes and features of social accounting. Emancipatory accounting theory is the theoretical lens through which Evelyn's social account is interpreted, applying a microhistory research approach. We interpret Fumifugium as a social account with reference to the context of the reporting accountant.
In this early example of a stakeholder “giving an account” rather than an “account rendered” by an entity, Evelyn problematises industrial pollution and its impacts with the stated intention of changing industrial practices. We find that Fumifugium was used in challenging, resisting and seeking to solve an environmental problem by highlighting the adverse consequences to those in power and rendering new solutions thinkable.
This is the first research paper to extend investigations of the historical roots of social and environmental accounting into the 17th century. It also extends research investigating alternative forms of account by focusing on a report produced by an interested party and includes a novel use of the emancipatory accounting theoretical lens to investigate this historic report. Fumifugium challenged the lack of accountability of businesses in ways similar to present-day campaigns to address the overwhelming challenge of climate change.